
Reel 42: Japan, Philippines, Thailand - 1953

Reel 42: Japan, Philippines, Thailand - 1953

From the Home Movies Collection.

Nataly Fish

Happy Together In Thailand

Happy Together In Thailand

Also known as Blue1 and Blue2. The film consists of 2 movies Blue1: Two young people went on vacation. Unexpectedly, a pair of glasses appeared from nowhere. After wearing them, weird things would happen, and you could see female ghosts! There was an unexpected guest beside them... . Blue2: Female sex is alluring, and male sex can perish the coun..

Nataly Fish

Thailand's Unlikely Scrabble Rebels

Thailand's Unlikely Scrabble Rebels

Three teenagers from Thailand experience transformative changes in their lives thanks to Scrabble, a board game played in a language foreign to them. Their journey delves into the enchanting allure of the game and underscores the profound impact of education. As they navigate through the challenges and triumphs of mastering Scrabble, they discover ..

Nataly Fish

Fra Thy til Thailand

Fra Thy til Thailand

Nataly Fish

Thailand's Love

Thailand's Love

Nataly Fish

Miss Queen Thailand 2

Miss Queen Thailand 2

In Bangkok, a katoey (transvestite), Payak, is on his way to a wedding accompanied by his "girlfriend" Auntie Bell and other katoeys. But on the way there is a serious accident and Payak develops amnesia. One of the others, Dok, who organizes beauty contests decides to hold a new contest in their province to help recover Payak's memory and must fin..

Nataly Fish

A Vacation in Thailand

A Vacation in Thailand

A bunch of Kazakh students gets in trouble during vacation in Thailand and they are going to re-discover the meaning of friendship and trust.

Nataly Fish

Miss Queen Thailand

Miss Queen Thailand

Ngamphan, an expert organizer of beauty contests, lacks someone to join the latest contest. Lalabelle, her friend who is much older, and Sarinee, a girl who would like to have Ngamphan's heart, try to search for anyone who can join this contest. Finally, they get Banjong, a Chinese opera actor, who agrees to be a queer to join the contest. However,..

Nataly Fish

Chasseurs des ténèbres

Chasseurs des ténèbres

Oscar nominated documentary short from 1991

Nataly Fish

Spooky in Thailand

Spooky in Thailand

An anthology film about the parody of Thai Culture such as GPS, Thai Sergeant, Spirit house and Lucky Dolls.

Nataly Fish

Edhay in Thailand

Edhay in Thailand

Edhay travels as a translator to Thailand with his family and his close friend Hosni, for a relaxing vacation and medical check-up.

Nataly Fish

Thailand is land of smile

Thailand is land of smile

Meet the people behind the smiles of Thai students who hide something behind a fake smile.

Nataly Fish

Very Bad Trip 2

Very Bad Trip 2

Phil, Stu, Alan et Doug s’offrent un voyage exotique en Thaïlande, à l’occasion du mariage de Stu. Après l’inoubliable soirée d’enterrement de sa vie de garçon à Las Vegas, Stu ne veut rien laisser au hasard et opte pour un brunch léger, sans risque, avant la cérémonie. Mais les choses ne se passent pas toujours comme prévu. Ce qu..

Nataly Fish

Les 13 Rescapés : Notre enfer dans la grotte

Les 13 Rescapés : Notre enfer dans la grotte

Dans ce documentaire captivant, de jeunes footballeurs thaïlandais pris au piège dans la grotte de Tham Luang en 2018 racontent leur calvaire et leur sauvetage.

Nataly Fish

La Grotte

La Grotte

Au cours de l’été 2018, une brève excursion après une séance d’entraînement de foot s’est transformée en course contre la mort, deux semaines durant. Le monde entier a suivi le calvaire de douze garçons et de leur entraîneur, piégés dans une grotte labyrinthique du nord de la Thaïlande à cause des pluies diluviennes. En quelques ..

Nataly Fish

Spirited Killer

Spirited Killer

A group of travelers visiting the exotic forests of Thailand is suddenly attacked by a multi-weapon wielding maniac. Some manage to escape, others perish under his merciless blows. The maniac is the Spirited Killer, a forest dweller who kills anyone who steps into his jungle.

Nataly Fish

Bride of the Orient

Bride of the Orient

After the death of his mother, a lonely farmer in rural Switzerland considers finally starting a family of his own. Eventually he pays for a bride from Thailand. The couple don't share a language, but being to know each other. However the village neighbors are suspicious of foreigners.

Nataly Fish

Drakula Tok

Drakula Tok

Things seem to be normal in an area of Thailand. But then Dracula is summoned to that region from Europe. He goes after a young woman. He has a bunch of dancing female vampire servants. Devils, zombies and some other weird creatures also show up.

Nataly Fish

Asian Beat: Powder Road

Asian Beat: Powder Road

The Yakuza has two investments in Thailand. One is a factory polluting the environment in Pattaya. The other is smuggling heroin with Thai partners from Burma. It is transported to Pattaya by placing it inside blocks of ice. Once there it is removed and surgically implanted into the “boobs” of transvestites for onward transportation by air to J..

Nataly Fish

Les singes qui voulaient voir la mer

Les singes qui voulaient voir la mer

En 2007, alors qu'elle mène un inventaire de biodiversité pour tenter d'évaluer l'impact du tsunami survenu trois ans plus tôt, une équipe de chercheurs menée par la primatologue Amanda Tan découvre sur une île thaïlandaise des macaques utilisant des outils de pierre pour casser des coquillages. Ces macaques bricoleurs ont appris à exploi..

Nataly Fish

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