
Hearts in Exile

Hearts in Exile

In this romance set in Russia, a fisherman's daughter is jilted by her true love and instead marries a baron. Time passes and the two men meet each other in Siberia where they have both been exiled. When the poorer man has the opportunity to come home, he changes places with the baron so that he can return to his wife. Unbeknownst to him, she has g..

Nataly Fish

Lioness in Exile

Lioness in Exile

Soon after we meet Manyari, the queen of her pride, she does something both unusual and bold: She leaves the sanctuary of the clan with her young cubs and takes them on a dangerous odyssey. She makes a bid to escape because two young bloods are sniffing around, and if they take over the pride, they will kill her cubs

Nataly Fish

Exile: A Myth Unearthed

Exile: A Myth Unearthed

This feature documentary looks at new evidence that suggests the majority of the Jewish people may not have been exiled following the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Travelling from Galilee to Jerusalem and the catacombs of Rome, the film asks us to rethink our ideas about an event that has played a critical role in the Christian and Jewish traditions.

Nataly Fish

Journal d'un disparu

Journal d'un disparu

Ulysse, un homme jeune encore, se retire dans une maison solitaire adossée à la montagne. Sans savoir pourquoi il revient là, en pays étranger. Au cœur de la forêt, il découvre un jardin défiguré par des ronces impénétrables, qu’il s’acharne à libérer. S’ouvre alors un monde ni vivant ni mort, là où naissent les sources, là o�..

Nataly Fish

Miss Tibet: Beauty in Exile

Miss Tibet: Beauty in Exile

High in the Indian Himalayas, in the epicenter of the exiled Tibetan world, a maverick Tibetan impresario stages an unexpected spectacle: a western-style beauty pageant. When a Tibetan-American teenager travels to India to participate in this 'pageant with a difference,' she finds herself not just competing for a crown, but confronting the intersec..

Nataly Fish

Exile Never Ends

Exile Never Ends

Deportation after more than 30 years in Germany - What happened that it could come so far? And what’s next for the family?

Nataly Fish

L'exilé du Temps

L'exilé du Temps

En 1962, le spéléologue Michel Siffre décide de passer deux mois au fond d'un gouffre, sans repère de temps. Son isolement a pour but l'observation scientifique du rythme humain, une fois soustrait à l'alternance du jour et de la nuit. Hors du temps, la raison du jeune homme vacille, ses perceptions se modifient et il part pour un voyage inté..

Nataly Fish

TruthPoint: Exile — New World Origins

TruthPoint: Exile — New World Origins

Dril and Derek Estevez-Olsen build a new society in the wild

Nataly Fish

In Exile: A Family Film

In Exile: A Family Film

The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) left a million dead and over 500,000 refugees. Mexico welcomed about 20,000. Among them were the filmmaker's grandparents, parents, and some of their friends. IN EXILE: A FAMILY FILM tells some of the forgotten stories of memory and history -personal accounts that are intertwined with the shared history of Spain and..

Nataly Fish

Svetlana Boym: Exile and Imagination

Svetlana Boym: Exile and Imagination

This documentary film is about the life and work of Svetlana Boym, literary and cultural critic, media artist, novelist and playwright. In 1980, age 21, Svetlana left the USSR for the US, unable to pursue studies at the Leningrad university because of the Jewish quota. After graduate studies at Boston University and Harvard, she became the Professo..

Nataly Fish

Native Sons: Palestinians In Exile

Native Sons: Palestinians In Exile

Martin Sheen narrates this examination of the lives of three Palestinian families who fled their homes in 1948 and have lived as refugees in Lebanon ever since. Utilizing archive footage dating from as early as 1935, Native Sons probes the roots of the Palestine/Israel conflict through lives of individual people.

Nataly Fish

Exile: The Burden of Memory

Exile: The Burden of Memory

A documentary following Chilean exiles who have settled in Canada following the military coup of the 70s.

Nataly Fish

Exile Nation: The Plastic People

Exile Nation: The Plastic People

The September 11th attacks began a decade-long period of anti-immigrant policies in the United States. As a consequence, the US began the mass-deportation of "non-citizens." Current estimates are between 4 to 6 million. Those hit hardest by these new policies were Latinos, primarily Mexicans, who make up 97% of those deported.

Nataly Fish

Valley of Exile

Valley of Exile

Set in the early years of the Syrian war, Valley of Exile chronicles the journey of Rima and Nour, two sisters who find unexpected refuge in a makeshift settlement in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley after fleeing war-torn Damascus. Older sister Rima, who is eight months pregnant, is set on reuniting with her husband and rebuilding their lives in Lebanon, ..

Nataly Fish

A Mandolin in Exile

A Mandolin in Exile

The Modhurchora Refugee Camp, in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, is the largest of its kind in the world, where millions of Rohingya refugees are confined. In this hopeless land, filled with the extreme despair of existential struggle, a ray of hope is lit by a lone native musician. Mohammad (Ahmed) Hossain, the 'Mandolin man' took refuge here with millio..

Nataly Fish

Exile in the Kingdom

Exile in the Kingdom

Filmed over midsummer 2019 in Fife, Scotland. This film accompanies a 358 page book.

Nataly Fish

Exile And The Kingdom

Exile And The Kingdom

A comprehensive account of the experiences of a community of Aboriginal people from pre-colonial times to the 1990s. This film makes the connection between Aboriginals in chains in the 19th century and Aboriginal people in prisons today, so providing a deeper understanding of how the violence and denials of the past inform the present. It argues th..

Nataly Fish

Atlantic exile, memories of evacuation

Atlantic exile, memories of evacuation

More than two thousand Gibraltar citizens were evacuated to the island of Madeira during WWII, changing forever their lives and the history of the island.

Nataly Fish

Artur Schnabel, compositeur en exil

Artur Schnabel, compositeur en exil

En compagnie du musicien Markus Pawlik, retour sur la carrière du pianiste et compositeur autrichien Artur Schnabel (1882-1951). En chemin, on rencontre notamment le chef d’orchestre Kent Nagano, les pianistes Leon Fleisher et Igor Levit, ainsi que l'acteur Udo Samel.

Nataly Fish

Chinese Restaurants: Song of the Exile

Chinese Restaurants: Song of the Exile

Song of the Exile, based on the 15-part documentary series Chinese Restaurants, tells the story of the Chinese diaspora through its most recognizable and enduring icon - the family-run Chinese restaurant. Filmmaker Cheuk Kwan takes us on a tour of restaurants in Israel, South Africa and Turkey, bringing us into the lives of three extraordinary fami..

Nataly Fish

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