
The Double Kidnapping of Sigifredo López

The Double Kidnapping of Sigifredo López

The documentary “The Double Kidnapping of Sigifredo Lopez” tells the shocking story of the 12 deputies from Valle del Cauca who were kidnapped by the FARC-EP in 2002, and the only person who survived: Sigifredo Lopez. After being held captive, Lopez was released, but he became embroiled in a political controversy over his alleged involvement in..

Nataly Fish

Preventing the kidnapping of elementary school student Yumi

Preventing the kidnapping of elementary school student Yumi

This is an educational anime short produced to be shown in schools and designed to prevent child abduction. It follows a young girl named Yumi who dreams about a video game she is playing which teaches her what to do if a strange man tries to force her into a car.

Nataly Fish

Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.2: A Series of Kidnappings by Aliens. Uncovering the Truth behind Human Experiments!
Date with a Kidnapper

Date with a Kidnapper

A woman living in a boarding house is kidnapped by a small-time criminal. Soon others in the gang try to take her away from him so they can get the ransom.

Nataly Fish

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