
La Dérive des continents (au sud)

La Dérive des continents (au sud)

Nathalie Adler est en mission pour l’Union Européenne en Sicile. Elle est notamment chargée d’organiser la prochaine visite de Macron et Merkel dans un camp de migrants. Présence à haute valeur symbolique, afin de montrer que tout est sous contrôle. Mais qui a encore envie de croire en cette famille européenne au bord de la crise de nerfs..

Nataly Fish

Star Trek VI : Terre inconnue

Star Trek VI : Terre inconnue

Alors que Spock, le capitaine Kirk et l'équipage de l'USS Enterprise escortent le chancelier Gordon jusqu'au centre de conférence où il doit signer un accord de paix avec l'Empire klingon, leur vaisseau est attaqué et le chancelier est abattu. Chang, un général Klingon, accuse Kirk, qu'il envoie en compagnie de McCoy sur l'astre de glace Rura..

Nataly Fish

La Joyeuse Divorcée

La Joyeuse Divorcée

Une jeune femme souhaitant divorcer simule un adultère en engageant par correspondance un homme qui se fera passer pour son amant. Elle rencontre à la douane Guy Holden, un danseur, et est persuadée qu'il s'agit de son homme de paille...

Nataly Fish



Dans un hameau isolé au sud du Brésil, une jeune femme blanche découvre ses désirs les plus violents lorsqu’elle reprend le domaine agricole de son père récemment décédé. En parallèle, la médecin noire de la région compte mettre fin à un étrange pacte scellé entre les employés et la ferme.

Nataly Fish

Le Continent des hommes-poissons

Le Continent des hommes-poissons

En 1891, après un naufrage dans la mer des Antilles, Claude le Ross, médecin de bord, arrive sur une ile dirigée par un despote, Edmond Rackham. Claude est charge de maintenir en vie un biologiste prisonnier, afin que Rackham puisse poursuivre sa chasse au trésor.

Nataly Fish

Paradas Continuas

Paradas Continuas

Perico and Emilio, almost good looking teenagers, enterprising bums and lovers of the seamy side of student life, have the same problem: they have no place to take their girlfriends to give free rein to their baser passions: they can't go to their homes or those of the girls, and only sluts go to hourly hotels. Faced with this need (and a great dea..

Nataly Fish

To Be Continued

To Be Continued

The short video "influencer" Leopard, who is determined to become popular, faces the dual dilemma of company bankruptcy and payment of compensation. Partners, Gouzi and Monkey, also propose to break up their partnership. The three brothers came to the thriller crew for a special invitation to secretly shoot, intending to do well in the "last vote"...

Nataly Fish

Le Continent Perdu

Le Continent Perdu

Le Major Joe Nolan mène une expédition dans le Pacifique sud afin de retrouver un missile atomique égaré. L'équipe est victime d'un accident d’avion et se retrouve sur une île mystérieuse qui semble être peuplée d’animaux préhistoriques...

Nataly Fish

14+: Continued

14+: Continued

The story of the growing up of Lyosha, who turned 18 years old. Life asks him more and more difficult questions about love, family, duty and his path than it did at 14. And he, just as then, must answer them himself.

Nataly Fish

Porcupine Tree: Closure / Continuation. Live. Amsterdam 07-11-22

Porcupine Tree: Closure / Continuation. Live. Amsterdam 07-11-22

Concert de Porcupine Tree filmé à Amsterdam le 7 novembre 2022.

Nataly Fish

S10 - that things continue to go well for me

S10 - that things continue to go well for me

Stien den Hollander, stage name S10, a candid and vulnerable insight into her life. In the documentary, directors Linda Hakeboom and Rolf Hartogensis follow the life of the young singer for two years. S10 shares stories from her early childhood and about her psychological problems with unprecedented openness through her music. S10's career gains m..

Nataly Fish

Super Giant Continues: The Devil's Incarnation

Super Giant Continues: The Devil's Incarnation

The 8th Super Giant film, in which he copes with a disfigured mad scientist, who turns his own daughter into an evil witch.

Nataly Fish

Rendezvous of Japanese Kanto

Rendezvous of Japanese Kanto

Taiwanese/Korean co-production. Triad based action starring Mark Cheng, Sibelle Hu, and Ko Keung, with cameos from super ninja Ricky Cheng and bad boy Chang Shang.

Nataly Fish

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Jing is a teenager who starts dating Eiam, a woman who is 20 years older than him. Things go well at the beginning but when Eiam turns 40 and Jing starts to mature, the couple increasingly experiences conflicts and arguments.

Nataly Fish

The Case: Continuous Homicide

The Case: Continuous Homicide

Nataly Fish

Ashwatthama: The Saga Continues

Ashwatthama: The Saga Continues

Ashwatthama, the immortal warrior cursed by his past, must embrace his destined role as a hero, unleashing his true power to defeat the dark forces and restore harmony to the world on the brink of chaos.

Nataly Fish

Super Giant Continues

Super Giant Continues

The 2nd Super Giant film. Super Giant continues his battle against the foreign terrorists. In return, they frame him for murder. (Part 2 of 2)

Nataly Fish

Super Giant Continues: Kingdom of the Poison Moth

Super Giant Continues: Kingdom of the Poison Moth

The 9th and final Super Giant film, in which he fights a group plotting to assassinate a Middle-Eastern prince for his country's treasure.

Nataly Fish



Cainá is a young peasant who lives in a small village in Sardinia together with her goats and parents. She is a wild and free spirit and unconventional for any small and closed communities dominated by old rules. Cainà yearns to escape from such a closed atmosphere and the isolated island, so, as an old tune says: "Somewhere beyond the sea, somew..

Nataly Fish

New Bad Reputation Continues

New Bad Reputation Continues

Nataly Fish

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