
Et si tu n'en veux pas

Et si tu n'en veux pas

Pour se faire une situation et épouser la gentille Yvette, institutrice à couettes, Julien monte à Paris. Sur le quai de la gare, il lui jure fidélité, mais sitôt arrivé dans la Capitale, le séduisant provincial fait des ravages. Sa logeuse insatiable, toutes les vendeuses de la boutique où il est engagé comme comptable, au moindre préte..

Nataly Fish

The Clock Store

The Clock Store

Les différentes horloges et montres d'un magasin d'horloges dansent, sonnent les alarmes musicalement et nous divertissent autrement lors d'une présentation après les heures de bureau.

Nataly Fish

Déluge infernal

Déluge infernal

Un groupe de personnes est piégé dans un centre commercial désert lors d'une inondation, avec un prisonnier évadé.

Nataly Fish



Nueng is driving one night with his wife, Dao, when their car hits a child who ends in a coma. In order to pay for the medical fees, he goes to a pawnshop, but whatever goods that he has are of little value. However, the owner of the pawnshop proposes to give him 1 million if he pawns his soul.

Nataly Fish



The innovative and influential British filmmaker Derek Jarman was invited to direct the Pet Shop Boys' 1989 tour. This film is a series of iconoclastic images he created for the background projections. Stunning, specially shot sequences (featuring actors, the Pet Shop Boys, and friends of Jarman) contrast with documentary montages of nature, all sk..

Nataly Fish

Isn't Life Wonderful!

Isn't Life Wonderful!

Around the turn of the century, in England, alcoholic Uncle Willie is the bane of his family, of which his brother-in-law is the family spokesman. It is decided to let Uncle Willie buy a bicycle shop in order to impress Virginia van Stuyden, an American heiress in love with Frank. This pleases Uncle Willie's young nephew, Charles. Complications ari..

Nataly Fish

Deadly Memories

Deadly Memories

Two years after a women is killed in a fatal car crash, the trio of teenagers responsible for her death are suddenly being murdered - one by one. Each of them faces a horrible, bizarre death apparently devised by the dead woman's husband, a deranged two truck driver.

Nataly Fish

Krane's Confectionery

Krane's Confectionery

A woman who has sacrificed everything for her family meets a man who makes her reassess her life

Nataly Fish

Eaten Out of House and Home

Eaten Out of House and Home

The gullible buyer Žemla Martin (Francis Smolik) finally opened his dream shop. After a while, you get a lot of friends. Especially the former captain Kyllijána (Vlasta Burian), who come to him to drink brandy debt and sit on a bag of peas, where he talks nonsense. Its debt is starting to grow nicely. Later dupe marry an evil Pavlina Šustrová (..

Nataly Fish

Bell Witch of Leith

Bell Witch of Leith

An experiment in style over substance. It attempts to present the actual medium of film as the focus as opposed to the bland subject matter. The film looks to gain the viewers interest by drawing attention to the fact they are watching a film. It is a comment on the quick cutting and style prevalent in popular film.

Nataly Fish

It Didn't Have To Happen

It Didn't Have To Happen

A rather gruesome 35mm shop safety film

Nataly Fish



Alphonse and Gaston are in an American barber shop. They interrupt business with their exaggerated politeness, and the waiting customers throw them out of the window.

Nataly Fish

Every Man for Himself

Every Man for Himself

This Our Gang short has the group running an athletic club where Joe is put through a couple fights. They also appear to be running a wireless shoe-shining gig where they get customers by splashing paint on their shoes.

Nataly Fish

Rock 'N Learn: Phonics Easy Readers

Rock 'N Learn: Phonics Easy Readers

Children ages 6 and up can teach themselves to read with a self-paced, kid-friendly program that has twelve entertaining stories that employ fun characters and build in sequence from the simple to the more complex. Kids have time to read each screen before hearing a voice read the highlighted words. In addition to community library children's multi..

Nataly Fish

Battle Mode

Battle Mode

Advertisement directed by Anno.

Nataly Fish

La bottega degli amici immaginari

La bottega degli amici immaginari

Edgar, un mystérieux artisan qui possède une petite boutique cachée, rencontre la douce Lucie, une petite fille aux yeux rêveurs et à une curieuse demande.

Nataly Fish

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