
Victory Kickoff

Victory Kickoff

After his team was disbanded, Sho Ota is 6th grader determined on finding new members to reassemble the Momotaro Predators.

Nataly Fish



A group of students with varying family backgrounds begin to question their lives and the hypocritical values of their corrupt socialist society. Their decision to follow their own ideals brings them in disrepute with those closest to them. Their support of one another finally brings them to realise a friendship based on loyalty and belonging.

Nataly Fish

The Penalty Kick and Sexual Life of Ana Dj.

The Penalty Kick and Sexual Life of Ana Dj.

No overview found.

Nataly Fish

Kick Me in the Traditions!

Kick Me in the Traditions!

Based on Leif Panduro's 1958 satire classic. David, a senior high-school student, aims a swift kick at his principal's behind and is committed to a psychiatric ward from the perspective of which he takes a close look at his allegedly sane family. They, of course, are the real loonies. The psychiatrists are worse. Only lovely class-mate Lis is down-..

Nataly Fish

Wong Fei-Hung Tries His Shadowless Kick

Wong Fei-Hung Tries His Shadowless Kick

Starring Tak-Hing Kwan as Wong Fei-Hung

Nataly Fish

Kickboxer from Hell

Kickboxer from Hell

While in Hong Kong preparing for a big tournament, American kickboxing champion Sean becoms involved with undercover British nun Sophia and her battle against his evil crew of kickboxers

Nataly Fish

Kick and Scream

Kick and Scream

Kick and Scream follows the final half-hour of a marriage. Through the perspectives of wife, husband and their six-year-old child, where reality is intertwined with puppet play, we learn about their own truths, becoming less certain of our initial judgment of character.

Nataly Fish

Soul Kicking

Soul Kicking

Takis is trapped. Takis tries to escape. Takis wants money. He's got a family, a baby, a home... Takis is being cheated. He loves her and he suffers... Takis can't take it at work. He's besieged by savages. But his boss tops them all... Takis has one friend and relatives. Woe is him!... Takis has run out of time. Yet, in his mind, a heavy black clo..

Nataly Fish

Free Kick

Free Kick

Taiwanese social worker Jia Jia is assigned to gather a football team of foreign workers. Ali, a former football player in his homeland of Indonesia, is forced to work abroad in Taiwan to pay off his loan after getting injured. Due to a series of unfortunate incidents and discrimination from his supervisor, Ali reluctantly becomes an illegal worker..

Nataly Fish

Wu Tang Magic Kick

Wu Tang Magic Kick

On his wedding night Mar Tien Lang, a prosperous businessman and instructor of 'The Magic Kick' technique, is attacked in his villa by the vilainous Fang Kang.

Nataly Fish

Kick 'n Rush

Kick 'n Rush

The story revolves around Jakob, Bo and Mikkel - three friends who spend their days lusting over unattainable women and engaging in a variety of illegal activities (i.e. they'll rent a movie and then break into a house to watch it). After he's assigned to work with Mathilde on a school project, Jakob finds himself falling for the girl - despite the..

Nataly Fish

Bob Kick, l’enfant terrible

Bob Kick, l’enfant terrible

Un garçon est conduit dans le cadre par deux puéricultrices qui lui donnent un gros ballon pour jouer. Pour le reste du film, les têtes apparaissent et disparaissent, les accessoires de scène explosent et se transforment en d’autres objets ou personnes, et finalement Bob Kick disparaît.

Nataly Fish

The Thunder Kick

The Thunder Kick

One man takes on a cartel headed by three brothers, who are responsible for the savage beating of his mother and the murder of his brother.

Nataly Fish

My Kickass Wife

My Kickass Wife

Nataly Fish

The Last Kick of Our Love

The Last Kick of Our Love

Çetin's great love Esra wants to marry someone else. Tahsin suggests going to kickboxing. The kickboxing instructor, Saffet, wants Çetin to fight someone of his choice so he can join the class. Unknowingly, Çetin chooses Saffet Hoca's daughter Defne, the champion of Turkey, and is hospitalized. When Defne decides to take care of Çetin, a funny ..

Nataly Fish

Kickboxer the Champion

Kickboxer the Champion

Kickbox fighters face drug traffickers willing to control the opium trade in China.

Nataly Fish

La rage de vivre

La rage de vivre

Tonio, un jeune danseur entierement voue a son art, se trouve dans l'obligation de revoir sa carriere et sa vie a la lumiere de sa seropositivite. Sa rencontre avec Jack, un homme plus age, bouleverse sa vie. Jack devient son amant, son mentor et compagnon. Ensemble, ils apprennent a faire face a leur avenir, avec humour et elegance. La decouverte ..

Nataly Fish

Den Ace Kick

Den Ace Kick

Nataly Fish

Morally and Kicking

Morally and Kicking

A group of men that their friendship starts from the army, meet after years in the funeral of a friend. This bad time reunites them, as for many years the family life and obligations, had absorbed a strong friendship.

Nataly Fish

Spin Kicker

Spin Kicker

The soccer team of Mirae High School, which is centered on the ground wild horse Park Han-eol and soccer genius Oh Se-hwa, faces a crisis of dissolution due to its unpolished skills. However, through hell training by teachers and players who love soccer, he is finally selected for the youth team.

Nataly Fish

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