
The Children of Noisy Village

The Children of Noisy Village

The story of the children who live in Bullerbyn, Sweden, through the spring and summer months.

Nataly Fish

Les Enfants des autres

Les Enfants des autres

Rachel a 40 ans, pas d'enfant. Elle aime sa vie : ses élèves du lycée, ses amis, ses ex, ses cours de guitare. En tombant amoureuse d’Ali, elle s’attache à Leila, sa fille de 4 ans. Elle la borde, la soigne, et l’aime comme la sienne. Mais aimer les enfants des autres, c’est un risque à prendre…

Nataly Fish



Sur une île ravagée par un désastre écologique, deux adolescents ont décidé de fuir leur entourage et leur quotidien : l'étrange Birdboy en se coupant du monde et en affrontant ses démons intérieurs, la téméraire Dinky en préparant un voyage dangereux, avec l'espoir secret que Birdboy l'accompagne.

Nataly Fish

The War on Children

The War on Children

Exposing the sexualization and indoctrination of children in the United States

Nataly Fish

Children of Ukraine

Children of Ukraine

FRONTLINE examines how thousands of Ukrainian children have been taken and held in Russian-controlled territory since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The documentary follows Ukrainian families searching for their missing children, organizations investigating the alleged abductions and Ukrainian teenagers who escaped and say they were subjected..

Nataly Fish

Les enfants de la pluie

Les enfants de la pluie

Les Pyross et les Hydross sont deux peuples qui se livrent une guerre acharnée sur une planète coupée en deux. Pour les Pyross, adorateurs du soleil, l'eau n'apporte que mort et désolation, tandis que les Hydross doivent se protéger de la chaleur qui les pétrifie.

Nataly Fish

Les enfants du wagon

Les enfants du wagon

Les enfants du wagon raconte l’histoire de quatre frères et sœurs orphelins – Henry, Jessie, Violet, et Benny – qui arrivent dans une ville endormie, un soir d’orage, à la recherche d’un abri et de nourriture. Les enfants découvrent un wagon abandonné, et avec un peu de créativité et de travail, ils le transforment en une véritabl..

Nataly Fish

Children Underground

Children Underground

Children Underground follows the story of five street children, aged eight to sixteen who live in a subway station in Bucharest, Romania. The street kids are encountered daily by commuting adults, who pass them by in the station as they starve, swindle, and steal, all while searching desperately for a fresh can of paint to get high with.

Nataly Fish

I Figli di nessuno (Le fils de personne)

I Figli di nessuno (Le fils de personne)

Guido, le propriétaire d'une carrière de marbre, et Luisa, la fille de l'un de ses modestes ouvriers, s'aiment d'un amour tendre. La mère de Guido tente cependant par tous les moyens d'empêcher l'épanouissement de leur relation, afin d'éviter à son fils une mésalliance. Pour briser tout lien, elle emmène Guido à l'étranger. Luisa donne e..

Nataly Fish

Children of Winter

Children of Winter

Warren Miller's Children of Winter showcases incredible cinematography that will get you craving deep powder, fresh lines, and outrageous adventure! It will take you on a daring escape to electrifying global destinations, including Japan, Austria, Iceland, and more! Don't forget to breathe as snowboarding's Olympic Gold Medalist Seth Westcott charg..

Nataly Fish

À nos enfants

À nos enfants

Tânia s'apprête avec sa compagne à être mère. À cette occasion, elle reprend contact avec sa propre mère.

Nataly Fish

The Children of Camp Ashraf

The Children of Camp Ashraf

In the aftermath of the 1979 Iranian revolution, the militant organization People's Mojahedin (MEK) left their homeland, allied with Saddam Hussein, and settled in Iraq. Here, based on collectivist ideas, they established a large camp, Camp Ashraf. The organization became increasingly tied to its leaders, and in the early 1990s, it was decided that..

Nataly Fish

Hollywood’s Children

Hollywood’s Children

A documentary about child actors, since the beginning of motion pictures (narrated by Roddy McDowell).

Nataly Fish

Children in Need Rocks the Royal Albert Hall

Children in Need Rocks the Royal Albert Hall

Children in Need Rocks the Royal Albert Hall is a charity music concert held at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England on 12 November 2009. The concert was organised by Take That singer Gary Barlow as one of a series of events to raise money for Children in Need 2009. The huge success of the concert inspired Barlow to organise Children in Need Ro..

Nataly Fish

Bonté Divine

Bonté Divine

Le jeune prête Fabijan arrive dans une petite île croate pour reprendre les rênes de la paroisse. Préoccupé par le taux de natalité médiocre, il met en oeuvre un plan pour inverser la tendance : en complicité avec le vendeur du kiosque local, Petar, très religieux, il se met à percer tous les préservatifs vendus par ce dernier. A ce plan..

Nataly Fish

Godless Children

Godless Children

Haunted by the painful reminder of her infertility and questionable diagnosis, a woman is lured into a world of shrouded conspiracies and nefarious strangers, when an alienated teenager claims she is her daughter.

Nataly Fish

Rainbow Children: Portrait of Elika

Rainbow Children: Portrait of Elika

Little Elika explains that people in Iran like five things above all: rice, the sun, ice cream, fish and tulips. She gives a presentation about her home country in a Belgian school, which includes a Persian poem she translates directly into French. Her audience is amazed: Elika talks differently all of a sudden. And so something which was strange p..

Nataly Fish

Children of the Fall

Children of the Fall

Rachel Strode, a young immigrant with a dark secret in her past, comes to Israel in the Fall of 1973 to volunteer in a Kibbutz and then to convert to Judaism. Soon, she realizes that the local Kibbutz members don't seem to like strangers and foreigners, and that the evening of Yom Kippur (the most important holiday for Jews), will bring danger to h..

Nataly Fish

Children of the Cosmos

Children of the Cosmos

A film created for NASA / CineSpace 2017. The Cosmos. Mankind. The meaning of Life.Come play with us.

Nataly Fish

Weather For Children -  All About Meteorology

Weather For Children - All About Meteorology

Have you ever wondered how a weather forecaster knows what the weather will be like? In All About Meteorology, young students will see how meteorologists can predict the weather for the upcoming week and even a few months down the road through scientific deduction and high-tech equipment. Students will visit with Dr. Jon Nese, chief meteorologist a..

Nataly Fish

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