
The Legacy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Legacy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Philipp Escott returns to the roots of THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE, accompanied by familiar filmmakers and critics, delving into the reasons behind the movie’s impact on an entire generation and its perpetuating legacy.

Nataly Fish

Ditch Day Massacre

Ditch Day Massacre

Jenny Bilson, a high school senior, is the perfect student, a wonderful daughter to a veteran police detective and an all American Dream. But the one mistake she is unaware of making is about to haunt her in a very violent way, as her past returns for revenge.

Nataly Fish

Beach Massacre at Kill Devil Hills

Beach Massacre at Kill Devil Hills

Stacy Phelps doesn't want to be anywhere near her abusive ex-husband the weekend that he's getting out of prison. With her best friends by her side, they decide to go away to her parent's beach house. Soon, they will be in a fight to survive the night.

Nataly Fish

Meatcleaver Massacre

Meatcleaver Massacre

Four crazed killers butchered his wife, son and daughter. From his hospital deathbed he called upon the power of the occult for revenge... And he got it, he really got it!

Nataly Fish

Zero Hour: Massacre at Columbine High

Zero Hour: Massacre at Columbine High

This movie covers the final hour leading up to the Columbine High Massacre. On April 20, 1999, two boys from Columbine High School in Colorado embarked on a massacre and killed 12 students, one teacher, and injured 21 other students, before turning the guns on themselves.

Nataly Fish

The New York Centerfold Massacre

The New York Centerfold Massacre

Aspiring models in a Soho photo studio, aiming for the centerfold, are getting molested, tortured and killed by a mysterious perpetrator, who hides its identity by wearing a cloth bag over its head.

Nataly Fish

AMP House Massacre

AMP House Massacre

A group of social media influencers sharing a mansion in the Hollywood Hills find themselves caught in a life and death game of survival as a killer reveals their deepest secrets before killing them off one by one.

Nataly Fish

The Red Tide Massacre

The Red Tide Massacre

A television reporter is attacked by a monster while investigating an environmental disaster in Florida.

Nataly Fish

All American Massacre

All American Massacre

Incarcéré pendant des années à l'isolement dans un hôpital psychiatrique du Texas, l'un des tueurs les plus notoires du siècle dernier est interviewé par une équipe de tabloïd News. Rappelant de bons souvenirs de moments plus heureux dans ses jeunes années.

Nataly Fish

Paintball Massacre

Paintball Massacre

Old school friends go on a paintball trip miles away from civilization. But things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer is amongst them. Now, they must fight to survive their school reunion.

Nataly Fish

Redwood Massacre: Annihilation

Redwood Massacre: Annihilation

Un étranger obsédé par les meurtres non résolus de Redwood, convainc un groupe de membres de la famille en deuil de s'aventurer dans la nature dans l'espoir de prouver l'existence du tristement célèbre tueur. Leur quête de vérité voit une tournure sinistre des événements, alors que les chasseurs deviennent des traqués. Une lutte sanglan..

Nataly Fish

Easter Bunny Massacre

Easter Bunny Massacre

A group of friends hiding a deadly secret are hunted down one by one by a bunny masked killer.

Nataly Fish

The Redwood Massacre

The Redwood Massacre

​‘THE REDWOOD MASSACRE’ is about five adventurous friends, visiting the legendary murder site of Redwood. It has all the hallmarks of being an exciting and thrilling camping weekend away. They soon discover they’re not the only people in the mysterious location. The fun camping expedition soon turns into a nightmare as they are sadisticall..

Nataly Fish

Sheborg Massacre

Sheborg Massacre

When an alien fugitive crash lands into a local puppy farm and begins turning people into machines that feed on puppy flesh, Dylan and her BFF Eddie have to decide whether or not to take on the SheBorg menace, and save the world.

Nataly Fish

Mardi Gras Massacre

Mardi Gras Massacre

Dans une ville de Louisiane, un assassin s'installe et choisit ses proies dans les dancings érotiques où les femmes se donnent pour quelques dollars. Ses seules exigences sont qu'elles soient "very evil" et vénales! Il les amène ensuite dans son antre où il pratique un rituel sacrificiel pour la déesse Coatla, sous couvert de jeux sado-masoch..

Nataly Fish

Strip Club Massacre

Strip Club Massacre

Une jeune femme commence une nouvelle vie est obligée de prendre des mesures extrêmes à l'encontre de son entourage après que les choses se soit gâtées.

Nataly Fish

Massacre pour une orgie

Massacre pour une orgie

Enquête sur trois meurtres qui nous conduit tout droit dans un réseau caché, où le commerce de la drogue est à la première place. Kidnapping de jeunes femmes, qu'on drogue et revend à des maisons closes. Entre le voyou borgne, le sadique, le blanchisseur d'argent et le grand patron on est face à des profils aussi atypiques les uns que les a..

Nataly Fish



Un groupe de touristes embarque sur un bateau d'observation et part pour ce qui devait être une balade tranquille afin de découvrir la vie sauvage islandaise... Mais le bateau tombe en panne et le groupe est secouru par les marins d'un autre navire, qui se révèle être un baleinier. La pêche à la baleine n'étant plus autorisée, le petit gro..

Nataly Fish

Spring Break Zombie Massacre

Spring Break Zombie Massacre

In a world where the zombie apocolypse is an unquestioned reality, truly righteous brothers tackle love, loss, and life lessons amid the backdrop of an epic spring break.

Nataly Fish

Reunion Massacre

Reunion Massacre

After some eerie advice from an old fortune telling machine, a young woman receives an invitation to her high school reunion. However, she arrives to find a desolate building and a masked maniac lurking in the shadows who has been waiting a long time for her.

Nataly Fish

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