
Kuni Leml in Cairo

Kuni Leml in Cairo

Rabbi Kuni Lemle has just finished a Torah and is going to donate it to a congregation in Cairo. In exchange for the Torah scroll, the congregation in Cairo will give Kuni's congregation some antique coins valued at a million dollars. Kuni's twin brother's bosses hear about it and they make Muni dress up as Kuni so that he will get the coins instea..

Nataly Fish

The Lady from Cairo

The Lady from Cairo

The story of the film about a girl left the Egyptian countryside to go to Cairo to search for her brother, who went before her there and when I arrived in Cairo I met a rich man and married him and joined the art area because it is a beautiful voice and good singing and met and became the star of the masses but were not happy with Her marital life ..

Nataly Fish

Cairo 1000 - Cairo 2000

Cairo 1000 - Cairo 2000

Documentary by Ateyyat El Abnoudy

Nataly Fish

Cairo job

Cairo job

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Marouf Savetier du Caire

Marouf Savetier du Caire

Shown in Cannes 1947.

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From Cairo to the Pyramids

From Cairo to the Pyramids

Views include the bridge of Kassir-el-Nil, the Sphinx, the Pyramids approached by train, and the Nile.

Nataly Fish

Cairo Berlin

Cairo Berlin

In a post revolution Cairo, after numerous failed trials to escape the status quo of her generation’s depression, Nour, 29, secretly arranges fleeing her homeland. Hours before her departure, She embarks on a journey of struggle with a patriarchal society and a fight within to keep her hidden secret.

Nataly Fish

A Graduation Project About Cairo

A Graduation Project About Cairo

There is no place like home.. but where is it?

Nataly Fish

Le Caire confidentiel

Le Caire confidentiel

Au Caire, quelques semaines avant la révolution de 2011, un inspecteur est chargé d'enquêter sur le meurtre d'une chanteuse. Il réalise rapidement que les coupables pourraient être liés au cercle rapproché du Président.

Nataly Fish

The Barbarian

The Barbarian

An Arab prince masquerades as a tour guide for rich women in order to enrich himself.

Nataly Fish

Femmes du Caire

Femmes du Caire

Le Caire, de nos jours. Hebba et Karim forment un couple de journalistes à succès, jeunes, riches et beaux. Hebba anime un talk-show politique, mais sa pugnacité anti-gouvernementale met en danger la promotion qu’attend son mari. Il lui met la pression ; elle promet de mettre un peu d’eau dans son vin. Son émission troque alors la politique..

Nataly Fish

L'espion du Caire

L'espion du Caire

Afrique du Nord, Avril 1942. Le Q.G. du Maréchal Rommel se rend compte que l'envoi sur place, au Caire, d'agents d'information, capables à la fois de renseigner les allemands sur ce qui s'y passe, et de fomenter des révoltes avec l'aide des égyptiens, serait une aide très puissante pour la victoire finale. L'opération "Condor" est décidée :..

Nataly Fish

Tip on a Dead Jockey

Tip on a Dead Jockey

Broke and about to divorce his wife, a pilot joins a smuggling scheme in postwar Madrid.

Nataly Fish

The Republic Of Imbaba

The Republic Of Imbaba

Living on the edges of Cairo’s Embabah neighborhood, several residents seek to better their circumstances following the January 25 Revolution.

Nataly Fish

Toute ma vie

Toute ma vie

Égypte, 2001. Les tribulations sentimentales et sexuelles de Rami, jeune comptable de 26 ans et amateur de danse. Au moment où son compagnon Walid le quitte pour se marier, sa meilleure amie Dalia, féministe érudite, décide daller vivre aux USA, et son fidèle ami Karim, médecin respecté, échappe de justesse aux arrestations à bord du "Que..

Nataly Fish



The film is set inside one of Cairo's slums, where a group of outlaws sit on top of the social hierarchy, running a country inside the country, and having control over the majority of the town's poor and helpless locals.

Nataly Fish

The Forest

The Forest

A group of homeless kids and their struggle to earn money by going through trash,stealing,disturbing drugs and prostitution. The film sheds the light on what makes them do up-normal behaviors to survive and that society and government are responsible for this spreading of this issue.

Nataly Fish

هالو كايرو

هالو كايرو

Nataly Fish

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Big Parade Hits for 1940

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Big Parade Hits for 1940

Promotional short produced for the opening of the Metro Cinema in Cairo in 1940.

Nataly Fish

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