
Le jour où le fils de Raïner s'est noyé

Le jour où le fils de Raïner s'est noyé

La nuit tombe lentement...Les habitants du village ont retrouvé le corps du plus jeune fils de Raïner noyé dans une rivière. Devant la maison familiale, au travers d'une fenêtre, les villageois observent Raïner paisiblement installé dans le salon avec le reste de sa famille. Qui pourra leur annoncer la terrible nouvelle ?

Nataly Fish

Ophelia Did Not Drown

Ophelia Did Not Drown

"Ophelia did not drown” is a performance art film produced in collaboration with Istituto Luce Cinecittà. The movie integrates heterogeneous languages seemingly incompatible: the sociological national repertoire and original performance art specifically designed for this project. At the center the movie is an Ophelia who is different from any li..

Nataly Fish

My Father Drowned in Soup

My Father Drowned in Soup

In a race against time, Jelian, a determined young boy hailing from Ormoc City, embarks on a desperate quest to find his drowning father hidden within a treacherous sea of soup.

Nataly Fish

Those Who Drown Cling to Foam

Those Who Drown Cling to Foam

Through stark, intricate animation, Those Who Drown Cling to Foam illustrates the devastating personal account of a family forced to flee their home during the 1999 NATO bombings of Kosovo.

Nataly Fish

Eternal Drowning

Eternal Drowning

San is a middle-aged man who is the head of his own family. He has to look after his sick wife and still-growing children in the middle of an economic downturn. His Shabu business is not doing so well, practically, no customers at all. The sickness of his wife is getting worse and worse every day and the hospital cost is getting out of hands. He tr..

Nataly Fish

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