
What we did before we drank cocoa together

What we did before we drank cocoa together

What is the value of energy invested into friendship? How can you defend yourself when there is no one to stick up for you? Our heroines find a way out of a complicated situation by continuing poetic life and by avoiding objective reasoning, proofs of innocence, condemnation and the need to win.

Nataly Fish

Self-Portrait or What We All Miss

Self-Portrait or What We All Miss

Mix of surrealist images of bubbles and smoke with some documentation of the world lived by Man Ray and Lee Miller.

Nataly Fish

What Did We Do to the Hens

What Did We Do to the Hens

A man has troubles with chickens.

Nataly Fish

What We Make of Our Misfortunes

What We Make of Our Misfortunes

From a found footage material, the film tells the fable of the Monsters, describing the human condition from a tragic and desolate point of view.

Nataly Fish

What We Talk About When We Talk About Football

What We Talk About When We Talk About Football

These are conversations I had with four football partners respectively on the way to the football field,on the way back from the football field,on the way to class,on the way to the bar. The content revolves around freedom,love, meanings of life and so on, which is mainly about their views on the life situation of themselves.

Nataly Fish

What do we know about light?

What do we know about light?

Nataly Fish

What We Don't Know About Mariam

What We Don't Know About Mariam

Mariam goes to a public hospital with her husband and her daughter, bleeding and suffering from a severe pain in her abdomen.

Nataly Fish

What We Wanted to be

What We Wanted to be

An impossible love story that begins outside a movie theater, continues in a café and could end with the two protagonists together… if real life wasn’t much more complicated than the movies. United by their love of cinema, these two main characters decide to live the lives they dreamed of and not the lives they are destined to live. In a seri..

Nataly Fish

What We Can't See

What We Can't See

Mona, Kristina and Peter have gone for a hike in the forest to relax from everyday life, when they suddenly hear strange sounds that lead them deeper into the forest. There, far away from civilization, they encounters something unexpected.

Nataly Fish

What Shall We Do Without Death

What Shall We Do Without Death

A documentary film showing life in one of Hamburg’s homes for seniors. Over the course of six months, Elfi Mikesch interviewed and filmed the inhabitants, concentrating on a female couple who are spending the rest of their lives together in a close and intimate relationship.

Nataly Fish

Have You Forgotten What We Used to Play?

Have You Forgotten What We Used to Play?

This short film tells the story of a childhood, of a friendship and of growing up. A young man returns to the village where he grew up and discovers that both he and the place have changed. Yet, he soon finds himself immersed in his memories.

Nataly Fish

What We Saw - Gaza, The children of Samuni family

What We Saw - Gaza, The children of Samuni family

A documentary of Palestinian children that lived through the Israeli military's intervention in the Gaza Strip in late 2008. The film depicts how the children of the Samuni family, that lost 29 members in the conflict, have accepted the deaths of their loved ones and how they try to overcome.

Nataly Fish

What We Have Not Said

What We Have Not Said

Through archive material and an intimate conversation between mother and daughter, the filmmaker immerses herself in memory to understand and rebuild her identity, based on the story she shares with her mother.

Nataly Fish

What Shall We Do About Little Jill

What Shall We Do About Little Jill

A film about a lonely child and the self-absorbed parents: "What shall we do with little Jill? Imagine sitting in a chair all day. Maybe we should give her something nice - a picture"? But a picture can not want to speak with - or? In the picture sits a girl who wants a horse - and Jill goes into the world to find.

Nataly Fish

Ce qu'il restera de nous

Ce qu'il restera de nous

Une histoire tragique, celle de deux frères qui font face à la mort de leur père. L’un a été aimé et l’autre injustement délaissé par le père qui ne lui laisse rien. Le favori, celui qui en a le moins besoin et qui est le plus désintéressé par l’argent, hérite de tout.

Nataly Fish

What Remains After We're Gone

What Remains After We're Gone

A group of jilted souls have found refuge inside a forsaken neighbourhood scorched by brutal violence, fire and destruction. They try to build themselves a home but the memories of the place still walk among them.

Nataly Fish

What Do We See After Closing Our Eyes and Stopping Our Ears?

What Do We See After Closing Our Eyes and Stopping Our Ears?

Non-camera style short film.

Nataly Fish

What We Do When We're Alone (or a Little Story About Reconditioning)

What We Do When We're Alone (or a Little Story About Reconditioning)

A short experimental film about a younger man and what he does when he's alone and bored at home.

Nataly Fish

Quand arrivent les cochons

Quand arrivent les cochons

Dragoslava a quatre téléviseurs, trois petits-enfants, deux meilleures amies et un mari avec lequel qui elle se dispute la télécommande. Elle a vécu dans cinq pays sans avoir bougé de son appartement dans une petite ville frontalière. Les média et la politique se sont infiltrés dans le foyer familial de Dragoslava, et elle y réfléchit av..

Nataly Fish

Le petit Nicolas - Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux ?

Le petit Nicolas - Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux ?

Penchés sur une large feuille blanche quelque part entre Montmartre et Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Jean-Jacques Sempé et René Goscinny donnent vie à un petit garçon rieur et malicieux, le Petit Nicolas. Entre camaraderie, disputes, bagarres, jeux, bêtises, et punitions à la pelle, Nicolas vit une enfance faite de joies et d’apprentissages. Au..

Nataly Fish

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