
Last Words

Last Words

Following in the footsteps of his uncle, this film documents the last days of Johan van der Keuken.

Nataly Fish

Last Words

Last Words

A woman decorates a box as therapy in order to cope from a nasty break-up. It's what she does with it in the end that makes it all the more beautiful.

Nataly Fish

Harsh Words

Harsh Words

After a devastating realization that she was an abuser, Sam Sarra produced this film about mental and physical abuse in lesbian relationships. Using revealing interviews, the film depicts the all too common repetitive patterns of abuse that more often than not go unnoticed or are simply not talked about.

Nataly Fish

Before Words

Before Words

Every time the task of drawing a circle is performed, it results in a unique shape, a slightly different 'version' than the previous and next attempt. BEFORE WORDS is loosely based on Margaret Tait's unrealised script VIDEO POEMS FOR THE 90s. The video is an attempt at following a set of simple instructions, to observe through another artist's word..

Nataly Fish

Two Words

Two Words

A recently engaged couple deals with the stress of competing for $10,000 on a public access gameshow.

Nataly Fish

Your words

Your words

Nayeon who is the beginner of acting and a cast in a short film makes mistakes in her lines.

Nataly Fish

No Words

No Words

No Words is a short film about a character who is being forced, by outside sources to write a story he doesn’t want to write. He pushes back against these forces in order to be true to himself and write the words he needs to set free.

Nataly Fish

The Words

The Words

A girl on the cusp of womanhood travels through the night, sat in a car amongst her past selves.

Nataly Fish

Fake Words

Fake Words

Best Experimental Film 2005 Austria

Nataly Fish

Unspoken Words

Unspoken Words

an unforgettable memory

Nataly Fish

Second Words

Second Words

As an aging farmer tries to cook his late wife's meatloaf recipe, a strange woman threatens to upend his memories of the recently departed.

Nataly Fish

Last Words

Last Words

A documentary unlike any other, set to the words that Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Franz Wright secretly recorded for his wife Beth Oehlkers Wright during the years he battled against terminal cancer. M. A. Littler’s subtle, almost static, but powerfully affecting visual meditation, cued to Wright’s voice and a gossamer score, captures poetry a..

Nataly Fish

Last Words

Last Words

A battered woman struggles to leave an abusive relationship, later finds herself dealing with more havoc that she did not see approaching.

Nataly Fish

Two Words

Two Words

Martha joins her family in an online game night, but a serious problem is weighing on her. As the family plays, she makes multiple attempts to interrupt the fun and tell them about her problem. Later, she figures out a clever way to reveal it to the family.

Nataly Fish

Pleasant Words

Pleasant Words

This is a TV test card substitute where Rody-chan and friends talk pleasantly.

Nataly Fish

Burning Words

Burning Words

David Darby and his younger brother Ross are both members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Ross is accused of murdering Slip Martin, but David doesn't believe his brother committed the murder and, not wanting to see him executed, takes the blame himself.

Nataly Fish

Words Hurt

Words Hurt

Nataly Fish

Last Words

Last Words

Linguist-philologist Mark Janse discovers speakers of the Cappadocian language – previously assumed extinct, linguists worldwide are exhilarated at the discovery, but Janse realizes the rediscovered language is doomed to die anyway.

Nataly Fish

Words of Love

Words of Love

2 February 1959. The Winter Dance party, Clear Lake, Iowa - another date on Buddy Holly's whistle-stop tour. Across the Atlantic, a schoolboy models his life on the rock 'n' roll star whose music and untimely death affected the lives of a generation.

Nataly Fish

Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words

Film from Brian Boye

Nataly Fish

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