
The Billy Meier Story: UFO's and the Prophecies from Outer Space

The Billy Meier Story: UFO's and the Prophecies from Outer Space

In 1958, Billy Meier predicted the Iraq Wars, AIDS and global warming. Is it the biggest hoax or the most important story in human history' You'll find the startling answer in this remarkable, true-life story about how a young Swiss boy's meetings with extra-terrestrials would eventually lead him through dozens of countries, meeting many famous wor..

Nataly Fish

The Return of the Loch Ness Monster from Outer Space

The Return of the Loch Ness Monster from Outer Space

A group of beach goers discover the mystery of a Loch Ness Monster in the ocean. Further investigation shows that this is only one of a whole planet full of them, and they aren't too happy with Earth.

Nataly Fish

Another Plan from Outer Space: The Doomed

Another Plan from Outer Space: The Doomed

A military unit escorts a scientist to an uncharted planet at the edge of the galaxy to investigate a newly discovered alien microorganism found by colonists at a geological dig site. When the scientist accidentally revives the organism he unknowingly unleashes a terror on the colony.

Nataly Fish

It Came from Outer Space Collection

It Came from Outer Space Collection

Series of films about an amateur astronomer who suspects alien influence affecting the local townsfolk's behavior when a spaceship crashes in the Arizona desert.

Nataly Fish

UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied III - UFOs from Outer Space

UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied III - UFOs from Outer Space

There is no telling what is really going on deep in space. But one thing is absolutely for certain, there is not one film or photo in this movie that was taken from earth. You will see real life UFOs captured in the far regions of space by NASA and foreign space agencies.

Nataly Fish

Thunderhawk 3 - Thunderhawk From Outer Space Blitzkrieg
La Forêt de l'espace

La Forêt de l'espace

Des hommes envoyés sur la Lune pour la végétaliser attendent l’arrivée des Terriens. Au milieu de la forêt qu’ils ont fait pousser, ils racontent les souvenirs de leur vie sur Terre et le monde dans lequel ils aimeraient pouvoir vivre. Qui sont ces hommes ? Sont-ils réels ? Ont-ils été oubliés ?

Nataly Fish

The Physicist in Outer Space

The Physicist in Outer Space

Juan Carlos Velázquez is a megalomaniac physics high school teacher whose eccentricities have caused him social rejection and alienation with reality. He is convinced that an alien robot from a B-movie he watched is going to take him to space, giving him the transcendental purpose he thinks he deserves.

Nataly Fish

Cock Crushed Alien From Fucking Outer Space

Cock Crushed Alien From Fucking Outer Space

The aliens are back.

Nataly Fish

Konto 55: Grand Outer Space Adventure

Konto 55: Grand Outer Space Adventure

A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.

Nataly Fish

Noise, Outer Space, Moonlight, Waves

Noise, Outer Space, Moonlight, Waves

The camera zooms in to its ultimate to the sky and catches what we can’t see with our naked-eye: noise, space, moonlight, and waves.

Nataly Fish

The Terror of the Disgusting Worms from Outer Space

The Terror of the Disgusting Worms from Outer Space

A 35 minute SOV short from the German underground.

Nataly Fish

Brain Waste from Outer Space

Brain Waste from Outer Space

This was my first attempt at making a movie. It was unabashedly inspired by Edward D. Wood Jr.'s Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959), one of the culprits in making me want to write increasingly meaningless scripts (the other is Jesus Franco). Until the second order, the 20-minute copy of this film, which was never edited, is lost.

Nataly Fish

Tender Love from Outer Space

Tender Love from Outer Space

After the devastation of their home planet, a family seeks refuge in a new galaxy with the dream of perpetuating their traditions. They simply didn't count that this new planet was populated by such ferocious creatures.

Nataly Fish

Re-Visitors from Outer Space, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Pod

Re-Visitors from Outer Space, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Pod

A documentary on the making of the film featuring Philip Kaufman, Donald Sutherland, writer W.D. Richter and more

Nataly Fish

The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space

The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space

Dr. Karloff prisons an alien from the Leguminous Planet and calls his friend Dr. Marins to help him in his experiences, because the Leguminous Monster is an anarchist intellectual full of hate against the human beings. While the scientists discuss about the monster, Caquinha is convinced for him to let him go. Done that, the Monster kills the scien..

Nataly Fish

Bodies Without Bodies in Outer Space

Bodies Without Bodies in Outer Space

This mid-length experimental film approximates the economy of a mash-up, bringing together audio-visual footage from over 20 films, multiple audio samples (found and created), and text that combines fictional and biographical stories, some of which relate to the moving image made in Polish People’s Republic (1952-1989). Lacking an ongoing narrati..

Nataly Fish

Green Men from Outer Space

Green Men from Outer Space

A UFO has crashed close to a summer holiday park and a couple of kids are set to help them with the aid of a man with magic powers. But they have to hurry before an anti UFO force finds the green men from outer space.

Nataly Fish

The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space 2

The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space 2

The Vegetable Monster survived the shot fired at the end of Part 1. Wounded, he is saved by a shy veterinarian who is abused by the rude colonists of southern Brazil, and who will use the alien plant creature as an instrument of revenge.

Nataly Fish

Pluk, naufragé de l'espace

Pluk, naufragé de l'espace

Sur la planète Terre habite Niki, jeune garçon ingénieux, passionné de science-fiction et d'astronautique. Ce jour-là, plein d'enthousiasme, il explique à son inséparable amie Babette et à son chien Jupiter pourquoi il a construit un astronef et son projet de parcourir l'espace à la recherche de nouvelles planètes. Cependant, il n'a pas ..

Nataly Fish

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