
Office du tourisme

Office du tourisme

Agathe, jeune fille provinciale tout juste arrivée à Paris, découvre la plus belle des villes du monde, la liberté et l'amour. Dans cette ville pleine de contradictions, l'image de carte postale et la légèreté des mélodies contrastent avec la dureté de ses habitants et l'âpreté des dialogues. Le tout est enrobé d'un humour mordant.

Nataly Fish

Hong Kong Tourist in Bangkok

Hong Kong Tourist in Bangkok

Nataly Fish

I'm Not a Tourist, I Live Here

I'm Not a Tourist, I Live Here

The film is about one of the greatest social hot spots in Estonia during the Soviet times when apartments were distributed by the state, telling the story of a real estate agent and a homeless man. Mass immigration in 1944-1988 led to demographic conflict. Free apartments were mainly given to immigrants despite the fact that local people badly need..

Nataly Fish



Maks arrives at his hometown following his father's request. He meets Lena at the club and have sex with her. The next morning Maks finds out that his father asked him to come because of his wedding with Lena...

Nataly Fish

Rooms for Tourists

Rooms for Tourists

Five city girls must spend the night in an isolated town within the province of Buenos Aires, where they will find out more than what the flesh and bone can stand: the most violent side of local hospitality.

Nataly Fish

The Tourist

The Tourist

On a weekend night in Sarajevo, a half unconscious German tourist meets a Bosnian young man through an unlikely series of events. Their new friendship is tested through a fight, a call to ambulance and accusation of thievery.

Nataly Fish

A Little Elephant Is a Tourist

A Little Elephant Is a Tourist

An elephant and a camel went hiking and got lost in the summer forest. The finale of the puppet trilogy based on the fairy tale by David Samoylov.

Nataly Fish

The Eye of the Tourist: XIII Easy Pieces

The Eye of the Tourist: XIII Easy Pieces

Between 2014 and 2017, Luis Ospina and Lina González made a series of travels through some Asian countries; perhaps the antipodes of their symbolic world. These travels started a series of records, articulated in a kind of travel log in the style of a modern Marco Polo. This film moves between the gaze of the filmmaker and that of the tourist, at..

Nataly Fish

I, Tourist

I, Tourist

A pair of eyes is no longer enough.

Nataly Fish

A Tourist on Gotland

A Tourist on Gotland

Jessica is attending film school and is working on a film with the theme of "memory." She returns to her hometown on Gotland and reflects on the summer tourists from Stockholm and her neighbors' empty barns in a fragmented place that is no longer hers.

Nataly Fish

Car Tourist in Great Britain

Car Tourist in Great Britain

A movie about travelling to Great Britain from Sweden by car and exploring that country

Nataly Fish



Charlie, returns to the Greek island, in which years ago, he had the most traumatic experience of his life. His son drowned in the sea. Ηis personal trauma mixes with the collective trauma of the refugee crisis.

Nataly Fish

Beira, Touristic Port of Mozambique

Beira, Touristic Port of Mozambique

On a very cheerful pop music, this film praises the beauties of the landscapes, wildlife, modern architecture and the sweet life of the settlers. Many tourists came from nearby White Rhodesia to indulge in the pleasures of the sea, hotels, safaris. The few Mozambicans are employed to serve them. This film was shot while a few hundred kilometers to ..

Nataly Fish

Vodka Tourists

Vodka Tourists

Documentary comedy about Soviet Union, and Finnish vodka tourists travelling to Leningdrad to drink and live like lords.

Nataly Fish

A Concerto for Czechoslovak Tourists

A Concerto for Czechoslovak Tourists

A documentary shot in Zagreb in 1968, showing the local orchestra playing for the Czechoslovak people who escaped their country after Soviet invasion.

Nataly Fish

Being a Tourist at Home

Being a Tourist at Home

In the far, far North, where the day begins and the oceans meet, a small hamlet New Chaplino is situated. The government decided to turn the village into a tourist resort. It is winter, 30 degrees Celsius below zero. The tourists are not coming. There are only few memories of them and the snow has already covered their footprints. A documentary ab..

Nataly Fish

Antti Peippo – The Tourist

Antti Peippo – The Tourist

Peippo’s film rolls from 1974 with “tourist” written on the package lead to a mysterious journey through time and to an homage to his entire career.

Nataly Fish

Snow Therapy

Snow Therapy

Une famille suédoise passe ses vacances d’hiver dans les Alpes françaises. Le soleil brille et les pistes sont magnifiques jusqu'à ce qu'une avalanche vienne tout bouleverser. Les clients du restaurant sont pris de panique, Ebba, la mère, appelle son mari Tomas à l’aide tout en essayant de protéger ses enfants tandis que Tomas, lui, a pri..

Nataly Fish

Element of crime

Element of crime

Un psychanalyste tente de faire revivre à l'inspecteur Fischer les événements qui l'ont traumatisé. Celui-ci mène une enquête sur des crimes atroces, et décide d'appliquer la théorie de son mentor : un policier doit s'identifier à l'auteur du crime s'il veut espérer l'élucider.

Nataly Fish

Lost in Florence

Lost in Florence

Eric Lazard is a heartbroken former college football star who gets involved in a dangerous Florentine sport and a local woman, Stephanie, while visiting his cousin Anna, who lives in Italy and teaches the Italian language to foreigners.

Nataly Fish

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