
Dinosaur Prison

Dinosaur Prison

A group of people find themselves trapped in a prison facility used to contain prehistoric creatures. Knowing that they could become the deadly dinosaurs' dinner at any time, they must find a way out before they become extinct.

Nataly Fish

The Wiggles - Dorothy the Dinosaur's Party

The Wiggles - Dorothy the Dinosaur's Party

It's Dorothy's first ever DVD! Dorothy hosts a surprise party for Captain Feathersword and invites Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus and Fairy Clare, Larissa, Lucia and baby Maria! You will be entertained by the Rosy Orchestra as Dorothy sings Swinging On A Swing, Dance A Cachuca and I Look In the Mirror! With 17 new songs, Dorothy the Dinosaur's par..

Nataly Fish

Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up

Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up

Stanley goes with his family and friend's to his great uncle's dude ranch. The local land baron is trying to buy the ranch and make it a parking lot for his nearby amusement park. The only way Uncle Stew thinks he can get any money to save his ranch is to find other dinosaur bones to attract customers. Stanley and his friends help in the search.

Nataly Fish

Diving With The Dinosaur Fish

Diving With The Dinosaur Fish

The hunt for a mythic animal once thought to have been extinct for 65 million years: the coelacanth. It can be found 120 metres beneath the ocean off the wild coast of South Africa. French scientists and South African scientists teamed up with experienced Trimix divers, including Peter Timm, who discovered the coelacanths in Sodwana Bay in 2000 and..

Nataly Fish

Les Monstres De L'Ile En Feu

Les Monstres De L'Ile En Feu

Dans les îles Caraïbes, une explosion sous-marine libère des créatures préhistoriques et un homme de Néandertal.

Nataly Fish

Stanley and the Dinosaurs

Stanley and the Dinosaurs

Stanley is no ordinary caveman. He paints pictures, grows flowers, and befriends a quartet of dinosaurs, who help him build the world's first house. Filled with lively music and lots of fun, this program helps viewers discover the value of individuality, manners, friendship and sharing.

Nataly Fish

L'âge d'or des dinosaures

L'âge d'or des dinosaures

Sur le site du "Jurassic Mile", dans un lieu gardé secret quelque part dans le Wyoming, une équipe internationale de paléontologues est réunie pour résoudre une énigme vieille de 160 millions d'années. Depuis trois ans, ils effectuent des fouilles dans ce cimetière de dinosaures afin de reconstituer une partie du Jurassique. Le butin des pa..

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita and the Knights on Dinosaurs

Doraemon: Nobita and the Knights on Dinosaurs

Nobita and Doraemon were finding out the truth about a real dinosaur. Nobita saw something under the ocean when they come across a cave that leads to an underground world full of dino-people. Nobita and his friends are amazed by their new discovery but sadly their memories must be wiped and must return to earth.

Nataly Fish

Kingdom of the Dinosaurs

Kingdom of the Dinosaurs

En 2030, pendant la troisième guerre mondiale, un petit groupe de survivants réussit à se réfugier dans un bunker. Deux ans plus tard, ils doivent en sortir pour trouver de nouvelles provisions, mais ils sont accueillis par des prédateurs dinosaures.

Nataly Fish

Objectif Lotus

Objectif Lotus

En Chine, après avoir dérobé un microfilm contenant des informations de la plus haute importance, un agent secret britannique est pourchassé par les autorités. Arrivé tant bien que mal à Londres, la traque continue de plus belle et il a juste le temps de se débarrasser de l'objet en le cachant au Muséum d'histoire naturelle. Seule miss Het..

Nataly Fish

The Dinosaur

The Dinosaur

Acclaimed Finnish director Rauni Mollberg made several scandalous yet widely appreciated films. Former co-worker Veikko Aaltonen’s eye-opening documentary The Dinosaur looks at the relentless, often disturbing directing techniques behind Mollberg’s art and success.

Nataly Fish

Dinosaur Secrets Revealed

Dinosaur Secrets Revealed

Dinosaurs roamed and ruled earth for more than 150-million years, then suddenly vanished leaving only fossils to fascinate and befuddle us. In a feature-length unique approach to historical analysis of these creatures, we don't focus on the latest technology or the most controversial theory. Instead, we look chronologically at what we've gotten wro..

Nataly Fish

Snake 3: Dinosaur vs. Python

Snake 3: Dinosaur vs. Python

The construction team blindly developed the unknown island, which alerted the two fierce creatures on the island to be destroyed.

Nataly Fish

Planet Dinosaur: Killer Elite

Planet Dinosaur: Killer Elite

Nataly Fish

Ralph and the Dinosaurs: V is for Vulcanodon

Ralph and the Dinosaurs: V is for Vulcanodon

Everything you always wanted to know about dinosaurs without having to ask Steven Spielberg!

Nataly Fish

Au loin les dinosaures

Au loin les dinosaures

Aurore, 16, is sent to the countryside so as not to see the physical decline of her dying father. In this strange interlude, she meets Loup, a charming and solitary teenager who seeks refuge in his dreams to find Joshua, an imaginary lover.

Nataly Fish

The Dinosaur Hunter

The Dinosaur Hunter

Federico Fanti, paleontologist and explorer, coordinates an international mission composed of 15 experts. The group will try and face the phenomenon of fossil smuggling in a concrete way.

Nataly Fish

Dinosaur Day

Dinosaur Day

You could have great fun with dinosaurs! Except that they have all died out and their bones in the museum aren’t all that fun anymore. Time to use your imagination and ask yourself a simple question: What would you do with your favorite dinosaur?

Nataly Fish

Dinosaur Babes

Dinosaur Babes

Three cavemen return to their village and learn that three females have been kidnapped from the plundered settlement. Get ready for the prehistoric hazards that these six (and others) encounter.

Nataly Fish

More Dinosaurs

More Dinosaurs

Gary Owens needs more dinosaurs and sends Eric Boardman on the ultimate dinosaur safari to find them. Join the hunt for a living dinosaur in the jungles of Africa, separate the facts from fiction in dinosaur movies, visit Dinosaur National Monuent and much more. There's no bone unturned in this award winning program

Nataly Fish

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