


A landguard and his son go on patrol in a border area, where an invisible danger looms.

Nataly Fish

Tokyo dusk

Tokyo dusk

Nataly Fish

In der Dämmerstunde - Berlin

In der Dämmerstunde - Berlin

“With this film I try to retrace my journey, my story through the ruins, neighbourhoods, and streets of Berlin. I filmed the dialogue that took place between the city and myself, the wanderings in the old neighbourhoods (Moabit, Kreuzberg, Wedding), places where you can still find most of the traces of the past, or rather what’s left of them.�..

Nataly Fish

Dusk of the Peeping Toms

Dusk of the Peeping Toms

As the protagonist is searching for his girlfriend who has disappeared for 2 weeks ago, he happens to meet voyeurs and flashers in the midnight park. They established individual culture in here and get along with each other in unique way.

Nataly Fish

The Dusk of Wild Pigeon

The Dusk of Wild Pigeon

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

Meditation at Dusk

Meditation at Dusk

Man is constantly occupied with some kind of action. Is this action really what defines our lives? What else is important to us? The film seeks to answer this question by looking at nature and the created environment: Does the cat dream of man or man dream of the cat? Where is our reality, in our everyday lives in the built world or in nature? The ..

Nataly Fish

Nostalgia In The Wind At Dusk

Nostalgia In The Wind At Dusk

A brother and sister search for their grandfather's old home.

Nataly Fish

Les Anges déchus

Les Anges déchus

À Hong Kong, un tueur à gages désillusionné s'apprête à remplir son dernier contrat, mais il doit d'abord surmonter l'affection de sa partenaire, qu'il voit rarement. Dans une errance nocturne sordide et surréaliste, il croise le chemin d'une fille excentrique et d'un muet qui essaie sans arrêt d'attirer l'attention sur lui.

Nataly Fish



Un thérapeute part en voyage avec son compagnon et son fils, orphelin de mère. Ce dernier est tourmenté par de terribles cauchemars. Quand le père est contraint de rentrer en ville, le psychologue reste avec le garçon. Ils vont faire la rencontre d'un étrange voisin dans les bois...

Nataly Fish

The Foot Fist Way

The Foot Fist Way

Fred Simmons est un fier professeur de Taekwondo d'une petite ville de Caroline du nord. Tout va pour le mieux jusqu'à ce qu'il découvre que sa femme l'a trompé. Dévasté et humilié, il décide de rencontrer son idole, l'acteur Chuck Wallace.

Nataly Fish

The Tribe, l'île de la terreur

The Tribe, l'île de la terreur

Liz, son fiancé Peter et des amis prennent le large à bord d'un yatch luxueux pour passer des vacances ensemble. Soudainement le bateau dérive, heurte un récif et sombre mais le groupe d'amis arrive à se sauver sur une île mystérieuse non loin du lieu de l'accident. Alors qu'ils envoient un signal de détresse et attendent les secours sur la..

Nataly Fish

Devil's Den

Devil's Den

Quinn Taylor and his friend Nick are on their way back from Mexico with a load of Spanish Fly to sell in the States. They stop at a gentlemen's club called The Devil's Den and decide to test out their product on the unsuspecting women there. Only, these women aren't really human, and the two men find themselves in a very fatal position. Also tossed..

Nataly Fish

Tout le plaisir est pour moi

Tout le plaisir est pour moi

Louise, chroniqueuse radio, sait ce qu'elle veut dans la vie, et la vie la gâte. Elle est libre, fougueuse, heureuse. Tout va bien pour elle. Jusqu'au jour où, à la veille de présenter son petit-ami à ses parents, elle perd soudain... son plaisir sexuel ! Alors elle panique et se lance désespérément dans une folle quête pour le retrouver....

Nataly Fish

Jake's Corner

Jake's Corner

The fictional story of an ex-football star, Johnny Dunn, who moves far from the spotlight after a family tragedy to a small, desert town he owns called Jake's Corner. This dramatic comedy is a cross between Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) and "Northern Exposure" (1990). Set in the real town of Jake's Corner, Arizona, it is a rest stop for travelers making..

Nataly Fish

.hack//Legend of the Twilight: Let's Meet Offline

.hack//Legend of the Twilight: Let's Meet Offline

It's a short story about the characters from .hack// Legend of the Twilight meeting offline. It's more to hear than to see. It shows only backgrounds from the real world with the heads of the charater-game-avatars; but it reveals some interesting real life information about the characters. Sound Drama from .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, ca..

Nataly Fish

Tomorrow Will Be Fine

Tomorrow Will Be Fine

A romantic comedy about an obscure screenwriter nearing her thirties and a frustrated musician who accidentally end up in a situation where they have to live together.

Nataly Fish

Sea of Cranes

Sea of Cranes

A short experimental tone-poem documentary that explores three stages of the gentrification of Seattle.

Nataly Fish

From Dawn Till Sunset

From Dawn Till Sunset

Nataly Fish



In a neighbourhood on the outskirts of the city, people live side by side. So do Sammy and Max. While Max tries to get used to his new neighbourhood, his mother keeps haunting his mind. Sammy too has been thinking about his mom.

Nataly Fish



Going through a rough patch, a depressed woman falls deeper down the hole as nature seems to strangely mirror her feelings.

Nataly Fish

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