
Grandeur nature

Grandeur nature

Un chirurgien-dentiste marié tombe fou amoureux d'une poupée gonflable.

Nataly Fish

Natür Therapy

Natür Therapy

Chaque fin de semaine après le travail, Martin a le choix entre sortir avec ses amis ou retrouver sa femme et son fils. Son quotidien l'ennuie, il a besoin de liberté. Il décide alors de partir seul en randonnée à travers les grands espaces norvégiens pour s'échapper et se ressourcer...

Nataly Fish

Nature's Revenge

Nature's Revenge

Naturens Hämnd ("Nature's Revenge") is a moving and thought-provoking documentary about what we do with our natural enviroment, and what concequences it brings along.

Nataly Fish

Nature Calls

Nature Calls

Polar-opposite brothers Randy and Kirk never saw eye-to-eye, but their rivalry is taken to a new level when Randy hijacks Kirk's son's sleepover, taking the boys on a Scout Trip to remember.

Nataly Fish

Second Nature

Second Nature

A woman and man compete in an unusual race for mayor when gender roles magically reverse.

Nataly Fish

Dans la nature

Dans la nature

In nature, a couple is a male and a female. Well, not always! A couple is also a female and a female. Or a male and a male. You may not know it, but homosexuality isn't just a human story.

Nataly Fish

Mutants of Nature Cove

Mutants of Nature Cove

Party girls take their shy friend Beth to a nude beach, home to secluded Mutant creatures that cause hallucinations. A mysterious woman chants spells, and Mutants attack. Beth devises a risky plan to send the soul-stealing Mutants back to hell forever.

Nataly Fish

Natural Disorder

Natural Disorder

Jacob Nossell (24) is intelligent, but hardly fits the picture of a dream child: he suffers from a paralysis of the brain, a congenital physical handicap. It affects not only his powers of speech, but also causes cramps and stiffness. When he speaks, his words cluster together, and when he walks it is with difficulty. With a normal intelligence in ..

Nataly Fish



Un journaliste de nouvelles équipes de Jersey avec un journaliste en Roumanie à conduire autour dans leur voiture noire et ne rien faire lorsque la menace d'une tornade contrôlée par un culte satanique se produit.

Nataly Fish

True Nature

True Nature

Part drama and part supernatural thriller, TRUE NATURE tells the story of a family reunited when their college-age daughter is found after a year-long disappearance. With no memory of what happened to her, she soon discovers that her very presence threatens to expose the secrets and fragile lies by which her family has lived.

Nataly Fish

La Nature

La Nature

Éruptions volcaniques, tremblements de terre et tsunamis constituent la trame visuelle du film et sont mis en regard d’images de paysages naturels grandioses. Véritable élégie visuelle, le film dresse le constat sans appel de la supériorité de la nature, force implacable pouvant surpasser toute ambition humaine. Réalisé à partir d’un m..

Nataly Fish

Naturestyle: Hokkaido Japan

Naturestyle: Hokkaido Japan

Hokkaido, the North Island of Japan, is a powder-lover's paradise. If you’ve never been, it’s time to start planning your trip. And consider this new film from Director Jeremy Dubs to be your crash course in traveling to Japan. Follow Dubs and crew as they explore Hokkaido’s vast mountains, welcoming locals and exotic cuisine. Whether it’s ..

Nataly Fish

La vraie nature de Bernadette

La vraie nature de Bernadette

Bernadette, femme d'avocat, quitte la vie urbaine pour aller vivre à la campagne avec son fils de 5 ans. Elle y rencontre Thomas, un paysan qui conteste les monopoles dans l’agro-alimentaire. Dans sa représentation naïve, le retour à la terre, fort populaire chez les intellectuels des années 1970, fournit la principale cible à l’ironie de..

Nataly Fish

Nature Boy

Nature Boy

Un documentaire sur la vie et la carrière du champion Ric "The Nature Boy" Flait

Nataly Fish

Nature Cat: A Nature Carol

Nature Cat: A Nature Carol

In the tradition of the Dickens holiday classic, Nature Cat is bursting with what he thinks is “Christmas spirit,” and wants to celebrate with lots of presents for himself, and by decorating the woods with bright lights and loud festive music for everyone. Fa-la-la, that doesn’t sound like Nature Cat? Daisy, Hal and Squeeks are upset because ..

Nataly Fish

Nature on Rails

Nature on Rails

Know in full all about the particularities of this rail ride that has been enchanting thousands of passengers for over a century. In this trip it is difficult to distinguish who plays the main role: whether the Railway or the Nature. The Paranaguá - Curitiba Railroad is one of the largest engineering works in the world, with 110 km (68 mi) of trac..

Nataly Fish

Way of Nature

Way of Nature

Swedish filmmaker Nina Hedenius records life as it silently but unstoppably passes by. She records the sounds and movements on a farm under the clear northern light.

Nataly Fish

With Nature There Are No Special Effects, Only Consequences

With Nature There Are No Special Effects, Only Consequences

A man is shot inside an empty room and he moves and takes on positions continuously out of barycentre. The nature of the lacks of balance is invisible and his ability into standing up in spite of unnatural postures is inexplicable: the videowork has been realized without special effects but is simply the result of a real shooting of an artificial c..

Nataly Fish

Inclusive Nature

Inclusive Nature

Inclusive Nature is a short film that addresses the theme of social inclusion through the beauty and simplicity of nature.

Nataly Fish

Immersion, nature augmentée

Immersion, nature augmentée

A naturalist sculpture made out of paper-mâché allows the visitor to discover an immersed riverbank from every angle. Linked to an augmented reality device the sculpture comes to life on a tablet screen for visitors to watch the different natural cycles and chemical phenomena that occur throughout the four seasons. A whole ecosystem that is essen..

Nataly Fish

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