
Général Lavine

Général Lavine

“In dreaming I seek the one who, half-dreaming, will let me graft my dream onto his.” Claude Debussy General Lavine is an American music hall eccentric. He came to Paris in the years 1908-1910, and his act consisted of playing the piano with his feet. Debussy, seeing him, is said to have declared: “This man is music”.

Nataly Fish

Medal for the General

Medal for the General

A retired general helps out by sheltering some evacuees during WWII.

Nataly Fish

General Frédéric

General Frédéric

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General Admission

General Admission

A movie directed by Jeffrey Hidalgo starring Jasmine Curtis-Smith.

Nataly Fish

The Young General: Reflections on Michael Reeves

The Young General: Reflections on Michael Reeves

A revealing insight into the short life and times of Michael Reeves.

Nataly Fish

Sadomaster 2: Total Mayhem

Sadomaster 2: Total Mayhem

Anarchist punks battle a neo-fascist Argentine government in a near-future dystopia.

Nataly Fish

Il generale dorme in piedi

Il generale dorme in piedi

Un colonel de l'armée a un problème : lorsqu'il se repose en position allongée, il se met à crier des phrases anarchistes et antimilitaristes. En raison de son sommeil agité, il est donc contraint de dormir debout.

Nataly Fish

Lady General Hua Mulan

Lady General Hua Mulan

About a woman who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army.

Nataly Fish

Die Diebin und  der General

Die Diebin und der General

Because of shoplifting and property damage Jessie Fischer, a single mother with a rather big mouth, is sentenced to charitable work in a nursing home. There she meets Walter Voss, known as the General. The fate of the grumpy pensioner, who was disenfranchised by his adult children and deported to the home, touches her and she decides to fight for h..

Nataly Fish

91:an och generalernas fnatt

91:an och generalernas fnatt

When private 91 "Mandel" Karlsson is appointed General due to a computer error, he tricks a foreign military attaché into believing that the Swedish defense has a new weapon that turns male soldiers into women.

Nataly Fish

The Sandpit Generals

The Sandpit Generals

Inspired by the classic novel by Brazilian cultural icon Jorge Amado, this is the story of a gang of homeless children lead by Pedro Bala. Set in Bahia, the film follows the adventures of Bala's gang of under aged outlaws as they steal, rape, find love, "capoeira" (a Brazilian form of martial arts) and African-Brazilian religion.

Nataly Fish

Conditions Générales

Conditions Générales

Un jeune garçon et une jeune fille sont assis sur un banc dans un parc. Le garçon demande à la fille s’ils peuvent s’embrasser. Elle refuse, et lui dit qu’il faut qu’elle soit sûre de qui il est avant de l'embrasser. Elle commence donc à le questionner sur plusieurs aspects, notamment sur leur vie future si jamais ils se mettent ensemb..

Nataly Fish

Il generale Dalla Chiesa

Il generale Dalla Chiesa

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Mi general

Mi general

A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.

Nataly Fish

Two Idiots at Fort Alamo

Two Idiots at Fort Alamo

During the War of Succession, Franco and Ciccio are arrested for being accused of desertion from the Northern army. Rather than condemn them to death for his carelessness, they will be chosen for a special mission: to infiltrate as expert officers on a delicate espionage action.

Nataly Fish

The Judge and the General

The Judge and the General

A Chilean judge uncovers long buried secrets of former dictator Augusto Pinochet and, in the process, must confront his own role in that dark past.

Nataly Fish

Witchmaster General

Witchmaster General

An evil Voodoo Witchdoctor runs a murder-for-hire business. He'll do away with your unfaithful wife, your unappreciative boss, or your back-stabbing friend - but the price is your soul!

Nataly Fish

Island of Rusty General

Island of Rusty General

Late 21st century. Archeologists unearthed a company of century-old military robots, but lost them during the transportation. Robots hide on an uninhabited island and later kidnap Alisa Seleznyova, a teenage actress playing Little Red Riding Hood, and Baba-Yaga, a mischievous robot actress playing a witch. Now those two have to stop the robots befo..

Nataly Fish

L'Extrême Droite dans l'Histoire : Du général Boulanger à Jean-Marie Le Pen

L'Extrême Droite dans l'Histoire : Du général Boulanger à Jean-Marie Le Pen

La présence de Jean-Marie Le Pen face à Jacques Chirac lors du second tour des élections présidentielles de 2002 a marqué les esprits. Si le vote protestataire en faveur de l’extrême droite est observé dans de nombreux pays d’Europe, il prend en France une tournure particulière. Jean-Marie Le Pen apparaît comme l’héritier d’une lo..

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Churchill and the Generals

Churchill and the Generals

The complicated relationship between Winston Churchill and the leaders of the British army during World War II.

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