
Love Is Not Included in the Plans

Love Is Not Included in the Plans

Nataly Fish

Gintama: Love Incense Arc - Eternal Flower

Gintama: Love Incense Arc - Eternal Flower

When a love potion is unleashed across Edo, hilarity ensues as everyone's romantic affections go out of control.

Nataly Fish

La Condition de l’homme I

La Condition de l’homme I

Partie 1 : Il n’y a pas de plus grand amour — 1943. Kaji (Tatsuya Nakadai) travaille pour une compagnie qui exploite des gisements de minerai. Il est envoyé à Lo Hu liang, dans le sud de la Mandchourie (état du Mandchoukouo), pour s’occuper des ouvriers chinois travaillant dans les mines de fer, qui sont bientôt rejoints par des hordes de..

Nataly Fish

The Love Bug

The Love Bug

According to an Amazonian indigenous legend, a certain insect, Anophelis sexualis, has aphrodisiac properties: one who is bitten by it will surely die if it does not have sex within two hours. Knowing this news, Hans Muller, a scientist, moves to the habitat of the insect and collects several specimens for research in his laboratory in the city of ..

Nataly Fish

About the Problems with Kalman's Body and the Inappropriate Love Between Francek and Gela
O Amor Dentro da Câmera

O Amor Dentro da Câmera

O AMOR DENTRO DA CÂMERA is an essay documentary that tells the story of Conceição and Orlando Senna, pioneers of Audiovisual, who live a romance of almost 60 years, crossed by the History of cinema and Latin America. Intimate and metalinguistic, portrayed in the warmth of the home and through archival materials, when telling a love story, it tak..

Nataly Fish

Docteur Folamour

Docteur Folamour

Le général Jack Ripper, convaincu que les Russes ont décidé d'empoisonner l'eau potable des États-Unis, lance sur l'URSS une offensive de bombardiers B-52 en ayant pris soin d'isoler la base aérienne de Burpelson du reste du monde. Pendant ce temps, Muffley, le Président des États-Unis, convoque l'état-major militaire dans la salle d'opér..

Nataly Fish

Le Monde Magique De Winnie l'Ourson - Volume 6 - Amour et amitié

Le Monde Magique De Winnie l'Ourson - Volume 6 - Amour et amitié

Inspirées des contes intemporels que l'auteur A.A. Milne avait d'abord imaginés pour son fils, les histoires qui composent la collection "Le monde magique de Winnie l'Ourson" permettent aux plus petits de retrouver leurs personnages préférés dans des aventures hautes en couleurs et riches en péripéties. Cette compilation contient : Un énor..

Nataly Fish

The Rose of Versailles: I'll Love You As Long As I Live

The Rose of Versailles: I'll Love You As Long As I Live

A theatrical re-edit/summary of the TV series. Some of the voice actors were changed (eg. Oscar is played by Keiko Toda instead of re-using the original audio by Reiko Tajima).

Nataly Fish

The Love Melody

The Love Melody

Directed by Mario Volpe.

Nataly Fish

L'île des amours

L'île des amours

This film depicts the life of the 19th-century Portuguese writer Wenceslau De Moraes by means of nine ancient ballads from China. The writer married a Chinese woman after he left his wife and family to go live in Macao. Later, he moved to Japan where he fell in love with a Japanese woman, staying in Japan for the rest of his life. Mixed in with the..

Nataly Fish

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