
Searching for the None

Searching for the None

Hunter, a young hopeless romantic, enlists a hypnotherapist to hypnotize him into believing that he'll never find the love of his life.

Nataly Fish

Searching 4 Sandeep

Searching 4 Sandeep

Despite living in one of the gay capitals of the world, 28-year-old Sydneysider Poppy Stockell is forced online in her search for love. When she meets 31-year-old Anglo-Indian Sandeep Virdi, she thinks she's found the one. Unfortunately, Sandeep lives at home in the British Midlands with her conservative Sikh parents and three younger sisters. Oh, ..

Nataly Fish

My Babushka: Searching Ukrainian Identities

My Babushka: Searching Ukrainian Identities

This video documentary centers on the questions of civil liberties and cultural differences in a society beginning to open as one woman searches for her own ethnic roots, identity and family history in Ukraine. Issues of human rights, anti-Semitism, homophobia, feminism and a divided and economically-depressed country are encountered as Barbara Ham..

Nataly Fish

Searching for Katie

Searching for Katie

SEARCHING FOR KATIE is a docu-style thriller in which Taryn investigates the disappearance of a young girl and her connection to an underground cult based in Los Angeles. As she continues her search, the facts become more hazy, and the threats become more real. Who is telling the truth? And what ever happened to Katie? Interwoven with interviews fr..

Nataly Fish

Searching for Bill

Searching for Bill

Bob Maser has had his car and money stolen by a con man called Bill. The car is found in Detroit and Bob leaves his home and family to go and reclaim it. In the car he finds Bill's old notebook filled with names, phone numbers, addresses, odd drawings and texts. Bob decides to try to track Bill down to see justice happen.

Nataly Fish

Searching Siberia

Searching Siberia

Jeni and David are model scouts for IMG Models Paris, and each year they take the Trans-Siberian Railway across Russia in search of the next generation of supermodels. As they travel to St. Petersburg, they stop at the remote cities en route?Omsk, Novosibirsk, Nizny Novgorod. At each stop, they hold casting calls where hundreds of hopeful local gir..

Nataly Fish

Searching for Asian America

Searching for Asian America

Gary Locke, the son of Chinese immigrants who became governor of Washington State, is living the American Dream. Martin Bautista and Jeffrey Lim, two Filipino immigrant doctors living in the American heartland, find that being Asian American in a rural town is more challenging &NFi;and&NFi_; rewarding than either could have expected. These ..

Nataly Fish

Searching for Hassan

Searching for Hassan

“November 2007, I have been asked to go and film a Kurdish battalion of the Iraqi army. This battalion is located in Mosul. I have 48 hours to make a decision. I decide to go. There, a friend gives me his old Hi8 camera with ten tapes. I am a photographer. I have never filmed anything. I have never seen war. For a whole month, I remain close to t..

Nataly Fish

Searching for Michael Peterson

Searching for Michael Peterson

This surfing documentary plunges below the surface to find out what happened to 1970s legend Michael Peterson, whose incredible talent and supreme confidence in the water was rivaled only by his extreme shyness on dry land.

Nataly Fish

Man Searching for Immortality/Woman Searching for Eternity

Man Searching for Immortality/Woman Searching for Eternity

Two naked, life-sized figures, each around 70 years old, track torches across their aging epidermises as if rooting out the pattern of their pasts. The skin itself becomes a metaphor for lived experience and the prospect of its termination.

Nataly Fish

Searching for Cherkaski

Searching for Cherkaski

Sollicité pour réaliser les entretiens bonus du Blu-Ray de Sorgoi Prakov, Rock Brenner part sur les traces de son ami Rafael Cheraski, réalisateur de Sorgoi Prakov, disparu de sa vie depuis presque un an. Au fil de ses interviews, des archives retrouvées et des rencontres, le documentariste brosse un portrait sensible et sans concession de son ..

Nataly Fish

Sol Searching

Sol Searching

This is a story of Sol, a farmer-teacher in a public school near Nueva Ecija. Following an unexpected death, without any family to organize a burial, a friend and former student decides to carry her coffin traveling to different places, similar to the stations of the cross.

Nataly Fish

Searching for Arthur

Searching for Arthur

Le regard de Jonathan Nossiter sur Arthur Penn dans les rues de New York. Le film a été réalisé pour la série Directors on Directors de la chaîne de télévision italienne Telepiù.

Nataly Fish

Searching for the 5th Direction

Searching for the 5th Direction

The search for self, memories and emotions takes us through the forgotten and dark places of an inner world. We navigate 3D scans, torn between curiosity and resistance.

Nataly Fish

Searching for Yellow

Searching for Yellow

A young landscape painter navigates a fleeting relationship.

Nataly Fish

Esper X Private Detective Agency - Searching For Good-Bye

Esper X Private Detective Agency - Searching For Good-Bye

Crimes committed with supernatural powers are on the rise and detective Matsuda Kiyohito is equipped with such powers to fight them. He receives an assignment from a woman who claims that her sister has fallen under the spell of an evil group and that he should get her out of there. Matsuda investigates, but detective Minamino gets in his way. Mina..

Nataly Fish

Espen 2

Espen 2

Lorsque le roi et la reine sont empoisonnés, les frères Per et Pål sont arrêtés, soupçonnés d’être derrière ce crime. Leur frère cadet, Espen, et la princesse Kristin se sont mis en quête du mythique château de Soria Moria, qui serait en or pur. À Soria Moria, se trouve également un puits magique contenant l’eau de vie, la seule c..

Nataly Fish

À la recherche de Planète 9

À la recherche de Planète 9

Au fin fond de notre système solaire, se cacherait une planète géante. Elle ferait cinq fois la masse de la Terre. Sur cette planète en exil, une année durerait plus de 10 000 ans, tellement elle orbite loin de notre soleil. Depuis quelques années, plusieurs équipes d’astronomes traquent sans relâche cette mystérieuse Planète 9. Quels..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Squeezes Muscles: Searching for Purple Aki

The Man Who Squeezes Muscles: Searching for Purple Aki

Across Merseyside, there is a name which has been whispered for decades – "Purple Aki". Benjamin Zand goes in search of the truth behind one of the UK's strangest stories.

Nataly Fish

Indiana Jones : à la recherche de l'âge d'or perdu

Indiana Jones : à la recherche de l'âge d'or perdu

Hawaii, mai 1977. Après le succès de « La Guerre des étoiles », George Lucas et Steven Spielberg se réunissent pour trouver un nouveau projet sur lequel travailler ensemble, le premier comme producteur, le second comme réalisateur. L'histoire de la naissance du charismatique archéologue Indiana Jones et du triomphe de sa première aventure,..

Nataly Fish

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