
The Church with an Overshot Wheel

The Church with an Overshot Wheel

A grain miller lost his daughter and converted his mill into a church.

Nataly Fish

Le silence des églises

Le silence des églises

Gabriel, 27 ans, est un homme à la dérive, rongé par un mal intérieur que ses proches ne comprennent pas. Son secret, Gabriel n’en a jamais parlé à personne. A 12 ans, il a été entraîné dans une relation amoureuse et sexuelle avec un prêtre, le directeur de son école religieuse.

Nataly Fish

Water Light/Water Needle (St. Mark's Church in the Bowery)

Water Light/Water Needle (St. Mark's Church in the Bowery)

Eight performers, suspended from ropes, move to a score of randomized encounter. Schneemann writes that this "kinetic theatre" work was "conceived as an aerial event with ropes rigged across the canal at San Marco... finally realized at St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, then later rigged in a grove of trees. The illuminated aqueous planes of Venice ..

Nataly Fish

Hitler et Churchill : le combat de l'aigle et du lion

Hitler et Churchill : le combat de l'aigle et du lion

Winston Churchill et Adolf Hitler : le « vieux lion » contre l'aigle allemand. Choc des titans dont l'affrontement au sommet domine le siècle. Et nous rend sensible la vertigineuse contingence de notre Histoire : que serait-il advenu de l'Europe si ces deux hommes avaient été autres ? De 1940 à 1945, ces deux personnalités aux antipodes l'un..

Nataly Fish

The Devil's Church

The Devil's Church

In a prologue and four acts (the prologue and the first act are lost so is necessary to describe what happens with title cards) the film depicts the terrible dream of Asmus wherein the devil joins the human world disguised as a tinker. He meets Frau Ane, Asmus' wife; Ane yearns to have a baby but in vain so the devil takes advantage of Frau Ane's m..

Nataly Fish

The Diabolical Church Window

The Diabolical Church Window

Here we have an old scholar/alchemist brooding over a book, challenged by the devil, and going through the familiar sorcery to create a woman by throwing pieces of clothing against a stain-glass church window, like a jigsaw puzzle (and later in reverse). The woman also multiplies herself five-fold so as to match a similar paravent.

Nataly Fish

The Devil's Church

The Devil's Church

The Devil, after thousands of years of rivalry with God, is tired of the disorganization and chaos that has taken over his kingdom. So he decides to make his final move: start a church.

Nataly Fish

The Devil in the Church

The Devil in the Church

A young modern woman goes to church and all hell breaks loose.

Nataly Fish

The Church Will Arrive in the Evening

The Church Will Arrive in the Evening

In the ice-free months of the year Father Gennady captains a barge transformed into a floating Orthodox Church on a mission trip along the Volga-Don Canal to the remote Russian villages. At each port of call Father Gennady leads church services, distributes holy sacraments and hears confessions. But some unexpected circumstances cause the mission t..

Nataly Fish

Lourdes, leaving the Church of the Rosary

Lourdes, leaving the Church of the Rosary

People come out the doors and down the steps of the Church of the Rosary in Lourdes.

Nataly Fish

The Village Church

The Village Church

Short film by Carl Th. Dreyer

Nataly Fish

The Empty Church

The Empty Church

A young priest arrives in a provincial town. Thanks to his unconventional approach to his role as a clergyman, he manages to show what true love for one's neighbor is. He buys a cafe where he starts feeding some visitors for free and listens to their dramatic and tangled stories. The lives of people, as well as the priest himself, begin to change d..

Nataly Fish

Church of the Wind

Church of the Wind

Recorded the restoration work done for the reopening of Tadao Ando's "Chapel of the Wind" in Rokko, Kobe. It tells the length of time by showing the mold and moss that eroded the concrete. When the closed door is opened, the stopped time starts flowing again.

Nataly Fish

The Last Church Bells

The Last Church Bells

The last remaining occupant of an old abandoned village uses a church bell to communicate with the last remaining occupant of a neighboring village. One day, the old man is extremely disturbed by the fact that the bell from the other village is silent. He decides to go to the other village, where he finds his friend dead. He buries him and then ret..

Nataly Fish

Le Saint-Sépulcre à Jérusalem: Querelles autour du tombeau vide

Le Saint-Sépulcre à Jérusalem: Querelles autour du tombeau vide

Différentes communautés chrétiennes cohabitent tant bien que mal dans l’église du Saint-Sépulcre à Jérusalem, lieu le plus sacré de la chrétienté, dont ce documentaire saisissant décrit le quotidien.

Nataly Fish

How God Created Us: Coming Out in the Catholic Church

How God Created Us: Coming Out in the Catholic Church

125 employees of the Catholic Church come out as queer! In the exclusive ARD documentary, believers in the service of the Catholic Church in Germany dare to go public together. People who identify as non-heterosexual talk about fighting for their church - sometimes at the risk of losing their jobs as a result. There are priests, religious brothers,..

Nataly Fish

Consecration Ceremony for the Foundation Stone of the Jubilee Church of St. Anthony in Prague VII

Consecration Ceremony for the Foundation Stone of the Jubilee Church of St. Anthony in Prague VII

On a rainy and windy day there is marching a procession of priests and town dignitaries. A big community of priests is consecrating the foundation stone of the memorial of František Palacký. The Prague Archbishop František Schönborn is blessing the foundation stone. The Priests are lying down blessed stone cube components and form them into one..

Nataly Fish

July 4th: The San Patricio Church Massacre

July 4th: The San Patricio Church Massacre

A documentary about the murder of a religious group in 1976 on Buenos Aires.

Nataly Fish

Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine

Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine

A survey of the various Orthodox monasteries in the Ukrainian SSR

Nataly Fish

Book About the Church

Book About the Church

The film “The Book of the Church" tells about the Sacraments of the Russian Orthodox Church, fasts and holidays, about the Orthodox way of life and spiritual guidance of young people – in historical documents, literary sources, films and modern parables stories. The film is well suited for church-going people. The clarity and accessibility of O..

Nataly Fish

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