


Macunaïma, « héros sans caractère », évolue avec désinvolture à travers le pays en changeant de couleur. Né noir d’une mère indienne, il devient blanc sous une pluie magique. Il rencontre des personnages mythologiques et des acteurs de luttes politiques urbaines, tels qu’une guerrillera et un grand patron transmuté en géant cannibal..

Nataly Fish

Sideshow - Le cirque des horreurs

Sideshow - Le cirque des horreurs

Lors d'une attraction locale, un nain à l'aspect malfaisant propose à un groupe d'adolescents d'exaucer leurs rêves les plus chers... Mais leurs souhaits déclenchent l'inverse de ce qu'ils désirent, et des phénomènes étranges et terrifiants se multiplient...

Nataly Fish

Incredible Insects

Incredible Insects

Incredible Insects A captivating world of creepy crawlies exists all around us. And they are the biggest group of animals in the world, outnumbering humans 200 million to one. Thanks to millions of years of evolution, these invertebrates not only survive in almost every landscape known to man, but also thrive by means of fascinating, and sometimes ..

Nataly Fish



During a late night drinking binge with bartender Nicky (Michael Marino), sixty-five year-old postman Sol Solzberg (Charlie Callas) leaks the details of his life-long plan to rob some valuable stamps from the local post office. Sol then promptly drops dead of a heart attack. Suddenly armed with his sure-fire answer to his financial woes, Nicky asse..

Nataly Fish

Side Sho

Side Sho

A suburban family traveling the backroads of the southeast in search of historic roadside attractions finds more than they bargained for when they happen upon a rustic sideshow museum that houses a dark secret.

Nataly Fish

Sign of Aquarius

Sign of Aquarius

Taking place in the cold and hard winter of 1970 in the slums of Cleveland Ohio instead of the tranquil and pleasant 1967 Summer of Love in the Haight Asbury district of San Francisco. "Ghetto Freaks" is a film that tries to show it's viewers the life and philosophy of a hippie commune and how it, lead by their Guru Sonny, goes through life on the ..

Nataly Fish

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