
The Alert!

The Alert!

A series of four films presented as educational clips about work safety in a chemical factory presents a multi-layered reflection on the ambiguity of life and death, waking and dreaming, seen through oppressive black and white images and episodic narrative. The enigmatic story of a young couple employed in a socialist factory is characterized by th..

Nataly Fish

Guard! Alert!

Guard! Alert!

The young Candelas, seduced and abandoned by Arturo, an unscrupulous womanizer, meets two soldiers, Tiburcio and Angelillo, who, in order to help the girl out of her predicament, organize a musical recital to raise money.

Nataly Fish



After a five-year-old girl dies during an operation led by Dr. Nils Bakke, the girl's parents sue the doctor, believing he is responsible for the death of their daughter.

Nataly Fish

Red alert!

Red alert!

Three female photojournalists on outside duty. They are supplying interviews with notorious murderers and rapists. On a weekend trip to the idyll of a mountain landscape something strange occurs..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Be On Alert

Be On Alert

A movie poster calling for vigilance. A former kulak is sneaking into the collective farm for the post of accountant. He squanders collective farm grain, cheats collective farmers, indulges idlers, creating a mood of discontent among honest workers. The collective farmers expose the enemy in disguise.

Nataly Fish

Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert

Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert

The adventures of three Romanian inept petty criminals during the 1970s.

Nataly Fish

High schoolers on alert

High schoolers on alert

Nataly Fish

Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert

In the cartoon room, Joo Yeon, who got spoiler, starts the mystery of finding the criminal!

Nataly Fish

L'erreur boréale

L'erreur boréale

Alors que le silence et l'ignorance règnent en maître sur nos forêts, et malgré le discours officiel qui nous assure que le patrimoine forestier demeurera intact, ce documentaire choc soulève la question de la responsabilité collective devant la destruction d'un environnement unique au monde. La forêt boréale, cette importante richesse que ..

Nataly Fish

Alert at the Border

Alert at the Border

"Alert at the Border" tells the story of the Ecuadorian-Peruvian War of 1941, one of the most important military campaigns in Latin America during the twentieth century, with unpublished scenes taken by war correspondents and recreations made by the team of Amauta Films (1937-1940). Despite his patriotic tone, the Peruvian government banned the fil..

Nataly Fish

Liza Alert: The Search

Liza Alert: The Search

The life of the heroes flows on its own until they receive the message: "Attention! Volunteers are required!". Wherever the Lisa Alert volunteers are, they go on a search, especially when the life of a lost child depends on it. The film, created by students of the Moscow School of Cinema in 360 format, takes the viewer to the center of the events o..

Nataly Fish

Stunned, I Remain Alert

Stunned, I Remain Alert

Journalist Dermi Azevedo has never stopped fighting for human rights and now, three decades after the end of the military dictatorship in Brazil, he's witnessing the return of those same practices.

Nataly Fish

Bayside Shakedown: Year-End Special Alert
Criminal Alert

Criminal Alert

A group of Detectives investigate and solve various cases related to social networks including kidnappings, theft of organs, scams, etc ... then the police create programs to alert the community of how to protect themselves and use networks properly to avoid being targeted by the delinquency

Nataly Fish

Shark Attack

Shark Attack

Suite à de violentes attaques de requins en Afrique du Sud, le biologiste Mark DeSantis demande de l'aide à son confrère, Steven McKray. Mais lorsque ce dernier arrive sur place, il apprend que son collègue est mort dans d'étranges circonstances. Aidé par sa sœur, le professeur plonge en eaux troubles afin d'analyser ces dangereux squales et..

Nataly Fish

International Airport

International Airport

Manager of a large metropolitan airport tries to deal with the stress of his job, and the various characters that work for him.

Nataly Fish

Backdraft 2

Backdraft 2

L'inspecteur en incendie Sean McCaffrey travaille aujourd'hui à la même caserne de pompiers de Chicago que son père autrefois, aux côtés de son oncle Brian. Affectés à l'enquête sur un incendie mortel, Sean et sa partenaire Maggie comprennent rapidement qu'il s'agit de bien plus qu'un simple incendie de routine. Les indices récoltés les m..

Nataly Fish



Deux frères, Stephen et Brian McCaffrey, se destinent au métier de pompiers après avoir assisté à la mort tragique de leur père, officier d'élite de la 17e caserne des sapeurs-pompiers de Chicago. Vingt ans plus tard, si Stephen est devenu un pompier émérite, Brian vit de petits boulots. De retour à Chicago, il décide néanmoins de repre..

Nataly Fish

Pluie d'enfer

Pluie d'enfer

Il ne cesse de pleuvoir depuis plusieurs jours sur la petite ville d'Huntingburg. Le niveau de l'eau monte et le barrage situé en amont de la ville risque de céder. Les autorités décident d'évacuer la population. Seuls le shérif, ses adjoints et quelques habitants irréductibles restent sur place. Deux convoyeurs de fonds, Tom et Charlie, vie..

Nataly Fish

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