
The Tangi Virus

The Tangi Virus

An alien virus attacks a small community in southeast Louisiana

Nataly Fish

I am virus

I am virus

Nataly Fish

Rastreadores de virus

Rastreadores de virus

Nataly Fish

Ray Gun Virus

Ray Gun Virus

Paul Shartis's Ray Gun Virus (1966) is a transfixing, must-see-in-person “flicker” film that distills the cinematic experience to projected light and color patterns, allowing “the viewer to become aware of the electrical-chemical functioning of his own nervous system.”

Nataly Fish

Chasing the Virus

Chasing the Virus

Nataly Fish

The Virus That Shook the World

The Virus That Shook the World

The epic story of how people around the world lived through the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, from lockdowns to funerals to protests. Filming across the globe and using extensive personal video and local footage, FRONTLINE documented how people and countries responded to COVID-19 across cultures, races, faiths and privilege.

Nataly Fish

D.I.K. - Jagd auf Virus X

D.I.K. - Jagd auf Virus X

Nataly Fish

Virus-Destrucción y Creación

Virus-Destrucción y Creación

¿Qué es un virus? ¿Cómo afecta a los humanos y cómo se transmite? Doctores, virólogos y científicos evalúan la propagación del virus Zika, los efectos que esta epidemia puede tener en grandes poblaciones y las posibles medidas que pueden detener esta enfermedad.

Nataly Fish

O Vírus da Positividade

O Vírus da Positividade

Nataly Fish

Virus Hunting: Cave to COVID

Virus Hunting: Cave to COVID

As the world battles COVID-19, a team of experts from across the globe are in a race to shed light on how this virus emerged. At the center of their research: bats, often considered patient zero for most of the deadly viruses recently affecting humans. Follow these scientists from the forests of Cambodia to the urban underpasses of Singapore to the..

Nataly Fish

El virus del prejuicio

El virus del prejuicio

An HIV-positive woman, who lost her husband to the virus, migrates with her children and faces prejudice.

Nataly Fish

The Viva Voce Virus

The Viva Voce Virus

London actress Ronnie receives a plum role in a lesbian vampire B-movie. No one knows she also likes girls offset. But the assistant director's a jerk, Ronnie's girlfriend's fed up, and bits of a disturbing 1970s gay "utopia" parallel world are seeping into Ronnie's real life. Investigating, Ronnie encounters a disease from Hollywood's yesteryear t..

Nataly Fish

The Virus is Capitalism: Extract

The Virus is Capitalism: Extract

How has cinema changed with the experience of the pandemic experienced by the whole planet? The camera is no longer a "screen" to hide behind but a weapon to fight with.

Nataly Fish

The Virus: What Went Wrong?

The Virus: What Went Wrong?

In this 90-minute FRONTLINE documentary special, award-winning journalists Marcela Gaviria and Martin Smith trace the coronavirus’s path across the globe and identify a chain of fateful missteps — from Chinese authorities’ early silencing of dissent around the virus's emergence in Wuhan, to the World Health Organization’s failure to more ..

Nataly Fish

Les virus et nous

Les virus et nous

Agents pathogènes mais aussi micro-organismes essentiels à notre évolution, les virus pourraient contribuer à traiter certaines maladies. Voyage bluffant dans un monde complexe et méconnu.

Nataly Fish

Nicholas Ray Gun Virus

Nicholas Ray Gun Virus

Inspired by the work of experimental film maker Paul Sharits - an investigation into the colour, framing and rhythm of Nicholas Ray's Johnny Guitar (1954).

Nataly Fish

The Virus Within Us

The Virus Within Us

They are the most common creatures on earth. They have been around forever and are considered dangerous and deadly - but they are much more than that. Around 50 percent of our DNA comes from viruses.

Nataly Fish

Virus, la menace planétaire

Virus, la menace planétaire

Le récit passionnant des héros en première ligne de la mission scientifique la plus cruciale de toute une génération. Aux côtés de l'épidémiologiste Christopher Golden et du correspondant à l'étranger d'ABC News, James Longman, partez à la rencontre de chercheurs qui révèlent le lien entre culture, maladies et environnement pour expli..

Nataly Fish

The Enemies of the Potato: Virus Diseases

The Enemies of the Potato: Virus Diseases

Among the various diseases that attack the potato during the growing season, there are first of all the virus diseases such as Mosaic, Leaf Roll, Spindle, Purple Top, etc. Certified seed appears to be the most effective means of combating these diseases.

Nataly Fish

Le virus qui soigne

Le virus qui soigne

Renaud, Geoffrey, Mouna et Cassandre, atteints de l’amaurose de Leber, une maladie génétique incurable qui s’attaque à la rétine, ont longtemps pensé être condamnés à la cécité totale. Mais depuis le début des années 1990, les avancées de la science leur permettent d'espérer une guérison. Cet espoir porte le nom de thérapie gén..

Nataly Fish

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