
Dramatic Passion of Algabert and Elisberth of Rodembourg

Dramatic Passion of Algabert and Elisberth of Rodembourg

Prince Algabert, upholding the traditions of his forefathers, wages a ceaseless feud against the house of Rodembourg, whose reigning lord has one daughter, Elisabeth. One day, the Princess Elisabeth is captured by Algabert's vassals and, forgetful of feuds and quarrels, the Prince falls under the spell of her beauty. Prince Algabert, having release..

Nataly Fish

Elisabeth II.

Elisabeth II.

This is the 2003 production of Thomas Bernhards play "Elisabeth II. - Keine Komödie", directed by Thomas Langhoff. It was the first time this play took place in Austria, at the famous Burgtheater Vienna.

Nataly Fish

Elisa: Soundtrack '96-'06

Elisa: Soundtrack '96-'06

Nataly Fish

Le Retour d'Elisabeth Wolff

Le Retour d'Elisabeth Wolff

Paris 1945, Élisabeth Wolff, a passé 2 ans en camp de concentration. À la fin de la guerre, elle rentre en France sans prévenir sa famille. Elle tente alors de reconquérir son mari sous une autre identité.

Nataly Fish

Sister Elisabeth: The Strength of Faith

Sister Elisabeth: The Strength of Faith

This is the miraculous story of a woman who heard and followed the call of God and ended up giving so much to the world despite herself having nothing but a vision, her faith in God, her love and kindness, all spiced with a lot of cunning.

Nataly Fish

Soy Elisa

Soy Elisa

Camilo is a boy who comes from an upper-class family. His father is a lawyer, upright and conservative. His mother is a young woman, an inactive psychologist, and a homemaker. Camilo and Elena experience physical and psychological abuse from Mario, who controls all their actions. Camilo is facing a gender identity search, where he begins to discove..

Nataly Fish

Nos souvereins font leur rentrée à la tête de la glorieuse armée Albert et Elisabeth - 1918

Nos souvereins font leur rentrée à la tête de la glorieuse armée Albert et Elisabeth - 1918

Report about the 'Joyeuse entrée' of the Belgian royal house in Brussels, soon after liberation.

Nataly Fish

Porträtfilm: Elisabeth Erkner

Porträtfilm: Elisabeth Erkner

Ludwig Schönherr | Federal Republic of Germany | 1969 | 24 fps | 14'12" | silent

Nataly Fish

Warum lügst Du, Elisabeth?

Warum lügst Du, Elisabeth?

Nataly Fish

Paavo Järvi Meets Elisabeth Leonskaja

Paavo Järvi Meets Elisabeth Leonskaja

Celebrated conductor Paavo Järvi -- who has led the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra to acclaim -- joins forces with eminent pianist Elisabeth Leonskaja for this 2001 concert with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The program features performances of Brahms's Piano Concerto no. 2, Schumann's Symphony no. 1 and Glinka's "Ruslan and Ludmilla" Overture..

Nataly Fish

Elisapie : faire face à la musique

Elisapie : faire face à la musique

In her new documentary, Elisapie Isaac takes us on a visual and musical jaunt across the country, meeting the people who inspired the songs on her latest album, The Ballad of the Runaway Girl.

Nataly Fish



Even though Elisabet's mother has remarried with the friendly dr Bärn it's impossible to cure Elisabet of her depression because she had to give away a child she gave birth to out of wedlock. Her mother and step father are the only people who know about the circumstances and they are keen to keep it secret so there is no scandal against the family..

Nataly Fish

Robert und Elisabeth

Robert und Elisabeth

Nataly Fish

Atmosfera n.2 (Carlos, Augusto, Filipe, Joel, Leandro, Paulo, Matilde, Elisabete)

Atmosfera n.2 (Carlos, Augusto, Filipe, Joel, Leandro, Paulo, Matilde, Elisabete)

The video is about the decontextualisation of the landscape and how the image of it takes on different forms through human action. It follows the operations of a portuguese company that transports portions of the ocean home. The video also features the production of corals, images that help tell the story of how these natural landscapes, which are ..

Nataly Fish

Journey of Elisa Lam

Journey of Elisa Lam

Mandy goes to the Cecil Hotel in order to get some pictures about the mysterious death of Elisa Lam.

Nataly Fish

Elisabeth Buffet à la Cigale

Elisabeth Buffet à la Cigale

Foldingue touchante, Elisabeth Buffet incarne un personnage drôle, attachant et terriblement crédible : celui d'une quadragénaire célibataire en mal d'amour. Elle ne cache rien de sa libido et de ses rencontres ratées quand elle fait le récit de ses aventures. Abrasive et corrosive, Elisabeth Buffet a créé un univers délirant, moderne et d..

Nataly Fish

Elisabeth Buffet : Obsolescence programmée

Elisabeth Buffet : Obsolescence programmée

Les temps changent… Elle aussi. Vous avez 30 ans et vous avez plus de mal à gérer les lendemains de fête ? Vous avez 40 ans et vous commencez à ressembler à votre mère ? Vous avez 50 ans et vous tapez vos textos avec un seul doigt ? Et quel que soit votre âge, vous trouvez que les jeunes sont cons ? Ce spectacle est fait pour vous ! ..

Nataly Fish

Elisabeth und der Narr

Elisabeth und der Narr

Elisabeth is subject of a girl's boarding school run by the nuns. The village idiot Michele adores her and is particularly drawn to her organ playing. In his madness, he kills the girl's father and tries to lay the blame on the organist.

Nataly Fish

Koningin Elisabeth's Dochter

Koningin Elisabeth's Dochter

Nataly Fish

Elisabeth: The Rondo of Love & Death

Elisabeth: The Rondo of Love & Death

Takarazuka Revue Flower Troupe's 2014 production of the Austrian musical, Elisabeth.

Nataly Fish

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