
Une poupée gonflable dans le désert

Une poupée gonflable dans le désert

Sho, un détective privé, est engagé par Naka, agent immobilier pour sauver sa compagne Sae, tombée entre les mains d’une bande qui l’utilise comme jouet sexuel. Le chef de la bande, Ko, est une vieille connaissance de Sho, qu’il s’est juré d’éliminer.

Nataly Fish

Ressha Sentai ToQger DVD Special: Farewell, Ticket! The Wasteland Super ToQ Battle!

Ressha Sentai ToQger DVD Special: Farewell, Ticket! The Wasteland Super ToQ Battle!

Akira wakes up with Ticket stuck to his hand. Along with Right, they fight off another puppet which has attached itself to Schwartz.

Nataly Fish

Crosses Over the Wasteland

Crosses Over the Wasteland

After a long journey in search of the murderer of his father, a man abuses a beautiful girl next to marry.

Nataly Fish



Brisa’s daily life alternates between the world of show business, appearances, and the stark reality presented by his son Hilario, who fell into poverty as a result of his addiction to drugs. The film portrays an intense fragment of Susana and Hilario’s story, the difficulties that arise when she tries to keep her professional commitments, the ..

Nataly Fish

Terrain vague

Terrain vague

En bordure des HLM parisiens s'étend un immense terrain vague qui conserve encore à notre époque des mystères et sert de refuge à des gens qui, aux heures de loisirs, s'échappent ou sont souvent éjectés de leurs logements surpeuplés. Ils se groupent par petites bandes plutôt inoffensives, partagent leurs premiers secrets, constituent leur..

Nataly Fish



The eldest member of a rural community of grape growers refuses to sell his land to a greedy real estate company. When he seems cornered by the dirty tactics of a corrupt businessman, he must decide whether to give up everything he owns, or take control of the situation.

Nataly Fish



Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a wasteland area of the country, where they suffer from the plague which gradually kills off the colony.

Nataly Fish

Wastelands of Today

Wastelands of Today

Music Video of Wastelands of Today by Between Sleep And Death

Nataly Fish

Wasteland Warriors

Wasteland Warriors

Surrounded by barren cities, sterile concrete or over maintained, uniform patches of green, more and more animals are losing their last places of retreat. The city continues to grow inexorably but, where humans fail to impose their order, nature sprouts and crawls out of the tiny cracks in the asphalt and concrete and re-conquers its territory.

Nataly Fish

Pics et Friches

Pics et Friches

Après la Révolution des Œillets, les paysans de la région de l’Alentejo ont occupé les immenses propriétés où, jadis, ils étaient soumis à la puissance de leurs maîtres. Les protagonistes de ce film, résistants de cette lutte, racontent leur histoire aux jeunes d’aujourd’hui, avec leurs propres mots.

Nataly Fish



Two brothers return to Chile after years in Iraq.

Nataly Fish

Ici Brazza

Ici Brazza

A Bordeaux, sur des hectares en friche se prépare un vaste chantier immobilier. Le film cherche à restituer les différentes étapes de ce projet d’éco-quartier à travers les yeux d’un enfant. De la zone actuelle au chantier qui s’annonce et jusqu’au quartier de demain, il va suivre pendant une dizaine d’années l’avènement d’un ..

Nataly Fish

Ours Is the Wasteland

Ours Is the Wasteland

Nataly Fish



Wasteland is a reflection on a reality far from the big cities – the everyday life of a few young people from Värmland, a province in Sweden. What does rural life mean to them? What is their passion? This is a glimpse into the life of a group of young adults and their lifestyle choices. A film that can also be seen as a political, non-ideologica..

Nataly Fish

Harvesting the Wasteland

Harvesting the Wasteland

Harvesting the Wasteland focuses on social relations and portrays the complicated relationship between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law at a remote farm in Norway, documented over four years.

Nataly Fish

Les Terrains Vagues

Les Terrains Vagues

Les Terrains Vagues offers a window onto a time-stretched space, from which emanate the voices of five individuals. Revolving around their internal dialogues, the film takes the form of a broad conversation about the models and preconceived ideas that impact the way they experience their sexuality.

Nataly Fish

Adult Wasteland

Adult Wasteland

An homage to playtime, Adult Wasteland is shot at Valnesfjord elementary school in Fauske municipality, commissioned by the public art project Noerart. The film is shot in time-lapse, featuring music from the band Cold Mailman from Bodø.

Nataly Fish

La dérade

La dérade

Deux amants discutent sur une plage du nord de la France. L'un deux cache le fait qu'il a besoin d'une greffe cardiaque. Il sait que quelqu'un doit mourir pour pouvoir vivre...

Nataly Fish

Wasteland Tour

Wasteland Tour

This documentary is a portrait of several residents in a remote region of Ukraine. They dream of sunken treasures, sing in a village choir, fight raiders and design coffins for themselves - in short, they live a normal Ukrainian life.

Nataly Fish

People of the Wasteland

People of the Wasteland

People of the Wasteland is an experimental short-film, in a first-person point of view, depicting the clashes of Syrian fighters in the front line. In the chaos of war, the lines between right and wrong become blurred. This exclusive Go-Pro footage from inside war aims to remind us that in a territory where the landscape and the people are ephemera..

Nataly Fish

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