
Rifftrax: Batman v. Superman

Rifftrax: Batman v. Superman

The entire Rifftrax gang takes shifts riffing on Batman v. Superman.

Nataly Fish

Superman: Symbol of Hope

Superman: Symbol of Hope

5 Years after The Man of Steel’s adventures in Metropolis began, he begins to see the darker side of the city through the eyes of Reagan, a girl from an abusive household on the 10 year anniversary of her mother’s passing. As Clark and Reagan both deal with devastating loss and depression, they end up helping each other out of the darkest place..

Nataly Fish



Nithya is the deputy commissioner of the city who lives with her uncle since both her parents were killed in an accident. She was put on to investigate a corruption case done by the Home Minister and his friend a businessman called Rajan Phillip. Unknowingly she was helped in the investigation by a criminal nicknamed Superman.

Nataly Fish

The Ghetto Superman

The Ghetto Superman

Twenty years ago, a foreign father and son fell into the earth with a meteorite ... School flower Huang Zichen revealed a trench oil hot pot restaurant on the live broadcast program of punishment for punishment, but was inadvertently stirred up by Li Mosen of the same school. Helping to be abused. Huang Zichen repeatedly waited for the opportunity ..

Nataly Fish

Superman Iljimae

Superman Iljimae

Nataly Fish



The story revolves around a rural village boy who turns into a Superman against all odds. While Bonny plays the titular role, Ishani Ghosh will be seen opposite her. Darshana Banik plays the second female lead in the film.

Nataly Fish

Bapa Superman

Bapa Superman

Bapa Superman is story of a loving father (played by Sidhant Mohapatra) who's employed as a low rank police official, raises against the might and powerful to save his son.

Nataly Fish

The Superman

The Superman

While Sansonia is away shooting a movie in Argentina, villains Markus and Niska plot to kindap his wife and sons back in Italy.

Nataly Fish

My SuperMan

My SuperMan

Nataly Fish

Chinese Superman

Chinese Superman

Nataly Fish



Early 8mm film by Sho Fujiwara.

Nataly Fish

Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutant

Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutant

Talented engineer does not promote the service and its project of trying to buy for next to nothing. To implement the project itself - we need a lot of money. There is an opportunity to get them: a friend in whom he doted, and who meets him in return gives a list of debtors of her brother ...

Nataly Fish

Computer Superman

Computer Superman

Four boys are born with strange features, one has very big ears, one has a tail, one has very big hands, one has a big nose. Becoming friends, they spend most of their time playing and sleeping. Becoming adults, their fathers banish them from the village as they are doing nothing to help the community. Just as they leave, a local mafia gang threate..

Nataly Fish

Godzilla contre Megalon

Godzilla contre Megalon

Devant l'accroissement de la pollution des mers, le roi de Seatopia décide de prendre des mesures : envahir le monde de la surface en envoyant le monstre Megalon. Pour aider Megalon, des agents sont envoyés dérober un robot qui servira de guide d'attaque au monstre : Jet Jaguar. Megalon détruisant tout sur son passage, on décide d'appeler Godz..

Nataly Fish



Argonville, une cité kryptonienne qui a été transportée dans "l'espace du dedans", un univers de poche, peu après la destruction de Krypton, a perdu sa principale source d’énergie, l’omégaèdre, par la faute de la jeune Kara. Celle-ci traverse la "chute binaire" qui mène de l'espace du dedans au grand espace et vient sur la Terre pour r..

Nataly Fish

Les Barbouzes

Les Barbouzes

Un célèbre trafiquant d'armes lègue à sa jeune veuve un château et une importante collection de brevets qui intéresse les services secrets de plusieurs pays. Ainsi quatre barbouzes sont envoyés pour récupérer les précieux documents mais c'est l'agent français Lagneaux qui, recevant l'ordre de séduire la blonde héritière, accomplira sa..

Nataly Fish

Le Règne des Supermen

Le Règne des Supermen

Après la mort de Superman, plusieurs nouvelles personnes se présentent comme des successeurs possibles.

Nataly Fish



Two shoeshiner homeless brothers named Zana and Dana live on the edge of survival. They catch a glimpse of Superman through a hole in the wall at the local cinema and decide that they want to go to America in order to meet Superman.

Nataly Fish

Supermen contre les Amazones

Supermen contre les Amazones

Trois hommes aux pouvoirs surnaturels, s'immiscent dans une guerre tribale, pour empêcher de maléfiques Amazones de détruire tout un village et ses habitants...

Nataly Fish

Super Inframan

Super Inframan

La planète est menacée par le réveil d'un étrange démon féminin, prisonnière depuis plus de dix millions d'années dans les entrailles de la Terre. Entourée de monstres maléfiques, elle s'apprête à conquérir la planète et à exterminer l'espèce humaine. Mais un groupe de scientifiques va s'opposer à eux en mettant au point une arme r..

Nataly Fish

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