
La nuit du chasseur

La nuit du chasseur

A première vue, Harry Powell ressemble à un prédicateur comme les autres. Mais, plutôt que de rassembler les brebis égarées et de répandre la bonne parole, il multiplie assassinats et vols. Impitoyable, cruel et rusé, Powell séduit une veuve puis l’épouse dans le seul but de rafler un gros magot. Et tant pis pour les deux gamins qui ten..

Nataly Fish

The Hunt For Midnight

The Hunt For Midnight

A troubled teenager finds a way to kill people in their minds by eye contact. His goal is to reach the midnight, twelfth hour, within 12 kills.

Nataly Fish

Homicide Hunter: The Man With No Face

Homicide Hunter: The Man With No Face

Joe Kenda's investigation into the brutal rape and murder of 24-year-old wife and mother Mary Lynn Vialpando goes cold until DNA technology leads cold-case detectives to the most unlikely of killers 30 years later.

Nataly Fish

L'attentat du marathon de Boston

L'attentat du marathon de Boston

15 avril 2013 : Boston est frappé par la terreur en plein cœur de son marathon. Ce documentaire nous emmène dans le sillage des terroristes, pourchassés par les enquêteurs du FBI pendant cinq jours suivant le drame. Fausses pistes, fausses alarmes et une montagne d'indices compliquent davantage le travail des forces de l'ordre. Des histoires d..

Nataly Fish

Beneath the Surface: The Making of 'The Hunt for Red October'

Beneath the Surface: The Making of 'The Hunt for Red October'

This program features the standard mix of movie clips, production materials, and interviews. Cast and crew start at the beginning and discussed the acquisition of the rights to Clancy's novel and various adaptation issues. They then went into casting, research for the roles, and many technical topics related to the subs and other special effects co..

Nataly Fish

The Crossroads of Hunter Wilde

The Crossroads of Hunter Wilde

Hunter Wilde is the leader of a group of Christian survivalists who are trying to live as normal as possible two years after an EMP attack and knocking all the power down. In a world of chaos living day to day has become more treacherous. But that is nothing compared to when the gates of hell are opened up and demons are commissioned to seek and de..

Nataly Fish

Through The Valley of The Hunter

Through The Valley of The Hunter

A woman is trapped in an unending cycle of violence and struggles to escape her tormentor.

Nataly Fish

Le retour de Rick Hunter

Le retour de Rick Hunter

La fiancée de Rick Hunter, un policier, vient d'être assassinée. Tous les soupçons se portent sur son ancien mari, déjà connu des services de police pour violences conjugales. Mais Hunter, peu convaincu par cette hypothèse pourtant plausible, mène ses propres investigations. Elles le conduisent vers un escroc qui aurait eu intérêt, pour d..

Nataly Fish

La Chasse au Renard

La Chasse au Renard

Donald Duck et Dingo sont partis à la chasse au renard. Tandis que Donald tient les chiens, Dingo chevauche Horace, une proie surgit mais la chasse n'est pas de tout repos... surtout que l'animal est rusé. À la fin, les deux compères participent à la fête donnée pour la fin de la chasse à laquelle est visible brièvement les autres personn..

Nataly Fish

The Huntress

The Huntress

After bounty hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson is killed, his widow and daughter find they are in debt and decide to take on his work. Pilot film for the following series.

Nataly Fish

Tales of the Wild Hunt: Hellboy Reborn

Tales of the Wild Hunt: Hellboy Reborn

Documentaire sur le tournage du film Hellboy de 2019....

Nataly Fish

The Hunter's Moon

The Hunter's Moon

A violent and dangerous tyrant who dominates the inhabitants of a mountain sees his authority threatened by the arrival of a World War I veteran and decides to hunt and kill him.

Nataly Fish

Serial Thriller: The Head Hunter

Serial Thriller: The Head Hunter

In 1972 the tranquility of a coastal town in California is broken as hitch-hiking girls begin to go missing and corpses start showing up. Welcome to Murder City.

Nataly Fish

The Woman Hunter

The Woman Hunter

Une femme riche, en vacances à Acapulco avec son mari étouffant, tombe sur des preuves qu'elle est traquée par un voleur de bijoux et un meurtrier international.

Nataly Fish

Climate of the Hunter

Climate of the Hunter

Two beautiful sisters vie for the affections of a man who may or may not be a vampire.

Nataly Fish

Le crash mystérieux

Le crash mystérieux

Sam Mc Bane enquête sur les circonstances du crash d'un avion de la compagnie qui l'emploie. Son enquête se révèle délicate car le pilote de l'avion n'est autre que son meilleur ami…

Nataly Fish

Spider-Man Versus Kraven the Hunter

Spider-Man Versus Kraven the Hunter

Spider-Man Versus Kraven the Hunter is a 1974 American superhero short film written and directed by Bruce Cardozo. It is a fan film that was endorsed by Marvel Comics and authorized by Stan Lee.

Nataly Fish

Hunting the Elements

Hunting the Elements

Where do nature's building blocks, called the elements, come from? They're the hidden ingredients of everything in our world, from the carbon in our bodies to the metals in our smartphones. To unlock their secrets, David Pogue, technology columnist and lively host of NOVA's popular "Making Stuff" series, spins viewers through the world of weird, ex..

Nataly Fish

Manhunt: The Inside Story of the Hunt for Bin Laden

Manhunt: The Inside Story of the Hunt for Bin Laden

An espionage tale from inside the CIA's long conflict against Al Qaeda, as revealed by the remarkable women and men whose secret war against Osama bin Laden started nearly a decade before most of us even knew his name.

Nataly Fish

The Foxy Hunter

The Foxy Hunter

Junior and Pudgy slip away from Betty Boop's care to go hunting with a pop-gun.

Nataly Fish

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