
Une famille meurtrie

Une famille meurtrie

En Californie au début des années 80, Brenda et Scott Kniffen mènent une vie paisible et heureuse avec leurs deux fils, Brandon et Brian. En revanche, leurs amis, les McCuan, ont plus de problèmes. Debbie raconte que sa belle-mère se mêle avec insistance de l'éducation de leurs enfants. Les McCuan demandent alors aux Kniffen de leur servir d..

Nataly Fish

Children of Duke Schmidt

Children of Duke Schmidt

A group of WW2 orphans, now young people in their late teens, find out that one of them is a child of a war criminal. They are determined to discover his identity, even though this person could be any of them.

Nataly Fish

Who'll Save Our Children?

Who'll Save Our Children?

A childless couple provide shelter for a pair of homeless children. When they try to adopt them the natural parents appear leading to the inevitable court battle.

Nataly Fish

Children in the Surf at Coney Island

Children in the Surf at Coney Island

"Children in the Surf, Coney Island" is a very short documentary with Billy Bitzer behind the camera.

Nataly Fish

Delicious Party♡Precure Movie: Dreaming♡Children's Lunch!

Delicious Party♡Precure Movie: Dreaming♡Children's Lunch!

Set in Delicious Town, a wonderful town where delicious food from all over the world gathers, the story depicts the PreCures who work to protect people's "delicious smiles." One day, "Dreamia", a "children's lunch theme park" where you can play and eat as much as you want, opens in a delicious town. Komekome and the others had fun playing together,..

Nataly Fish

Children of Sorrow

Children of Sorrow

Simon Leach is a very, very sick man. Thriving on despair, pain, and panic, he unites a group of broken and desperate people in the middle of the desert. He showers them with the love and affection they’re so desperate for, but Simon has a much greater plan for his followers.

Nataly Fish

Les Enfants du soleil

Les Enfants du soleil

A Téhéran, Ali, 12 ans, et ses amis, sont embauchés par un criminel dangereux pour trouver un trésor enfoui caché à proximité d'une école. Pour y accéder, les enfants doivent s'inscrire à l'école et grâce à l'éducation, ils commencent à découvrir un trésor différent : celui présent en eux.

Nataly Fish

Le Tueur d'Atlanta

Le Tueur d'Atlanta

Synopsis A Atlanta, entre 1979 et 1981, 29 garçons afro-américains, dont la plupart sont encore des enfants, disparaissent ou sont retrouvés assassinés. Les événements sont suivis par les médias jusqu'en 1982, date à laquelle un certain Wayne Williams est condamné pour deux des meurtres, après l'une des plus importantes chasses à l'homm..

Nataly Fish

Bless the Beasts & Children

Bless the Beasts & Children

A group of social misfits at a summer camp for boys run away to save penned-in buffaloes from a rifle club's slaughter.

Nataly Fish

Attention! Enfants

Attention! Enfants

Un écrivain et un policier enquêtent sur des disparitions d'enfants et des meurtres d'adultes. Les deux seraient-ils liés ?Les enfants auraient-ils trouver un genre de collation ?

Nataly Fish

The Stepford Children

The Stepford Children

Steven and Laura Harding, along with their kids David and Mary, have moved to the quiet community of Stepford. Steven joins the men's club, which is still assimilating their wives into robots. This time, they have begun to turn their out of control teens into robots as well. Once they are assimilated, they are obedient, homework loving, big band da..

Nataly Fish

Le Voleur d'enfants

Le Voleur d'enfants

En 1925, Philemon Bigua, riche colonel argentin en exil a Paris, ne reve que de retourner dans son pays. En attendant, ne pouvant avoir d'enfants, il vole ceux des autres, les enfants démunis ou malheureux. Tout va pour le mieux jusqu'au jour ouu un ami dans le besoin lui vend sa fille Gabrielle, âgée de 16 ans...

Nataly Fish

Children In Need 2019: Got It Covered

Children In Need 2019: Got It Covered

Ten big name actors, including Jim Broadbent, Jodie Whittaker, David Tennant and Olivia Colman, come together to record an album for Children In Need

Nataly Fish

More About the Children of Noisy Village

More About the Children of Noisy Village

There are only a handful of children living in Bullarby. This film follows their story through the fall and winter, picking up at the moment "The Children of Noisy Village" finishes.

Nataly Fish

Les enfants nous regardent

Les enfants nous regardent

Le petit Pricò ne comprend pas les problèmes qui déchirent ses parents : sa mère est partie rejoindre son amant, et son père semble beaucoup souffrir de cette situation.

Nataly Fish

Me, Maryam, the Children and 26 Others

Me, Maryam, the Children and 26 Others

Mahboube, a woman in her early thirties, enjoys a solitary existence. But her world is turned upside down when she lets a film crew into her home for a week-long shoot. First, she sees the objects that comprise her physical life used without thought or care. Then, the filming process affects her on a deeper level, forcing her to come to terms with ..

Nataly Fish

There Are No Children Here

There Are No Children Here

From Publishers Weekly The devastating story of brothers Lafayette and Pharoah Rivers, children of the Chicago ghetto, is powerfully told here by Kotlowitz, a Wall Street Journal reporter who first met the boys in 1985 when they were 10 and seven, respectively. Their family includes a mother, a frequently absent father, an older brother and younger..

Nataly Fish

A Circle of Children

A Circle of Children

A teacher at a school for emotionally disturbed children takes an interest in one particular child who doesn't talk but emits a stream of gibberish.

Nataly Fish

What Children Do

What Children Do

A comedy about two estranged sisters brought back into each other's lives by the impending death of their grandmother.

Nataly Fish

Six Children and One Grandfather

Six Children and One Grandfather

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and disc..

Nataly Fish

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