
The Inspector-General

The Inspector-General

Khlestakov is a young flamboyant crook, who is broke. He finds himself in a small Russian town, where local authorities are waiting for an undercover inspector from the capital St. Petersburg. Khlestakov is mistaken for an undercover inspector, and uses the situation for taking bribes from the local governor and flirting with both his wife and daug..

Nataly Fish

General Report II: The New Abduction of Europe

General Report II: The New Abduction of Europe

Portabella is putting forward the second part of one of his historic works, the “General report on certain matters of interest for a public screening”, which peeked out in 1976 at the start of the political transition process after Franco’s death. This second “Report” is made in the context of a severe systemic crisis in the cultural, eco..

Nataly Fish

Le Général de l'Armée Morte

Le Général de l'Armée Morte

Au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale, plus de 3.000 soldats italiens mourûrent en Albanie. Dix ans après la fin du conflit, les autorités gouvernementales italiennes chargent le général Ariosto de s'occuper du rapatriement des corps enterrés sur place. Cette mission peu glorieuse s'annonce pourtant difficile car la plupart des morts ont ét..

Nataly Fish

The General's Daughter

The General's Daughter

The film tells the story of the life of Michelle Bachelet and her surprising journey along the road to the presidency of Chile.

Nataly Fish

The General's Daughter

The General's Daughter

Nataly Fish

La Chambre du Général

La Chambre du Général

Un jeune homme se voit confronter à ses racines familiales créant un lien entre le passé et le présent.

Nataly Fish

The General's Children

The General's Children

Kind-hearted Thekla helps her frivolous brother and hides him on a remote farm.

Nataly Fish

The General

The General

The glimpse into the life of Mexican President Plutarco Elias Calles. Past and present collide as filmmaker Natalia Almada brings to life audio recordings she inherited about her great-grandfather, General Plutarco Elías Calles, a revolutionary general who became president of Mexico in 1924. Time is blurred in this visually arresting portrait of ..

Nataly Fish

Dans l'abîme de Gibraltar

Dans l'abîme de Gibraltar

À Gibraltar, où il fait escale au retour d'une mission au Proche-Orient, le général Sikorski est reçu au palais du gouverneur britannique, Mason MacFarlane. Celui-ci doit convaincre Sikorski de lui remettre des documents confidentiels révélant l'implication des Soviétiques dans le meurtre de 22 000 officiers polonais à Katyn. Le refus du g..

Nataly Fish

Thirteen Generals: Wind and the Cloud Rise Again
The Lucky General

The Lucky General

The action takes place in a city where you can live on only 100 yen a day. The "General", who indulged in gambling with his henchmen all day, he was running his business and hitting him with a taxi turned out to be a trifle for him. A unique work, filled with tears and laughter, praising the beautiful human love that blooms at the bottom of life, f..

Nataly Fish

The General

The General

Follows the life of general Ante Gotovina.

Nataly Fish

My Mother the General

My Mother the General

Unstoppable mother is doing everything she can in order to visit her son in the army.

Nataly Fish

The General, Staff and Soldiers

The General, Staff and Soldiers

Nataly Fish

The General Retires

The General Retires

Film of Nguyen Huy Thiep's controversial story about a general who, after devoting his life to the communist cause, retires, only to find that his household is in disarray, his grown children money-grubbing, and Vietnamese society far from the rosy picture of equality he'd imagined he'd helped make it.

Nataly Fish

The Viper Brothers and the Young General

The Viper Brothers and the Young General

The last in the series. Sugawara runs into two mahjong cheaters (Ichiro Araki and Mako Midori + sidekick Takuzo Kawatani) whom he takes for friends in need as his naivety prevents him from seeing their true nature.

Nataly Fish

Battez-les ! Les 6 nouveaux grands généraux !

Battez-les ! Les 6 nouveaux grands généraux !

Alors que le général en chef de l'armée des démons, Hadlar, se désespère de l'échec de ses troupes, Galvass, le tacticien de cette même armée, entre en scène. Resté jusqu'ici dans l'ombre d'Hadlar, il est bien décidé à prendre la place de ce dernier. Pour ce faire, il compte utiliser les 5 généraux placés sous ses ordres pour se d�..

Nataly Fish

The Triumphant Return of General Rouge

The Triumphant Return of General Rouge

A year after the celebrated cracking of “The Glorious Team Batista” case, the talented medical staff at Tojo University Hospital once again finds itself embroiled in a web of intrigue and scandal.The scandal occurs this time in the ER when a mysterious letter arrives for Dr. Kimiko Taguichi. The letter reads: “Chief Surgeon Hayami of the Emer..

Nataly Fish

The Unscrupulous General

The Unscrupulous General

One time soft-drink salesman Chang Chia-po, now a powerful warlord, courts the support and aid of the ammunition dealers Tu Mu-hsien, Robertson and Wilson. To impress them with his power and the strength of his army, Chang orders a parade. Much to his dismay, the parade ends in catastrophe giving the gun dealers a very bad impression...

Nataly Fish

The Headless General Who Stole the Book of Heaven
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