
from my kitchen window the building was blinking

from my kitchen window the building was blinking

Presented virtually at ISSUE Project Room Artist Fund Benefit Oct. 2020.

Nataly Fish

Skinny Puppy live at The Kitchen, NYC - July 14, 1987

Skinny Puppy live at The Kitchen, NYC - July 14, 1987

Skinny Puppy live at The Kitchen

Nataly Fish

Promise Her Anything But Give Her the Kitchen Sink

Promise Her Anything But Give Her the Kitchen Sink

A film by Freude

Nataly Fish

Life in the Kitchen

Life in the Kitchen

A moody and lively study in fantasy. Our solitary protagonist experiences a sweet and imaginative mind trip peopled with friendly food fetishists. She also enjoys a side dish of body painting.

Nataly Fish

Great Battles of the Great War: Somme - Here Comes Kitchener's Army

Great Battles of the Great War: Somme - Here Comes Kitchener's Army

The Battle of the Somme has a particular place in British social history. The opening day of the campaign on the 1st July 1916 is remembered as the worst day in British military history. As the mainly untried recruits of Kitchener's New Army went over the top they were annihilated by the waiting Germans. There were more than 60,000 casualties, near..

Nataly Fish

The Good Housewife in Her Kitchen

The Good Housewife in Her Kitchen

Short public information film showing housewives' efficient and hygienic methods of food storage.

Nataly Fish

The Kitchen: World Chef Battle

The Kitchen: World Chef Battle

Victor Barinov at the personal request of the Russian President will go to Sochi at the world championship for professional chefs and to prove that he and his team are the best in the world! The hard struggle for the title of winner of Operations will help "dark horse" - his own son Ivan, which he suddenly found out on the eve of the championship.

Nataly Fish

Talking Heads Live at The Kitchen

Talking Heads Live at The Kitchen

An early Talking Heads performance from March 13, 1976.

Nataly Fish

Branca Ensemble: Symphony Nos. 8 & 10 – Live at The Kitchen

Branca Ensemble: Symphony Nos. 8 & 10 – Live at The Kitchen

Concert film documenting a 1995 performance of Glenn Branca's 8th and 10th symphonies performed live at The Kitchen.

Nataly Fish

La Brigade

La Brigade

Cathy, 40 ans, serveuse à Antibes, a toujours voulu être cheffe de son propre restaurant. Lorsqu’elle se fait renvoyer pour la énième fois à cause de sa grande gueule, elle se retrouve contrainte d’accepter un poste de cantinière dans un foyer accueillant des mineurs sans papiers…

Nataly Fish

La cuisine rouge

La cuisine rouge

Les personnages féminins qu'il y a dans La Cuisine rouge sont à la fois des mères, des prostituées, des folles et des actrices. Mais en même temps, et à leur insu, elles sont des êtres nouveaux anarchistes, portant en elles les germes de la révolution.

Nataly Fish

The Great Indian Kitchen

The Great Indian Kitchen

After marriage, a woman struggles to be the submissive wife that her husband and his family expect her to be.

Nataly Fish

The Kitchen

The Kitchen

The depressed Miguel hosts a dinner with a childhood friend, but is surprised by the presence of his ex, Leticia, who redefines the night by bringing up an old sexual memory.

Nataly Fish

The Great Indian Kitchen

The Great Indian Kitchen

Post her marriage, a woman tries to fit into the conventional mould that society has prescribed for married women. But somewhere along the way, she starts feeling that this is not the life she wants.

Nataly Fish

The Kitchen Porter

The Kitchen Porter

Bruno worked as a kitchen assistant in a Portuguese restaurant and, when he returned there, he recalled a shocking incident. He had Rick, a Brazilian colleague. The connection between them is only because of the work, and Bruno is Rick's apprentice. As the work increases in volume. They experience some not-so-good reactions from their boss. The s..

Nataly Fish

Michelin Stars: Tales from the Kitchen

Michelin Stars: Tales from the Kitchen

At a moment in time, when humanity is obsessed with food - photographing every dish, worshipping cooks and flaunting trophy meals on social media, this documentary goes under the surface and offers an in-depth, honest and relevant view into the world and every day of Michelin chefs and restaurants. Telling tales from a grand menu of culinary temple..

Nataly Fish

L'amour dans la cuisine

L'amour dans la cuisine

Se déroulant à l’époque de la République de Chine, c’est une histoire intéressante et sucrée. Bai San Qian est le protagoniste masculin qui aurait des ancêtres qui élevaient 3 000 porcs. La protagoniste féminine est une jeune femme qui sait très bien cuisiner et qui, par coïncidence, travaille pour le protagoniste masculin de sa mais..

Nataly Fish

War in the Kitchen

War in the Kitchen

Feature film.

Nataly Fish

The warmth of the kitchen

The warmth of the kitchen

Between flavors, scents and colors, Elia recalls her life, since she learned to cook her first meals, her joys and sorrows, always surrounded by her family, who remember her for her incomparable seasoning and the love she leaves in every meal.

Nataly Fish

The Kitchen

The Kitchen

This documentary follows a group of women on a typical workday as they prepare meals for a dockyard in Rostock. The viewer never learns their names - there are no interviews. The women are presented simply as workers: cooking, cleaning, hauling, and serving dishes amid clanking pots and hot steam.

Nataly Fish

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