
General Bartolomé Mitre  Visits the History Museum
Salon Train of the Governor General

Salon Train of the Governor General

Images of trains and railway workshops around 1920. A special train for the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies can make the journey from Batavia (present-day Jakarta) to Surabaya within one day.

Nataly Fish

The Murder of General Gryaznov

The Murder of General Gryaznov

Revolutionary uprising of Georgian laborers in 1905.

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My Best Friend, General Vasili, the Son of Joseph Stalin

My Best Friend, General Vasili, the Son of Joseph Stalin

Based on a true story of a sport star Bobrov, who happened to become befriended by Vasili, the son of Stalin.

Nataly Fish

General Pozas Visits the Aragon front

General Pozas Visits the Aragon front

A pro-Republican propaganda documentary made during the Spanish Civil War. In it, we see General Sebastián Pozas Perea visiting the area of ​​action of the old Durruti Column, part of the Regular People's Army 26th division.

Nataly Fish

The Female General Fan Lihua

The Female General Fan Lihua

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L'étonnant destin du général Luo

L'étonnant destin du général Luo

Born in Austria in 1903, Jacob Rosenfeld was imprisoned in Dachau. He manages to flee and takes refuge in Shanghai, like 30,000 other people. He exercised his profession there and sought to get involved in 1941 alongside the revolutionaries of the Chinese Communist Party. Rosenfeld becomes a surgeon on the war front between China and Japan. Thanks ..

Nataly Fish

Saving General Yang

Saving General Yang

986 après J-C. La Chine est menacée par les Khitans dont l’armée est aux portes du territoire. L’Empereur envoie ses deux plus valeureux guerriers, le Général Yang et le Commandant Song, au front pour combattre l’ennemi. Voulant venger l’assassinat de son fils par l’un des fils de Yang, Song abandonne le Général dans les lignes en..

Nataly Fish

General Schwartzpot Hunts Pink Tigers In The Sahara Desert

General Schwartzpot Hunts Pink Tigers In The Sahara Desert

It’s the Gulf War. Two soldiers, an American and an Iraqi, find themselves lost in the desert, and the relationship between them is seen through the eyes of an iguana. The American is trying to get through to headquarters so that he can be rescued. The Iraqi flatters the American, deferring to him as General Schwarzpot, and is willing to humi..

Nataly Fish

Alberto Or The Revolutionary Metamorphosis Of General Carrera Torres

Alberto Or The Revolutionary Metamorphosis Of General Carrera Torres

It is the awakening of the twentieth century. The Porfirist regime is in evident decline. The social and political situation in the country, could not be more explosive. Everywhere, the redemptive fires are lit. However, there is one that shines despite its absence in the official history of the first great revolution of the twentieth century. The ..

Nataly Fish

The General and the Tyrant

The General and the Tyrant

Upon becoming Prince Regent, the bellicose Lord Biu of Wu sends commander-general Si Ching-wan to rage wars between the Zhao and Chen Kingdoms. A small state that is long on literary excellence but short on military might, Chen is defenceless against the invading forces. The compassionate general answers the pleading of the Chen princess, Fung-ming..

Nataly Fish

Solemn Interment of the Remains of General J.B. van Heutsz

Solemn Interment of the Remains of General J.B. van Heutsz

Reportage about the state funeral of the Gouverneur General in the Dutch East Indies, J.B. van Heutsz.

Nataly Fish

Generation P

Generation P

A chronicle of Russia's transition from communism to capitalism.

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If Only the Generals of the Whole Earth...

If Only the Generals of the Whole Earth...

The fantasy is that generals will stop fighting and start growing flowers.

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Vendeur de rêves : L'affaire Generación Zoe

Vendeur de rêves : L'affaire Generación Zoe

Ce documentaire suit l'ascension et la chute de Génération Zoé, un réseau de coaching spirituel qui cache l'escroquerie la plus insolite de l'histoire de l'Argentine.

Nataly Fish

Chou Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade Neo Generations: The Onigashima Warship

Chou Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade Neo Generations: The Onigashima Warship

Se déroulant après les événements de Kamen Rider Decade épisode 15 , sous l'impression qu'ils ont sauvé le monde de Den-O , Tsukasa Kadoya et la compagnie commencent leur voyage vers le monde de Kabuto quand ils sont arrêtés par Sieg qui leur présente un manuscrit qui détaille la légendaire Oni Conquest avec l'image de Momotaros . Comme ..

Nataly Fish

The General Headquarters

The General Headquarters

The film tells about the Field Headquarters of the Russian army in the First World War — the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander.

Nataly Fish

The Generation of Evil

The Generation of Evil

Le commissaire Gintas prend sa retraite. Respecté par la communauté politique, il décide de se présenter au poste de maire. L'occasion de tourner la page de sa liaison avec sa maîtresse, la femme de son ami procureur. Lorsque ce dernier se suicide, Gintas aimerait enterrer son ami en même temps que ses petits secrets. Cependant, un agent du p..

Nataly Fish

Count of Montebello and General de Boisdeffre going to the Kremlin [Moscow]

Count of Montebello and General de Boisdeffre going to the Kremlin [Moscow]

Moscou, hôtel Cheremetiew (ambassade de France) : le comte de Montebello descend l’escalier et s’engouffre dans la voiture qui démarre rapidement puis un autre attelage vient prendre sa place et emmène le général Le Mouton de Boisdeffre.

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General's Son 3

General's Son 3

Following the final events of General's Son 2, Kim Du-han is forced to go on the lam but eventually returns to Jongro where he attempts to rebuild his gang with the brothers that are still alive and loyal and defeat Hayashi's Yakuzas once and for all.

Nataly Fish

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