
La Chanson de Roland

La Chanson de Roland

Au XIIe siècle,en France, des pélerins et une troupe de comédiens en marche vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle chantent et content les exploits des héros de la guerre sainte dans les villages qu'ils traversent.

Nataly Fish

Immortal song

Immortal song

1920 year. Having been wounded, the Red Armyman Yusalov arrives in the Kuban village and organizes a music school here, learns the Internationale with his students, and sets up the first revolutionary performance. All this causes fierce hatred among the kulaks, they kill the Red Army. After many years, a new music school will be built in the villag..

Nataly Fish

Cette musique ne joue pour personne

Cette musique ne joue pour personne

Au cœur d'une ville portuaire où des êtres isolés, habitués à la violence, voient soudain leurs vies bouleversées par le théâtre, la poésie et l'art. Et leurs quotidiens, transformés par l'amour…

Nataly Fish

Song of the White Orchid

Song of the White Orchid

Song of the White Orchid was a co-production of Toho and Mantetsu, the railway that served the colonial region of Manchuria, and the first film in the Kazuo Hasegawa/Shirley Yamaguchi (Ri Koran) “Continental Trilogy.” Handsome Hasegawa (representing Japan) runs up against an impertinent Yamaguchi (representing the continent); not surprisingly, ..

Nataly Fish

Gold Songs

Gold Songs

Domingos and Neusia are a young couple from a small city in Mozambique. She goes to school, he has an underpaid job at a car wash. Yearning for a better life, Domingos sets on a journey through Mozambique, heading to the gold mines in the north of the country. In the meantime, Neusia waits at home.

Nataly Fish

Le chant du monde

Le chant du monde

Matelot, accompagné par son ami Antonio, part à la recherche de son fils Le Besson, dans les montagnes des Alpes de Haute-Provence. Ils découvrent que Le Besson a enlevé la femme dont il était épris.

Nataly Fish

Les chansons cachées

Les chansons cachées

Martin, un trompettiste de jazz au style très personnel, refuse tout compromis, que ce soit dans sa musique ou ses relations sentimentales. Passionné et excessif, il est profondément blessé lorsqu'il comprend que Kristina, la femme de sa vie, n'aime que ses prestations artistiques. Voulant être apprécié pour lui-même, et non pas parce qu'il..

Nataly Fish

La chanteuse

La chanteuse

Une dispute éclate chez Toraya au sujet de la participation de Tora à la fête du sport à l’école primaire de Mitsuo. Dans un port, Tora rencontre Harumi Kyô (Harumi Miyako), une chanteuse d’enka (chanson populaire japonaise) fugueuse, car elle ne supporte plus d’être prise en étau entre sa carrière et sa vie privée. Ignorant tout de..

Nataly Fish

Immortal Song

Immortal Song

Waheed (Farid Al Atrache), a famous music composer, meets Wafa' (Faten Hamama), a family member and the daughter of a close friend and relative of his. Wafa' has secretly had a crush on him for years and tries unsuccessfully to show her affection and hint that to Waheed. He thinks her love is nothing more than an expected family member's fondness.

Nataly Fish

Love Song 1980

Love Song 1980

Set in Beijing during the early 1980s, Zhengwu and Zhengwen are brothers in their twenties, living their most vibrant and youthful years. Zhengwu takes his classmates and younger brother, Zhengwen out for dinner, in which he introduces Mao Zhen and her best friend, Feng Siyi. Zhengwen becomes enamored of Mao Zhen, an amicable, outgoing, and mystic ..

Nataly Fish

Phil Lynott: Songs for While I'm Away

Phil Lynott: Songs for While I'm Away

A feature documentary on the life and music of Phil Lynott, telling the story of how a young black boy from working class 1950s Dublin became Ireland’s greatest Rock Star. As lead singer of Thin Lizzy, Phil Lynott was a songwriter, a poet, a dreamer, a wild man. Told extensively through the words of Lynott himself and focusing on some of his icon..

Nataly Fish

Larme Ultime

Larme Ultime

Basé sur la série animée à succès "SAIKANO". Chise (interprétée par Aki Maeda - Battle Royale), timide et fragile, déclare son amour à Shuuji, qui ne sait trop comment lui montrer ses sentiments. En allant se promener avec ses amis au centre commercial de Sapporo, ils se retrouvent pris dans une attaque aérienne. Alors qu'ils cherchent �..

Nataly Fish

Farewell Song

Farewell Song

A young woman decides to leave school in order to help her sister.

Nataly Fish

Wedding Night - End of the Song

Wedding Night - End of the Song

For most people, a wedding signifies a hopeful beginning, but then, Catherine and Christian aren't most people. She is a spoiled rich girl with an insatiable desire for the low and degraded side of life. Christian is without any resources, inner or outer, and caters to Catherine's every whim, even when she sends him out in the middle of their weddi..

Nataly Fish

Song of Spring

Song of Spring

Tells the family story of an 85-year-old mother taking care of her 65-year-old daughter with Alzheimer's disease, using a delicate female perspective to show the infinite power of love and family at the end of life.

Nataly Fish

Song Without a Name

Song Without a Name

Pérou, au plus fort de la crise politique des années 80. Georgina attend son premier enfant. Sans ressources, elle répond à l’annonce d’une clinique qui propose des soins gratuits aux femmes enceintes. Mais après l’accouchement, on refuse de lui dire où est son bébé. Décidée à retrouver sa fille, elle sollicite l’aide du journali..

Nataly Fish

Cursed Songs 2: Nu-Meri

Cursed Songs 2: Nu-Meri

There's something wrong at the Pacific Institute...something wrong and evil. For young Mari, whose family has worked in the finishing industry for generations, her studies in advanced genetics and marine bio-engineering represent not just her own future, but that of her entire family. But when her friend Nanako is mysteriously discovered dead, Mari..

Nataly Fish

Every Song Is About Me

Every Song Is About Me

Film that revolves around the theme of love, but this time under the premise of a boy who tries to forget a girl, a story far more difficult to bear, especially when the girl you just separated from comes back again in each of the memories of your past and you feel that "all the love songs talk about me"

Nataly Fish

BanG Dream! Episode of Roselia II: Song I am.

BanG Dream! Episode of Roselia II: Song I am.

Après leurs échecs lors de plusieurs concours, les filles de Roselia ont besoin de prendre un peu de recul et s'offrent quelques sorties entre amies. Elles vont ensuite pouvoir se concentrer sur le concours suivant en vue de se qualifier pour le Future World Fes, leur but ultime.

Nataly Fish

Song of the Forest

Song of the Forest

Among the inhabitants of the fantastic realm lived a beautiful girl Mavka forest. Gentle voice piped woke her from winter sleep swain Lucas, whom she dearly loved. Mavka leave their forest friends and go to the people. But then she meets up with her mother and Lukas Killeen - people selfish and heartless ...

Nataly Fish

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