
Jaak and the Robot

Jaak and the Robot

Estonian/Soviet animation short. Jaak makes a robot that can do all the homework. Eventually, Jaak becomes so lazy that he sends the robot to school instead of himself. Then the robot gets very angry and punishes Jaak.

Nataly Fish

The Faithful Robot

The Faithful Robot

GDR TV play based on a story by Stanislaw Lem.

Nataly Fish

The Robot and the Butterfly

The Robot and the Butterfly

Young artist and mother Ieva follows her lover Vadim to a small Lithuanian town and together they create musical performance "The Robot and the Butterfly". While her daughter stays with grandparents, young artists meet creative challenges that sour their relationship. And Ieva starts questioning if her passion and art is worth sacrificing relations..

Nataly Fish

Robot Virus

Robot Virus

Sometime in the near future, after the end of the world, a person gets into a family fight with a robot.

Nataly Fish

Ferruccio - story of a (little) robot

Ferruccio - story of a (little) robot

Mr. Duccio engages with a technological challenge that might improve his life. While trying to fix his old TV in his home workshop something magical happens: the screen shows a stylised face as if new life inhabits the unit. Duccio and his robotic creation develop a gentle father-son relationship built on trust, care, love and passion for life. The..

Nataly Fish

L'Année du robot

L'Année du robot

Au croisement de l’art et de la science, L’Année du robot traite de l’être humain et de son double artificiel, le robot. Telle une série d'archives détaillant les premiers contacts et dialogues entre un robot et des êtres humains, le film étudie le phénomène de la dissonance cognitive, infime et mystérieux espace relationnel qui se d..

Nataly Fish

Golden Robot

Golden Robot

32 year old female boxer Steluta Duta tries to buy her own home by winning boxing match after boxing match only to find her life is a continuous loop. As she trains for her European Boxing Cup, Stela revisits the past dramas of being an abandoned, institutionalized child.

Nataly Fish

Mazinger Against UFO Robot

Mazinger Against UFO Robot

An unauthorized compilation film.

Nataly Fish

Margot et le robot

Margot et le robot

Deux extraterrestres cruels veulent asservir la population d’Aquaville !!! Enfin, ils veulent surtout prouver à leurs parents qu’ils sont capables de diriger une invasion... Observant les Terriens, ils attaquent leurs moindres faiblesses grâce à Gabriel, robot à l’apparence parfaite de petit garçon, infiltré parmi les habitants.

Nataly Fish

Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Schurken im Paradies

Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Schurken im Paradies

Et si les vilains de l'univers DC croisaient les héros dans l'univers de Robot Chicken et tout ça pendant le Spring Break ?!

Nataly Fish

Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter

Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter

A few decades from now - Sienna, a rebellious robot-fighting arms dealer, lives on a post-apocalyptic Earth. When the cities start to fall under the control of the A.I. Scourge, a hyper-weaponized robot army, Sienna decides to leave the Earth and journey to the centre of the galaxy, seeking a mythical weapon that can neutralize any form of A.I.Purs..

Nataly Fish

Robotech: Love Live Alive

Robotech: Love Live Alive

It is the year 2031, as the spores of the Flower of Life spread over the remains of the SDF-1 and SDF-2, the Invid land out of Hyperspace, on a head-on collision with the Earth. They crash on the spot, quickly turning it into their massive hive, later to be called Reflex Point. In a matter of moments, the Invid take control of the devastated planet..

Nataly Fish

Robot Wars

Robot Wars

In a dystopian near future, a corporate heist goes wrong and the team members struggle to survive a desperate escape through the apocalyptic sprawl with their stolen prize, a weapon of unspeakable power. As they navigate the urban wasteland, they must contend with barbaric gangs, corporate death squads and the terrifying truth about the weapon they..

Nataly Fish

Robot Ninja

Robot Ninja

A scientist helps a comic-book artist to become the superhero he has created in order to battle a vicious gang of rapists.

Nataly Fish

My Life as a Teenage Robot: Escape from Cluster Prime

My Life as a Teenage Robot: Escape from Cluster Prime

A Nickelodeon television special. Jenny/XJ9 accidentally ruins everybody's day by causing massive collateral damage to the town. Shunned by everyone but her closest friends, she wanders the wreckage and stumbles onto a transporter Vexus used to escape. She is transported to Cluster Prime - a supposed robot utopia.

Nataly Fish



À l'aube de l'an 2000, Détroit est, comme toujours dans cette sorte d'histoire, la proie du crime et de la corruption. Pour pallier ce terrible état, les services de police inventent une nouvelle arme infaillible, Robocop, mi-homme, mi-robot, policier électronique de chair et d'acier qui a pour mission de sauvegarder la tranquillité de la vill..

Nataly Fish

Robot in the Family

Robot in the Family

A manic search for a valuable relic pits a father, son and trouble-prone robot against a nasty villain.

Nataly Fish

Isaac Asimov : L'Étrange Testament du père des robots

Isaac Asimov : L'Étrange Testament du père des robots

Considéré comme l’un des maîtres de la science-fiction, Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) a exploré des thématiques futuristes qui font écho aux grands défis actuels. Quel message d’espoir a-t-il à nous livrer ?

Nataly Fish

Futurama : Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection

Futurama : Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection

Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection is a single disc DVD collection released on 23 August, 2005. It contains four of the most acclaimed Futurama episodes (one from each of the seasons of the original run), hand-picked by the show's creators Matt Groening and David X. Cohen.

Nataly Fish

The Girl Who Loved Robots

The Girl Who Loved Robots

Night club girl Victory Ducann is found murdered, the main suspect is an astronaut, but police are prevented from approaching him as he is due to fly off to the Moon.

Nataly Fish

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