
The Sahara's Secret Garden

The Sahara's Secret Garden

In the north of Chad, in the heart of the Sahara Desert, lies a forgotten mountain massif, which shelters, in its secret canyons, a surprising richness of plants and animals.

Nataly Fish

Sahara Sandwich

Sahara Sandwich

Nataly Fish

Sahara Mosaic

Sahara Mosaic

Sahara Mosaic is an orientalist kaleidoscope that constitutes a geographically complex, yet cinematic whole. From Egypt to Las Vegas: the old and the new world are reflected and doubled in this experimental travelogue.

Nataly Fish

Mystery Skeletons of the Sahara

Mystery Skeletons of the Sahara

An investigation into prehistoric, fossilised human remains found in the Saharan Desert.

Nataly Fish

Beyond Sahara

Beyond Sahara

Riding from Cairo to Cape Town. This thrilling documentary follows 16 motorbike riders across 20,000 klms. through Africa in 80 days. Presented and Narrated by Charley Boorman. Tour Operator by Compass Expeditions.

Nataly Fish

Musawat, Inclusión en los Campamentos Saharauis
Libyan Sahara Water from the Desert
Regions of World Series: Sub-Sahara Africa

Regions of World Series: Sub-Sahara Africa

The Beginning. Ancient and Medieval Africa. Humans originate in central Africa. The false image of Africa as dark, backward. Ancient African civilizations are characterized by achievement, stability, wealth, and power. The Kush in Sudan (700 BC-300 AD). Ghana (300-700 AD). The Empire of Mali (1200-1400s AD). Tribal Sub-Sahara Africa The Impact of E..

Nataly Fish

Viaggio in Saharawi – il Coraggio di Vivere per la Libertà
The Man Who Crossed the Sahara

The Man Who Crossed the Sahara

A documentary about the Canadian documentary filmmaker Frank Cole.

Nataly Fish

Musical Brotherhoods From The Trans-Saharan Highway

Musical Brotherhoods From The Trans-Saharan Highway

Filmed in 2005 by Hisham Mayet predominately at the Jemaa Al Fna in Marrakesh Morocco, 'Musical Brotherhoods of the Trans-Saharan Highway' captures an assortment of spectacular musical dramas presented live and unfiltered on the home turf of the world's most dynamic string and drum specialists performing and manifesting the ecstatic truth. Ancient ..

Nataly Fish

Sahara: Like a Desert

Sahara: Like a Desert

She wants a child but can't say it out loud, he doesn't ask. Can they stay together not talking to each other?

Nataly Fish

On Tour Exploring the Extraordinary Sahara Safari

On Tour Exploring the Extraordinary Sahara Safari

The Libyan area of the Sahara fascinates with its varied landscapes of lakes set amid desert dunes, ancient towns built of mud, camps with straw-covered circular huts, prehistoric rock paintings and amazing multi-shaped stone formations. The Sahara, although scorching hot and untamed by Man, has shared with us its remarkable and memorable natural w..

Nataly Fish

Ässhäk - Geschichten aus der Sahara

Ässhäk - Geschichten aus der Sahara

Shots, scenery and traditions of some Tuareg (plural of Targi) tribes, the Berber pre-Arab native camel-mounted nomads of the Sahara and bordering Sahel region. Their favorite pastime are stories, mixing truth, dreams, legends and poetic liberty, mainly told by the elderly and professional "griot", in tents or by the campfire, often accompanied on ..

Nataly Fish

Resistance Sahara

Resistance Sahara

Resistance Sahara, a haunting yet playful exploration of the liminal space between experimental, documentary, and fictive filmmaking, presents an artistic response to the Sahrawi refugee crisis from the frozen war in Western Sahara. Bringing international artists from a mix of disciplines to the Sahara Desert, and with them will create something ne..

Nataly Fish

Maradona of the Sahara

Maradona of the Sahara

Follows a youth girl's soccer team and the passionate coach who leads them.

Nataly Fish

My sahrawi family

My sahrawi family

My Sahrawi family' is a report - documentary that reflects the bonds of unity between Sahrawi families and Spanish families who every summer welcome minors from refugee camps into their homes.

Nataly Fish

Le fils du désert

Le fils du désert

Mohamed a 17 ans. Adolescent de mère marocaine et de père français, fils unique, il mène une vie de lycéen ordinaire en France. Un jour, alors qu’il est en classe, on vient le chercher: le proviseur a la lourde tâche de lui dire que ses parents ont eu un grave accident de voiture. Dès son arrivée à l’hôpital, une assistante sociale lu..

Nataly Fish

Sahara brut 58

Sahara brut 58

Commencé en même temps aux deux extrémités, Hassi-Messaoud et Touggourt, la pose du pipe-line se fait au pas de course. Les tubes sont soulevés, posés, soudés et ce sont ensuite les machines qui vont parcourir le pipe sans fin, pour le nettoyer, le peindre, l'enrober le goudronner et, enfin le déposer dans sa tranchée. Ce travail de martie..

Nataly Fish

Saharan dust cloud over Atlantic observed from a satellite

Saharan dust cloud over Atlantic observed from a satellite

This film shows atmospheric features seen by a geostationary satellite on the illuminated side of the globe and how structure and motion of a Sahara dust cloud differ from those of water clouds.

Nataly Fish

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