
Octopus Cafe

Octopus Cafe

Comic stories of Varsovians living under the Nazi occupation and struggling with the enemy.

Nataly Fish

The Octopuses from the Second Floor

The Octopuses from the Second Floor

While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.

Nataly Fish

White Forehead 1: Octopus

White Forehead 1: Octopus

The story of a young deer which when gets far from the home faces many different challenges and troubles.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Octopus and Moray

Octopus and Moray

Max is feeling overwhelmed by the obligations and decisions of becoming an adult. He longs for his old friends and the familiar places of his school days. So he invites his former best friend Jonas on a trip on the boat where they spent their childhood summers. The two now live in different cities. But Jonas brings his girlfriend Nora along, and it..

Nataly Fish

The Octopus' Bone

The Octopus' Bone

The story is based on the traditional, Japanese myth of Urashima Taro; in which a fisherman is transported from the seashore into a fantastic underwater world on the back of a giant turtle.

Nataly Fish

Octopus Army I Want to Meet You in Shibuya

Octopus Army I Want to Meet You in Shibuya

Filmed entirely in the Shibuya area, the city and youth culture of Shibuya in the 1990s are fully visualized.Theatrical release was also particular about Shibuya, and a special dome was set up at the entrance of Spain Saka and it was independently screened. As for skateboarding , which is the core of the story , professional skateboarders who were ..

Nataly Fish

Octopus Alarm

Octopus Alarm

Alex is intersex. Although he has XY chromosomes, his sex is ambiguous. When Alex was an infant, his mother authorised genital reassignment surgery, and he was thereafter raised female. Now Alex is an adult, and he is consumed by feelings of anger and loss. After meeting other "XY women" and doing a lot of soul-searching, he decides he wants to liv..

Nataly Fish

Merry Christmas Octopus

Merry Christmas Octopus

Eva and her younger brother Johnny own two sentient octopuses made out of strange matter. Will their parents divorce and ruin Christmas? Will a scientist find a way to use their pets as fuel? Live action film with stop-motion octopuses.

Nataly Fish



Octopus tells the story of a mourning experience, portrayed through the drowning of a being who chooses to abandon reality, to leave the earth and to travel underwater into the collective unconsciousness.

Nataly Fish



On a hot, lazy summer day on the Aegean seaside, best friends Ece and Efe get tired of being pushed around and make a plan to prove themselves.

Nataly Fish



Four women from various walks of life attempt to embezzle money from a credit institution

Nataly Fish

Sanko and the Octopus: A Fight Over a Fortune

Sanko and the Octopus: A Fight Over a Fortune

This early Japanese animation opens with a festival of sorts...

Nataly Fish

Mon homme (poulpe)

Mon homme (poulpe)

Une jeune femme rentre chez elle. Elle troque ses habits de ville pour un maillot de bain, et s’enfonce dans les profondeurs de l’océan qui a submergé son logement. L’appartement est devenu l’écosystème de son conjoint : un poulpe. Échapper à ses tentacules n’est pas une mince affaire.

Nataly Fish

Octopus 3D - Geniuses from the Deep Sea

Octopus 3D - Geniuses from the Deep Sea

There are many myths about octopuses, the fascinating primeval creatures of the oceans. They are said to have torn even large ships into the depths! But researchers are now slowly discovering the secrets of these intelligent octopuses. In many new experiments, which you will witness here, octopuses demonstrate almost unbelievable abilities, they ev..

Nataly Fish

Shall we Dance with Octopustume

Shall we Dance with Octopustume

Animation and music by Manabu Himeda.

Nataly Fish

Kill Octopus Paul

Kill Octopus Paul

The film was originally named as “Ran Qing Shi Jie Bei” (The Legend of World Cup), but director Xiao Jiang changed the name when the famous octopus in Germany named Paul became a global sensation when he correctly predicted the outcome of all Germany games in the recent football World Cup as well as the result of the World Cup final. “We pla..

Nataly Fish

Octopus Banana Hotchpotch

Octopus Banana Hotchpotch

The lively and spirited journey through the lives of best friends, twin souls Mila and Mara, is a colorful adventure of two quite different life paths nourished and driven by decades of sisterhood love.

Nataly Fish



A foreigner arrives in a new city. He does not speak the language of the locals nor does he look like them: instead of two, he has several arms, like an octopus. Whenever he wants, the foreigner can pull off an arm and it grows back. He approaches people and even offers them his arms. In time, the octopus-man becomes part of the city, until the day..

Nataly Fish

La collection Cousteau N°7 | Pieuvre, petite pieuvre | La nuit des calmars

La collection Cousteau N°7 | Pieuvre, petite pieuvre | La nuit des calmars

Pieuvre, petite pieuvre Les plongeurs de la Calypso vont à la rencontre des pieuvres géantes, au cœur de l'océan Pacifique. C'est au large de Seattle qu'ils découvrent des spécimens pouvant atteindre plus de 6 mètres d'envergure ! Le commandant Cousteau s'intéresse aussi aux poulpes en Méditerranée. Une observation en aquarium permettra ..

Nataly Fish

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