
Shaolin Prince

Shaolin Prince

Le Neuvième Seigneur usurpe le trône de l'Empereur, qu'il assassine. Les deux enfants héritiers sont alors cachés par des loyalistes. Le plus jeune devient un brillant épéiste tandis que le plus âgé est instruit par trois moines shaolin un peu fous. Finalement, les deux jeunes gens décident de reconquérir le trône...

Nataly Fish

A Film There Might Be About The Future

A Film There Might Be About The Future

« Du haut de mes 29 ans, et tout au long de ma vie, j’ai été abandonnée un nombre incalculable de fois. Et j’ai dû quitter autant de personnes. Pourtant je continue de tomber amoureuse ».

Nataly Fish

Came the Brawn

Came the Brawn

Alfalfa enters a rigged wrestling match against the Masked Marvel, unaware that neighborhood bully Butch has secretly donned the disguise of his opponent.

Nataly Fish

The Burning Cross

The Burning Cross

Recently returned from WWII combat, unable to find a job, finding his sweetheart engaged to another man, and generally aware of the changes which have occurred in his hometown while he was away, a young man becomes easily talked into joining the Ku Klux Klan. Banned by the Virginia Board of Censors, and financed independently because no bank would..

Nataly Fish

Fire at Sea

Fire at Sea

The popular artist Frank Harvey has been offered a job in America. On the voyage across the Atlantic, Harvey catches sight of the captain’s beautiful daughter, and the two quickly become good friends. However, a fire breaks out in the ship’s hold, and while the crew struggles to put out the flames, Harvey has to keep the passengers calm with hi..

Nataly Fish

The Sign of the Coyote

The Sign of the Coyote

California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.

Nataly Fish



A troubled hitman goes to deliver a message.

Nataly Fish

La Mascotte de l'Armée

La Mascotte de l'Armée

Pluto, passant devant une base militaire, bave d'envie devant le traitement réservé aux animaux mascottes des régiments, abondamment nourris. Il décide de prendre la place de l'une d'entre elles : un bouc...

Nataly Fish

Seven-Color Mask: King Rose - Disappearing Gentleman

Seven-Color Mask: King Rose - Disappearing Gentleman

The second installment of Seven-Color Mask: King Rose.

Nataly Fish

All My Masks

All My Masks

Opera singer Dragana del Monako speaks about her life and career.

Nataly Fish



We observed and copied in order to go unnoticed. The difficulty of being ourselves made us create a mask, but the weight of it caused us enormous wear and tear. It is not fair to live masked. Being autistic means accepting and knowing your needs. To not live apart, anymore. Mask is a visual representation of my own experience of growing up and feel..

Nataly Fish



Set in Mumbai, Maska is the story of a retired government employee Yadav, his wife Maya and their 19-year-old son Chikoo who has a special condition. The family lives a happy life until Maya finds a job in Harsh Verma's office and soon the two fall in love. As their relationship blossoms, Maya promises Harsh to leave her husband provided he fulfill..

Nataly Fish

HALLOWEEN: Mask of Evil

HALLOWEEN: Mask of Evil

Michael Myers is on the hunt for his childhood mask, the original Mask of Evil.

Nataly Fish



A funny animation film about two naughty boys who decided to scare a girl by means of putting on some scary masks. But they couldn’t even imagine the developments of their prank…

Nataly Fish

Kurama Tengu: Acrobat in a lion mask

Kurama Tengu: Acrobat in a lion mask

Two child performers lose their money, but are saved by the masked avenger Kurama Tengu. When the children return the favor in foiling an attempt on the hero's life, they find themselves in need of protection once again...

Nataly Fish

JerryMaya's Detective Agency – The Mascot That Disappeared

JerryMaya's Detective Agency – The Mascot That Disappeared

Lasse and Maja investigate the disappearance of a Halloween mascot.

Nataly Fish

Little Hero

Little Hero

Silver Mask and Gold Mask and their gang of animal themed henchmen are after a magic sword entrusted to a little boy.

Nataly Fish

Such Men Are Dangerous

Such Men Are Dangerous

A wealthy and powerful industrialist changes his identity to avenge himself on the wife that spurned him on their wedding night.

Nataly Fish

The Spy with Ten Faces

The Spy with Ten Faces

Paul Hubsschmid is Paul Finney aka Upperseven, master of disguise. He's out to stop a diamond smuggling operation which fronts for a missile building project.

Nataly Fish

L'Indomptable Zorro

L'Indomptable Zorro

Le nouveau Gouverneur du Sud de la Californie est un homme cruel qui vole au peuple sa terre et son argent. Il est temps pour le jeune Don Diego de La Vega de reprendre le combat, sous le masque de Zorro, défenseur des opprimés. Aidé du fidèle Bernardo, Zorro devra déjouer les plans du Gouverneur, combattre son armée et libérer le peuple de ..

Nataly Fish

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