
Titanic: De Band Die Bleef Spelen
Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries

Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries

Actors cast in James Cameron's TITANIC read their diaries aloud for the first time in a quarter century, evoking never before told anecdotes of auditions and life on set with Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

Nataly Fish

Titanic Documentary The Artifact Exhibition

Titanic Documentary The Artifact Exhibition

Our rainy day adventure to the Titanic Artifact Exhibition in Orlando, Fl Join us as we make our way through the exhibit and examine genuine Titanic artifacts recovered from the wreckage on the seabed; learn about the history behind them. All artifact and historical information provided by the Orlando Titanic Artifact Exhibition. All film footage s..

Nataly Fish

La légende du Titanic

La légende du Titanic

Nataly Fish

The Titanic

The Titanic

THE TITANTIC DOCUMENTARY She was the pride of the White Star Line. Nicknamed "The Wonder Ship" and "The Millionaire's Special," theTitanic steamed out of Southhampton, England with a gala send-off that made headline news. Bound for new York, the hulking ship cillides with an iceberg ripping a gash over 300 feet into the hull of the ship. Shocki..

Nataly Fish

Dans le sillage du Titanic

Dans le sillage du Titanic

Dans les semaines qui suivent le naufrage du Titanic en avril 1912, le CGS Montmagny, un ravitailleur canadien, est affrété afin de repêcher les corps des victimes. L'expédition permet d'arracher à l'océan quelques dépouilles, dont une encore accrochée à une bouée de sauvetage, près d'un mois après la disparition du paquebot. Deux ans p..

Nataly Fish

Titanic Revealed

Titanic Revealed

For decades the wreck of the liner RMS Titanic had eluded those seeking to locate her grave site. Many failed until Dr. Robert Ballard turned a dream into reality in 1985 when he found her remains over 12000' beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. Dr. Ballard tells how his missions to two lost submarines from the Cold War helped him find the debris trai..

Nataly Fish

Rebuilding Titanic

Rebuilding Titanic

Experts rebuild iconic sections of the Titanic, using shipbuilding industry methods of a hundred years ago.

Nataly Fish

Titanic: The Nightmare and the Dream

Titanic: The Nightmare and the Dream

Decades after the Titanic sank into the Atlantic, the dream of investigating the wreckage was finally realized by undersea geologist Dr. Robert D. Ballard. Only one camera crew was permitted to join his historic expedition in 1986. In this remarkable program, high-tech cameras attached to submersibles take us to the frigid world two and a half mile..

Nataly Fish

Children on the Titanic

Children on the Titanic

Musical documentary of the children survivors who voyaged the Titanic

Nataly Fish

Le titanic, mythe et réalité

Le titanic, mythe et réalité

Le naufrage du paquebot Titanic, le 14 avril 1912, a marqué les esprits de ses contemporains et continue de faire partie des événements tragiques les plus célèbres de l'histoire récente. Maintes fois adapté au cinéma, ce naufrage fait partie des mythes modernes, symbolisant la faillite du progrès humain face à la force de la nature. Pourq..

Nataly Fish

Titanic, autopsie d'un naufrage

Titanic, autopsie d'un naufrage

Doté d'une technologie inégalée pour son époque, le «Titanic» a sombré lors de son voyage inaugural. Malgré plus d'un siècle de recherches, beaucoup de questions sur le drame restent sans réponses. Le plancher océanique dissimule toute trace de la collision avec un iceberg. Comment un simple bloc de glace serait-il venu à bout du navire..

Nataly Fish

Titanic, la révélation

Titanic, la révélation

Dans la nuit du 14 au 15 avril 1912, le «Titanic», luxueux navire de la compagnie White Star Line, sombre dans les eaux de l'Atlantique Nord après avoir heurté un iceberg. Un siècle après, cela reste encore l'une des plus grandes catastrophes maritimes de l'histoire. La conception du navire est-elle en cause ? Le matériel était-il défectue..

Nataly Fish

Terror on the Titanic

Terror on the Titanic

This rare collection of lost film footage, computer graphics, and archival photos, sheds new light on the unbelievable chain of circumstances that had to have taken place to cause the largest ship in history to sink. Take an unforgettable trip insude the ship as well as visit the Titanic in its final resting place on the bottom of the Atlantic. Th..

Nataly Fish

Cold Iron is a Titanic Comedy

Cold Iron is a Titanic Comedy

A tin-foil road-trip to Florida & the British Museum, in faster Chinese that dialogues over the electric kettle of Toronto's City Hall and rotates in perpetual stillness towards a tsunami of row-boat performances.

Nataly Fish

Titanic - The Story

Titanic - The Story

Robert Powell takes a look at the story of the Titanic...

Nataly Fish

Titanic: Born in Belfast

Titanic: Born in Belfast

This thought-provoking program offers a behind-the-scenes look at the construction of the ill-fated Titanic, the lavishly grand White Star liner that infamously sank after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic in 1912. Shot on location at the Titanic's birthplace in Belfast, Ireland, the film also includes rare interviews with people who actual..

Nataly Fish

Treasures of the Titanic

Treasures of the Titanic

The saga began on a crisp, calm April night in 1912, as the RMS Titanic slipped below the icy waters of the North Atlantic. It became one of the most shocking and mystifying tragedies of all time... Never again would an ocean liner be as glorified; never again would a ship be considered "unsinkable". Join us in a bold and exciting expedition to ..

Nataly Fish

Inside the Titanic - Countdown zum Untergang
Take Me to Titanic

Take Me to Titanic

A group of fee-paying adventurers travel to the bottom of the ocean in an innovative submersible, hoping to explore the world's most famous wreck, the Titanic. The expedition also hopes to gain new insights into deep sea biodiversity around the wreck site.

Nataly Fish

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