
Le Mystère du château de Blackmoor

Le Mystère du château de Blackmoor

Alors que Lucius Clark, riche parvenu britannique, fête sa prochaine élévation à la pairie dans la salle de réception du château de Blackmoor qu'il loue depuis son retour d'une colonie africaine, des aboiements inquiétants résonnent dans le chenil. Un domestique, envoyé pour calmer les chiens, est assailli par un individu masqué qui l'ét..

Nataly Fish

The Rivals

The Rivals

A pair of hoodlums steal a car in which there is a note - a ransom letter - directed to a wealthy man whose daughter has just been kidnapped. The two gangsters stole the abductor's car and when they find the note, they decide to take advantage of the situation and collect the money.

Nataly Fish

Flat Two

Flat Two

A victim's boyfriend sneaks into a blackmailer's flat to sort him out, but another man's already there, and both don't realise the crook has been murdered before they got there. The police soon arrive, tipped off in advance.

Nataly Fish

Change Partners

Change Partners

An adulterous couple turn to murder, only to discover that a petty crook and blackmailer has already had his eye upon them.

Nataly Fish

Five Golden Dragons

Five Golden Dragons

While travelling through Hong Kong, Bob Mitchell accidentally stumbles into the middle of criminal negotiations between a mean gang, the Five Golden Dragons and the local mobsters.

Nataly Fish

La Vengeance du Scorpion d'Or

La Vengeance du Scorpion d'Or

Sir Oliver Ramsey est tué dans un accident d'avion. A son enterrement, un rire sardonique sort de son cercueil. Peu après l'avocat de la famille Ramsey, Dr Merryl est tué par une silhouette fantomatique avec un masque de tête de mort. Le frère de Sir Oliver est persuadé que ce dernier est revenu du monde des morts et veut le tuer.

Nataly Fish

Crossroads to Crime

Crossroads to Crime

Crossroads to Crime is about the investigations of a police constable (Anthony Oliver) who, working undercover without support from his colleagues, confronts and brings down a gang of vehicle hi-jackers.

Nataly Fish

Die unheimlichen Briefe

Die unheimlichen Briefe

Strange, rhymed advertisements in the TIMES unsettle three London gangsters - and rightly so, because soon the first of them are killed. The mysterious killer also catches a shady lawyer. Higgins and Lane find out that the key to the crimes is an unsolved diamond heist from jeweler Bolden. It looks like those involved are fighting over the loot. Ev..

Nataly Fish

Clue of the Silver Key

Clue of the Silver Key

The police investigate the murder of a wealthy old man.

Nataly Fish

L'Araignée blanche défie Scotland Yard

L'Araignée blanche défie Scotland Yard

À Londres, un homme meurt dans un accident de voiture alors qu'il venait d'obtenir une importante prime d'assurance. Sur les lieux de l'accident, Scotland Yard découvre une étrange marque : une araignée blanche. S'ensuit alors des assassinats, chacun d'eux marqué par cette même araignée...

Nataly Fish

The Trygon Factor

The Trygon Factor

A Scotland Yard detective is investigating a string of robberies and a murder, and the information he uncovers leads him to the estate of a wealthy but strange English family, who share their mansion with a group of nuns. The detective comes to suspect that neither the family nor the nuns is quite what they seem to be.

Nataly Fish

Act of Murder

Act of Murder

A dangerous psychological game plays out between a man and the husband of the lover who spurned him.

Nataly Fish

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

A fraudster is arrested for stealing a large sum of money from his partners. When he learns that a particularly brilliant barrister will lead the prosecution against him he sets out to undermine the credibility of the barrister.

Nataly Fish

Solo for Sparrow

Solo for Sparrow

A group of crooks accidentally kill an elderly shop assistant while stealing the keys to the jewellery shop where she works. When his superiors think that the case is better handed over to Scotland Yard, the local detective inspector, Sparrow, decides to go solo to investigate the crime himself.

Nataly Fish

The Red Pastures

The Red Pastures

A serial killer is on the run, after escaping a mental institution. He befriends a woman and her child, but the urge to strangle women with red necklaces still haunts him.

Nataly Fish

Dead Man's Chest

Dead Man's Chest

Two young journalists simulate a murder, but the scheme backfires when the mock victim disappears.

Nataly Fish

Game for Three Losers

Game for Three Losers

A politician is set up by his secretary and blackmailed by her brother.

Nataly Fish

The Case of the Frightened Lady

The Case of the Frightened Lady

A woman tries to protect her family's name when one relative becomes a murderer.

Nataly Fish

On the Run

On the Run

An ex-con escapes from jail to clear himself about a robbery charge

Nataly Fish

301, la légende de Superplus Maximus

301, la légende de Superplus Maximus

Dans la Sparte antique, Superplus Maximus est un général totalement incapable. Bien que promis à un destin hors du commun, Superplus ne fait que briller par son incompétence. Ses ennemis profitent de la situation pour tenter de s'emparer du pouvoir de ce général insupportable de médiocrité...

Nataly Fish

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