
La Vengeance d'une blonde

La Vengeance d'une blonde

Gérard Bréha, journaliste pour une petite télévision de province, est engagé par une puissante chaîne privée. Accompagné de sa femme Corinne et de leurs deux enfants, il emménage chez sa belle-mère. Suite à l'accident de l'un de ses collègues, Gérard est propulsé présentateur du journal de 20 heures. Marie-Ange de la Baume, une sédu..

Nataly Fish

Emanuelle's Revenge

Emanuelle's Revenge

Businessman Leonardo, loves women especially model/student Francesca, who appreciates the attention but refuses to succumb to his charms. He then meets writer Emanuelle, who offers him a true sexual challenge.

Nataly Fish

Son nom crie vengeance

Son nom crie vengeance

Des Nordistes s'évadent d'un camp de prisonniers. L'un d'eux, Davy Flannagan, figure sur des avis de recherche d'un patelin voisin. Après avoir éliminé un chasseur de prime qui voulait bien encaisser la prime sur sa tête, Davy part à la recherche de son passé, car c'est le trou noir depuis sa sortie de l'hôpital…

Nataly Fish

Mia Misses Her Revenge

Mia Misses Her Revenge

Mia, a young actress, is slapped by her boyfriend. That does it. She moves back home and starts planning her revenge. She decides to make a sex video to send to her ex. She just needs to find a man to make it with. And that’s when it turns out things are not that simple.

Nataly Fish

Blood Valley: Seed's Revenge

Blood Valley: Seed's Revenge

Alors qu'elles revenaient d'un enterrement de vie de jeune fille, Christine et ses amies tombent sur une femme mystérieuse qui les conduit tout droit dans le piège du serial killer Max Seed. Suite à sa mésaventure d'il y a quelques années, ce fou furieux maculé de sang a soif de vengeance et est déterminé à infliger une douleur insoutenabl..

Nataly Fish

Kid Revenge

Kid Revenge

A tragic revenge tale in which sons and daughters pay for their parent’s mistakes

Nataly Fish

La Vengeance d'une femme

La Vengeance d'une femme

Après le suicide de son mari, André, Cécile fait la connaissance de la maîtresse de celui-ci, Suzy. La tenant pour responsable de la mort d'André, elle est décidée à se venger.

Nataly Fish

La flûte de roseau

La flûte de roseau

La Flûte de roseau débute par un prologue situé dans une Corée médiévale : un roi veut élever son fils indiscipliné dans la tradition martiale. À l'âge adulte, le prince devient un monarque imbu de son autorité et arrogant. Le jeune roi s'apprête à exécuter un de ses subordonnés. Son ami d'enfance, également poète, tente de l'en di..

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 2 - The Assassination of the Shogun

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 2 - The Assassination of the Shogun

Samon Kamiyama, a yoriki of the Minami-machi magistrate infiltrates the Denzū-machi prison disguised as Mushuku Sahēji. Samon is mistaken for a snitch and about to be beaten up when he was saved by the quick thinking of a ferryman Sanji. The infiltration is the plan of Samon and chief elder Abe Isenokami, who has asked Samon to obtain smuggling e..

Nataly Fish

Prohibited Sex, Sweet Revenge

Prohibited Sex, Sweet Revenge

Jin-wook and So-ri couple have been dating for 6 years. So-ri randomly suggests that they should go on a trip along with her best friend Mi-ra and her boyfriend. It is because she promised with Mi-ra before that the four should go on a trip together once Mi-ra has a boyfriend. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable with her plan because he has not bee..

Nataly Fish



Two old friends meet at a mountain shelter and recall their university years. Midroń and Świdrycki are mature, intelligent men, experiencing a crisis of faith in the meaning of life, in their abilities, as well as fear of death. The next day, their wives join them. Although they have not had the opportunity to get to know each other so far, they ..

Nataly Fish

The Revenge of Angel

The Revenge of Angel

Moon Lee plays a beautiful actress named Angel who is killed in a brutal fashion after she refuses the advances of a gangster. Twenty years later, a struggling young actor (Lau Chi-Wai) comes upon Angel's ghost, who teaches him some new moves which gain him the starring role in the local production, as well as the affection of one of the other star..

Nataly Fish

Revenge Porn: Paint it Black

Revenge Porn: Paint it Black

A college student must endure the fallout of revenge porn after sexually explicit images of her are uploaded onto the internet by her boyfriend.

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 4

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 4

Samon, who had left his position as a police constable, embarks on a journey. During his travel, he is attacked by a group of masked bandits and sufferes a deep wound on his way back to Edo at the request of Magistrate Toyama. Saved by Dr. Kazumichi, Samon is asked by Toyama to identify an informant among the members of the lightning gang, a group ..

Nataly Fish

Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge

Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in Kitakyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not..

Nataly Fish

Dorothea's Revenge

Dorothea's Revenge

Dorothea, a 16-year-old bourgeois girl from Hamburg, plays with her friends of both sexes, imitating the production of adult movies. In the end, pretending to make sex-scenes is not satisfying enough, and with a street professional, Dorothea is initiated in hard sex.

Nataly Fish

Hevn (Revenge)

Hevn (Revenge)

Rebekka séjourne sous une fausse identité dans un hôtel idyllique situé dans la région des fjords de l’ouest norvégien. Dans sa ligne de mire, Morten Holand, gérant de l’établissement, avec qui elle partage un terrible secret. Obsédée par l’idée de vengeance, elle met au point un plan diabolique pour le détruire.

Nataly Fish

V8 - Revenge of the Nitros

V8 - Revenge of the Nitros

After their glorious win against the Baracudas, the V8 team got closer to a place at the legendary "Castle", where kids get teached in racing. However, Robins father Rasmus V. Eight is hard on their heels. He still wants to get the control over his son and much more to ban the secret racings.Meanwhile, the V8 team has to deal with a new competing r..

Nataly Fish

La Vengeance au triple galop

La Vengeance au triple galop

Après la mort de son père, Stéphanie Harper, riche héritière, se retrouve à la tête d’un empire dont elle n’a jamais rêvé. Quelques années plus tard, elle se marie en grandes pompes avec Craig Danners, trois semaines après leur « coup de foudre ». Cet homme est une star grâce à la marche rapide, sport dont il est la référence d..

Nataly Fish

Time for Revenge

Time for Revenge

Two coworkers decide to blackmail the corrupt demolition company they work for by setting up a fake accident.

Nataly Fish

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