
Desert Cathedral

Desert Cathedral

The true story of a real estate developer who disappeared into the Southwestern desert in 1992, leaving behind a series of VHS tapes.

Nataly Fish

The Deserted City

The Deserted City

Après avoir remarqué aux informations qu'il y avait un incendie dans une vieille ville fluviale, Eguchi se souvient de s'y être rendu il y a dix ans alors qu'il était étudiant à l'université.

Nataly Fish

The Deserted Archipelago

The Deserted Archipelago

A young man reaches adolescence and escapes the nunnery where he survived a tortured upbringing; the world outside suddenly seems even more frightening than before.

Nataly Fish

The Desert Ark

The Desert Ark

Dans une mer de sable qu'on appelle désert, une arche, qu'on appelle aussi oasis. Une histoire de baisers anodins entre Myriam et Amin va bouleverser l'ordre établi pendant des générations, entre les différentes ethnies. Cette entorse aux vieilles conventions, dont personne ne demande ni ne connaît plus le sens, montre les frontières jusque ..

Nataly Fish



Pierre et Robert, des ingénieurs miniers, sont en train de survoler le Sahara dans un hélicoptère piloté par leur associé John, lorsqu'une tempête les force à se poser dans une zone de test nucléaire. Peu après, ils sauvent la vie du cheick Tamal, qui les conduit dans une grotte où se trouve la cité perdue de l'Atlantide, dirigée par la..

Nataly Fish

The Desert Project

The Desert Project

Ida and her friend Rebecca return to Ida's house after a harrowing day in the desert where their film-crew friends vanish. Through some quirk in technology it appears they went back in time where Ida's then 20-year-old father kills a crew member during a fight. Ida takes Rebecca to her father's workshop where they look at an old 16mm black-and-whit..

Nataly Fish

The Painted Desert

The Painted Desert

In the middle of the desert, a solipsistic Japanese-American woman, along with her elderly and paralysed friend Barbara, runs the Desert Rose Cafe. Things liven up with the arrival of a mafia henchman (whose boss is hiding out at a nearby ranch), a battered Japanse man (who turns out to be a terrific chef, but who also triggers Barbara's memories o..

Nataly Fish

The White Desert

The White Desert

About the violent captain Gaustad on a ship of rape, mutiny and shipwreck, in the icy waters of Sweden. Two shipmates, Björn and Sigurd, survive the chaos and cold white desert.

Nataly Fish

Maciste et les filles de la vallée

Maciste et les filles de la vallée

Malgré les suppliques des égyptiens lui demandant de leur venir en aide, Maciste préfère courtiser les femmes. Pourtant quand les hommes d'une reine cruelle et assoiffée de pouvoir commencent à tuer et piller, Maciste se porte à leur secours....

Nataly Fish

Desert Raiders

Desert Raiders

A hero saves a beautiful young princess from a forced marriage to an evil villain.

Nataly Fish

Desert of Fire

Desert of Fire

A desert bandit leader robs a jeep and hauls off a lot of American money. He doesn't get much of a chance to enjoy it, however, because he and his men are soon attacked by a "phantom", who kills all his men, and steals his weapons. When a beautiful young woman shows up in search of the money, she is raped by the phantom. When another man shows up t..

Nataly Fish

The Roses of the Desert

The Roses of the Desert

Les mésaventures d'une équipe médicale militaire durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale en Libye.

Nataly Fish

Soledad Miranda, Flower in the Desert

Soledad Miranda, Flower in the Desert

The life of an Andalusian actress who had a brilliant career in cinema, but died early in a car accident at 27 years old.

Nataly Fish

Jewel of the Desert

Jewel of the Desert

To tyve overhører delvis en samtale. De hører at en kamel har slugt en juvel – og ikke at kamelen er ørkenens juvel. De stikker af og forsøger at få fat i kamelen. Samtidig kommer to børn på besøg i byen. De er i familie med byens betjent. Betjenten vil beslaglægge kamelen, men tyvene kommer ham i forkøbet. Generalen bliver meget ked af..

Nataly Fish

Struggle in the Desert

Struggle in the Desert

A People's Liberation Army division in Xinjiang in 1951 aids in a water conservancy project.

Nataly Fish

The Desert

The Desert

The failed story of a love triangle in a post-apocalyptic world.

Nataly Fish

Crossing the Desert

Crossing the Desert

Victor, a successful and well-respected businessman, is obsessed by the legend that an indigenous woman told him when he was a child. Victor lives a conventional life with a family that knows and complains about his constant infidelities. When the woman is dying, she sends for Victor and her son Jose Francisco, who is working as his chauffeur. They..

Nataly Fish

In Desert and Wilderness

In Desert and Wilderness

In Desert and Wilderness is a 2001 Polish film directed by Gavin Hood. Adapted from the 1911 novel In Desert and Wilderness by Henryk Sienkiewicz, it tells the story of two kids, Staś Tarkowski and Nel Rawlison, kidnapped by the rebels during Mahdi's rebellion in Sudan.

Nataly Fish

Livestock or Desert

Livestock or Desert

Livestock are not the enemy. They are the key. The fight to reverse climate change is putting animals in the spotlight. The purpose of this documentary is to show the use of livestock for the regeneration of grasslands, soils, woodland and water. Good livestock management is shown in a real way as a solution for the restoration of ecosystems and ..

Nataly Fish

Deserted Dogs

Deserted Dogs

Tanihara sneaks into the center of the organization as an undercover investigator. he receives patronage from Kanzaki, but Kanzaki has an internal enemy. Kito, an executive, takes root in his past mistakes and tries to take over the group. Meanwhile, he will conduct a large-scale transaction with a Taiwanese organization.

Nataly Fish

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