
Secrets Galore Behind the Gore – John Carl Buechler on Part VII

Secrets Galore Behind the Gore – John Carl Buechler on Part VII

Behind the scenes on the gore effects used in Part VII.

Nataly Fish

Bob The Gorehound

Bob The Gorehound

A maniac kills people in very brutal ways while wearing masks from various horror films.

Nataly Fish

This Is Not A Place For You

This Is Not A Place For You

A young lady, living in a big city is searching for a flat that suits her needs. A realtor is showing her many flats trying to sell one. The lady has a boredom that can not be defined why. While they are searching for a flat, her distress rises. She begins to follow her instincts. Something strange begins to evolve in her body & soul.

Nataly Fish

History of Vomit Gore

History of Vomit Gore

Short documentary.

Nataly Fish

Gore Store 2

Gore Store 2

After the creators/masterminds of the company DARK DIMESIONS noticed that they had opened a lucrative business through their snuff and torture videos disguised as normal horror films, the murder really began. Even high politicians and influential mafios came back to their services of making people disappear. But chance wants it that among those w..

Nataly Fish

Glory & Gore

Glory & Gore

Notorious ex-president of an elite university's symposium club returns to seemingly reclaim his role in a twisted game of power with an old friend who replaced him.

Nataly Fish

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane!

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane!

The Gorenger head for Matsuyama to prevent the Black Cross from firing a missile to destroy Japan. Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane is a theatrical film based on the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger television series. It was originally shown on July 22, 1976 (between Episodes 56 and 57 of the TV series) as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri film fest..

Nataly Fish

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Blue Fortress

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Blue Fortress

A mission to take down a Black Cross fortress becomes hampered when a Masked Monster, under the direction of a returned general, takes Variblune from Shinmei for their usage. This is a theatrical version of episode 15 of the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger television series.

Nataly Fish

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Movie

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Movie

L'Armée de la Croix noire projette d'envahir le monde. Mais le commandant Gonpachi Edogawa décide alors de former une équipe à laquelle est confiée la tâche de lutter contre cette menace.

Nataly Fish

Mission : Impossible 3

Mission : Impossible 3

Ethan espérait avoir tourné une page en quittant le service actif de la Force Mission Impossible pour un poste de formateur ; pouvoir enfin mener une vie « normale », se consacrer tout entier à sa ravissante épouse, Julia. Mais lorsque Lindsey, la plus brillante recrue de l’IMF « tombe » à Berlin, Ethan se sent moralement obligé d..

Nataly Fish

Guts & Gore

Guts & Gore

Alex Wesley spreads the carnage again in this trilogy of splatter tales. Independent, gore filled fun.

Nataly Fish

Place of Gorenstein

Place of Gorenstein

The main thing for a real writer and his readers is texts. A biography is a less significant thing. Most readers of Don Quixote do not know the biography of Cervantes and do not particularly need it. But sometimes the biography of a writer can become an explanation for the incident of a genius who turned out to be unnecessary or unidentified, unrec..

Nataly Fish



Lesha lives in Moscow. Everything is normal with Lesha. He is a typical "hero of our time." But there is something that does not give him rest. And there is a person who will change his life when Lesha is still only 23, ahead of him has a whole life, and behind him is childhood.

Nataly Fish

Swabian Granny Gore Terror

Swabian Granny Gore Terror

After eating a mysterious jar of pickled fruit from the 1800s, a curmudgeonly woman transforms into a hideous and bloodthirsty granny hellbent on wreaking havoc on the criminals and lowlifes in her neighborhood.

Nataly Fish

Super Gore Girl

Super Gore Girl

Nataly Fish

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Red Death Match

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Red Death Match

The Gorenger try to retrieve rocket plans stolen by the Black Cross as Daita meets a mysterious girl he saves from them. This is a theatrical version of episode 36 of the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger television series.

Nataly Fish

Une nana au poil

Une nana au poil

Une collégienne aguichante trouve une paire de boucles d'oreilles dont elle ignore les pouvoirs magiques. Après en avoir égaré une, malencontreusement, elle se réveille le lendemain dans le corps répugnant du voyou qui a trouvé l'autre.

Nataly Fish

Mission : Impossible 2

Mission : Impossible 2

Votre mission, monsieur Hunt, si vous décidez de l'accepter, sera de récupérer un virus génétiquement modifié, baptisé la Chimère. Sean Ambrose, qui fut votre élève avant de devenir votre ennemi juré, s'est emparé de l'antidote et se terre dans un laboratoire secret de Sydney. Son ex-maîtresse, Nyah Hall, pourrait s'avérer utile dans ..

Nataly Fish



Un gangster récemment sorti de prison est forcé par ses anciens complices à organiser un nouvel acte criminel.

Nataly Fish



Un réseau de sous terrains complexe et inextricable émaille sur des kilomètres le sous-sol de Paris: Les catacombes, la dernière demeure d'innombrables âmes. Lorsqu’une équipe d’explorateurs s’aventure au cœur d’une partie inconnue de ce labyrinthe d’ossements, ils percent avec effroi le secret de la véritable vocation de cette ci..

Nataly Fish

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