
Une minute de silence

Une minute de silence

Marek, le Polonais, et Mimmo, l'Italien, sont mineurs depuis l'âge de seize ans. Collègues et amis, leur quotidien est rythmé par des rituels : à la sortie du puits, on se retrouve entre mineurs autour de bières, on traîne dans les cabarets érotiques, on fait des courses-poursuites en voiture… Décembre 95 : ils ont vingt-cinq ans, une gr�..

Nataly Fish

Silence et Cri

Silence et Cri

En Hongrie, fuyant l'armée, un partisan trouve asile dans une ferme appartenant à deux sœurs. Celles-ci ne restent pas indifférentes au charme de leur réfugier. Cependant, l'armée le retrouve, mais l’exécuter n'est pas une tâche si facile pour l'officier devant s'en charger.

Nataly Fish

A Minute of Silence

A Minute of Silence

Nataly Fish

The Great Silence

The Great Silence

Alma, 29 ans, mène une vie retirée dans un couvent catholique contemporain et se prépare à prononcer ses voeux perpétuels de religieuse. Son existence tranquille est perturbée par l'arrivée inattendue d'Erik, son frère dont elle est séparée, qui fait ressurgir une tragédie secrète de leur passé.

Nataly Fish

Life in Silence

Life in Silence

A young musician and single parent battles every day to communicate with his autistic son through music, until one day the kid s mother, shows off after eight years of absence, only to reveal a truth that will change his life as he knew it.

Nataly Fish

Lamentation of Silence

Lamentation of Silence

"Growing increasingly elusive. A lingering lament remains unvanquished." The life of Atun (22), a girl with intellectual disabilities, along with her father and mother, is further besieged by tragedy after she became a victim of rape, leaving behind lingering trauma that disrupts her mental well-being.

Nataly Fish

Le silence de Rak

Le silence de Rak

The adventures of Rak, who after his dismissal begins to reflect on the meaning of the word work and on the act of working.

Nataly Fish

The Freedom of Silence

The Freedom of Silence

Nous sommes en 2030 et le gouvernement a interdit le christianisme. Entrez Zach Thompson, un homme courageux qui fait équipe avec un ami pour pirater le système informatique du gouvernement afin de récupérer la liberté de religion pour les Américains.

Nataly Fish

Namdev Bhau in Search of Silence

Namdev Bhau in Search of Silence

In this endearing black comedy, a 65-year-old who can't take noisy Mumbai anymore sets off on a thwarted quest for Himilayan silence.

Nataly Fish

The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

Soon after Arvind, a successful lawyer, is appointed as judge, he gets anonymous calls that threaten the safety of his family. He then enlists the help of an IPS officer to unravel the truth.

Nataly Fish

Dead Silence

Dead Silence

The movie "Dead Silence" is adapted from the fantasy novel "Zi Buyu". The movie tells the story of blacksmith Lu Li, who after several demon slayings, constantly gets rid of his inner entanglements and becomes a real night wanderer

Nataly Fish

Hear the Silence

Hear the Silence

1941, Ukraine. A group of German soldiers occupy a small town populated exclusively by women and children of German descent, way behind enemy lines. There's tension from the beginning, that always threatens to erupt in violence from both sides.

Nataly Fish

Facing the Silence

Facing the Silence

Acclaimed flamenco choreographer and dancer Fuensanta La Moneta is working on a new show when one of her students gives her a copy of Félix Grande’s poetry collection La cabellera de la Shoá. Written by Grande after his visit to Auschwitz, Fuensanta can’t stop thinking about those women —Jewish and Gypsy alike— who lost their lives i..

Nataly Fish

The Silences

The Silences

Nuria, 12 ans, Fabio, 9 ans, et leur mère arrivent dans une petite île au milieu de l’Amazonie, aux frontières du Brésil, de la Colombie et du Pérou. Ils ont fui le conflit armé colombien, dans lequel leur père a disparu. Un jour, celui-ci réapparait mystérieusement dans leur nouvelle maison.

Nataly Fish

Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence

Gong Li stars in this low-key drama about a single mother who will do anything to provide for her son. Sun Liying (Li) struggles to care for her hearing-impaired child Zheng Da (Gao Xin) after her taxi driver husband divorces her. After Zheng Da gets his hearing aid smashed in a fight with classmates, Sun Liying sets out to raise 5,000 yuan (a smal..

Nataly Fish



Collaboration with Amadou, who also produced the soundtrack.

Nataly Fish

Voice and silence of the Sella

Voice and silence of the Sella

Short film that explores the route of the Sella River, from its source in the Fuente del Infierno (León) to its mouth in the town of Ribadesella (Asturias). It pays special attention to the mysticism that surrounds it and with which it bathes the places through which it passes.

Nataly Fish

To Kill in Silence

To Kill in Silence

Valeria and Gianni are students and soon begin a love affair. When she becomes pregnant, they have to face the decision to have the child or an abortion.

Nataly Fish

The Silence of the Mole

The Silence of the Mole

Through some of the last interviews with him before his death, Guatemalan filmmaker Anaïs Taracena bravely and artfully pieces together Barahona's incredible, heroic story, as well as his testimony in 2014 on one of the worst urban massacres to take place during the war in Guatemala: the Spanish Embassy massacre in 1980.

Nataly Fish

The Wrath of Silence

The Wrath of Silence

A mortician seeks revenge against a serial killer who has murdered her sister. However, there is a case of mistaken identity and she begins to target her psychiatrist instead.

Nataly Fish

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