
Nocturnal Gate

Nocturnal Gate

Nataly Fish

Nocturnal Butterflies

Nocturnal Butterflies

Nocturnal Butterflies is Servais' serene and melancholic homage to Belgian surrealist Paul Delvaux (1897-1994), whose architectural paintings serve as the basis for the mise-en-scène for the film, and whose opaquely gazed women represent the enigmatic, silent witnesses who guard the secrets of the eccentric artist's curious world of precisely rend..

Nataly Fish

The Nocturnal Kids

The Nocturnal Kids

An 18-year-old boy named Haewon hates his father for being unfaithful to his mother. In the same apartment block, Ha-young becomes an orphan after her father passed away. One night, they decide to take revenge on the irresponsible adults.

Nataly Fish

A Nocturnal Roam

A Nocturnal Roam

At night, the escort girl Muduo and the writer Mianshan stroll in the People's Park. Mianshan tells of a novel he dedicated to his fiancée, which takes place after the end of the world, where a boy travels through an abandoned aquarium to rescue a dying mermaid. As the story progresses, the park seems to gradually become isolated from the world, a..

Nataly Fish

Talk Radio

Talk Radio

Dans une radio locale de Dallas, un animateur avec une très forte personnalité bat les records d'audience avec une émission de nuit où il dialogue en direct de façon agressive avec les auditeurs, principalement des marginaux et des psychopathes attirés par l'antenne libre...

Nataly Fish

Nocturnal Shame

Nocturnal Shame

A man in black approaches his victim. An unpredictable film noir parody.

Nataly Fish

Jakarta Nocturnal Chaos!

Jakarta Nocturnal Chaos!

Jeri believes he lives in a film as the main character, he believes his role is the saviour of his corrupt environment.

Nataly Fish



De combien de douleurs, de combien de vies se compose l’existence au Moyen-Orient ? Notturno a été tourné au cours des trois dernières années le long des frontières de l’Irak, du Kurdistan, de la Syrie et du Liban ; tout autour, des signes de violence et de destruction, et au premier plan l’humanité qui se réveille chaque jour d’une..

Nataly Fish

Le Fascinant Capitaine Clegg

Le Fascinant Capitaine Clegg

En, 1792, le capitaine Collier (Patrick Allen) et son groupe de soldats débarquent à Romney Marsh sur la côte britannique afin d'enquêter sur une histoire de fantômes des marais semant la terreur dans le village voisin. Il soupçonne vite le révérend local (Peter Cushing) d'être pour quelque chose dans les événements qui s'y déroulent. I..

Nataly Fish

Night Wars

Night Wars

Two Vietnam Veterans have realistic nightmares about the war. So real are these nightmares that they start getting injured in them, and bringing things back that they had in the dream. They then buy weapons and go in to try and get one of their friends out that originally died in a POW camp during the Vietnam war. This is made harder by a traitor f..

Nataly Fish

The Night Demon

The Night Demon

Plagued by nightmares and strange visions, Detective Oberländer is suspected of murder.

Nataly Fish

Martha Argerich Evening Talks

Martha Argerich Evening Talks

Martha Argerich is the last remaining pianist of legend. A wild child and a rebel at heart, this legendary Argentinean musician is surrounded by an aura of mystery: some find her too uncompromising, others generous and beautiful, yet to all she is without doubt incredibly talented. Thanks to these "evening talks", Georges Gachot lifts a corner of t..

Nataly Fish

Night Walks

Night Walks

Tonight, Anna and her dad have decided to walk home through the forest. Anna takesa torch and dad lights it up for her. The silent nocturnal forest is as enchanting as it is scary – and the bright flameas protective as it is blindingly bright.

Nataly Fish

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