
Living Volcanoes

Living Volcanoes

The varied activity, both human and natural, that occurs on the slopes of active volcanoes.

Nataly Fish

Volcanoes of the Caribbean: The Voyage of the Sir Robert Baden Powell

Volcanoes of the Caribbean: The Voyage of the Sir Robert Baden Powell

Documentary filmed on a sailing voyage to the eleven volcanic islands of the Caribbean.

Nataly Fish

The House on the Volcano

The House on the Volcano

An aging drilling foreman recounts the brutal suppression of an oil workers’ strike in pre-revolutionary Baku.

Nataly Fish

The Volcano Exiles

The Volcano Exiles

She menage to save from a fire a bunch of pictures and a diary written by hand. Those words and faces becomes the last traces left from the man she one day knew and loved. Crossing mountains and roads, she tries to remake his steps. The places she vists bring people, gestures, memories and histories that slowly become part of her life.

Nataly Fish

Dancing on the Volcano

Dancing on the Volcano

Maarten is an ordinary 16-year-old. He likes to hang around in the park, listen to music, play videogames and dance as much as possible. Preferably with his dance partner Roxanne. But almost nobody, especially not Roxanne, knows he has a metabolic disease that could end his life. Despite the concerns of his parent, Maarten wants to live life to the..

Nataly Fish



A series of odd coincidences has left Lukas, an interpreter for an OSCE military checkpoint inspection tour, stranded near a small southern Ukrainian steppe town. With nowhere to turn, this city boy finds shelter at the home of a colorful local named Vova. With Vova as his guide, Lukas is confronted by a universe beyond his imagination, one in whic..

Nataly Fish

Descente dans un volcan

Descente dans un volcan

Nataly Fish

The Volcano Man

The Volcano Man

Documentary about Swedish author Sture Dahlström.

Nataly Fish

Inside a Volcano

Inside a Volcano

The journey of Team Iceland to Euro 2016.

Nataly Fish

The Monster of the Volcano

The Monster of the Volcano

A yeti-like monster is stalking the mountains of rural Mexico, sometimes displaying the powers of hypnosis. It ultimately plays a part in destroying two shady characters.

Nataly Fish

An Inhabited Volcano

An Inhabited Volcano

The filmmakers hoped they would one day get to witness the volcano’s eruption from their home of La Palma, in the Canary Islands. Little did they know it would start only two kilometres from their friend’s house. Voice messages exchanged on WhatsApp are complemented by images shot on the island, revealing a tragic yet eminently dazzling and hyp..

Nataly Fish

Vigilance volcanique au coeur de Java

Vigilance volcanique au coeur de Java

L’île indonésienne de Java (160 millions d’habitants) est située sur l’arc de la Sonde, zone volcanique la plus active au monde. Son nom signifiant "montagne de feu" en javanais, le Merapi compte parmi les dix volcans les plus dangereux du globe. Réputé pour ses éruptions brutales aux nuées ardentes pouvant atteindre 800 degrés, il a ..

Nataly Fish

Volcano: What Does a Lake Dream?

Volcano: What Does a Lake Dream?

Volcanoes erupt from the depths of the boiling earth to the surface of the celluloid film, to create a new abstract cinematographic language.

Nataly Fish

This day we saw the volcano

This day we saw the volcano

On desert wilderness, without adults, two boys try to find answers to their questions. They roam through open spaces, without hurry. They rest in the middle of the road or under high voltage towers. They talk about life and death, ask what for are the teachers, about the big animals that died out many years ago, about absolute darkness, about forei..

Nataly Fish

A Woman Like a Volcano

A Woman Like a Volcano

Finale No. 1 in Bellini's Masterpiece Norma

Nataly Fish

The Great Volcanoes

The Great Volcanoes

Inspired by the text " Art, Truth and Politics " of British writer Harold Pinter (1930-2008), Nobel for Literature in 2005, The Great Volcanos is an attempt to reflect on narratives in their capacityto reveal or subjugate the truth. In an era of post-truth and fake news, the healthy shock between art and society may project some light on our realit..

Nataly Fish

Rossellini Under the Volcano

Rossellini Under the Volcano

A documentary about Roberto Rossellini and the making of his 1950 film "Stromboli."

Nataly Fish

Watching the Volcanos

Watching the Volcanos

Icelandic scientists and laymen throughout the countryside have monitored volcanoes and earthquake zones for a long time. In recent years, technical equipment has been developed which enables much more effective work. Included are seismometers and inclinometers, devices which can detect small changes in land elevation in volcanic areas. A network o..

Nataly Fish

Apple And Volcano

Apple And Volcano

Together filmmaker Nathalie and her friend Fabienne venture into a world of memories and forgetting: Fabienne to prepare for her departure from life and Nathalie in order to face it.

Nataly Fish

Straight to the Volcano

Straight to the Volcano

After the novellette of the same name of Mehdi Huseyn.

Nataly Fish

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