
Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Demonic Castle

Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Demonic Castle

On June 2, 2008, Toei announced on its various official websites that there would be a series of short five-minute internet movies that are spin-offs of Kamen Rider Kiva: King of the Demonic Castle. The featurettes are called Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Demonic Castle. In these shorts, Otoya and Yuri are brought into the present by Cas..

Nataly Fish

Kamen Rider Black: Hurry to Demon Island!

Kamen Rider Black: Hurry to Demon Island!

Originally known simply as Kamen Rider Black during its theatrical release. Children all over Tokyo mysteriously disappear without warning. Kotaro suspects that the Gorgom are behind the abductions and follows a suspicious-looking tour bus with children on it, only to lose its trail off a cliff. With the help of a fisherman, Kotaro travels to a re..

Nataly Fish

Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction Part 1

Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction Part 1

A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking controversy and pacifism. Despite this unique and tragic event, high school girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing has changed. They live their days like they always have. The focus of..

Nataly Fish

The Demon's Baby

The Demon's Baby

Many years ago, five evil spirits were trapped inside ornate jars to protect humanity from destruction. When a power-hungry general raids the secret chamber that hides the jars, he finds his five concubines have become impregnated with evil fetuses, hungry for human flesh. Its up to the palace cooks and a slacker Taoist priest to stop them before t..

Nataly Fish

Demonic Scandal

Demonic Scandal

Katri (Lela Anggraini), an archeologist, buys a necklace from a person who killed a grave robber to get it. It turns out that this necklace contains the bloodthirsty spirit of Ellen Morgan (Gitty Srinita). The first time she tries wearing the necklace, Katri has an accident and is admitted to the hospital. There, one of the nurses, who tries on the..

Nataly Fish

Demonic Umbrella

Demonic Umbrella

Yung Fang and Fung Yong are brothers in competition. One is married to Siu Gwan, who wooed him away from the vicious Sherry, who goads Yung Fung about being useless. Yung Fung is executed, but is reincarnated a thousand years later, where revenge is played out...

Nataly Fish

Demonic Lettuce

Demonic Lettuce

When strange events begin to occur around a lettuce, a young man calls a paranormal investigator for help.

Nataly Fish

The Demonic Revenge

The Demonic Revenge

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

The Demonic Beast Front

The Demonic Beast Front

13 scientists seek to tap genetic powers by creating a hybrid of man and beast. Years later, 13 of their children are embroiled in a battle to undo their handiwork, while Shinichi, the son of one of the scientists, teams up with Christian super-beings to save the world.

Nataly Fish

Emilio Barreto: Angels and Demons

Emilio Barreto: Angels and Demons

In Paraguay, during the regime of dictator Alfredo Stroessner, almost 400 people disappeared without a trace, and several hundred thousand were sent to prisons where they were tortured. One of these people was Emilio Barreto, an aspiring actor who spent a total of thirteen years in prison despite never being tried for any crime.

Nataly Fish

Tulpa - Demon of Desire

Tulpa - Demon of Desire

De jour, Lisa a tout de la femme d'affaire respectable. Mais la nuit, elle fréquente un club secret dans lequel elle s'adonne à d'obscures pratiques sexuelles. Et voilà que ses nombreux amants se font assassiner les uns après les autres dans d'atroces circonstances.

Nataly Fish

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba ON STAGE Swordsmith Village Arc

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba ON STAGE Swordsmith Village Arc

A commemorative event celebrating the 5th anniversary of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba since the series' anime launch in 2019. This stage program is a live capture that features cast members who bring the anime series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Swordsmith Village Arc to life as they perform a live reading and a live dubbing performance at the ..

Nataly Fish

Ce démon intérieur

Ce démon intérieur

Par un étrange coup du sort, le policier Dave Wong sauve la vie de Hon Kong, chef d'un violent gang, en lui donnant son sang lorsqu'il avait besoin d'une transfusion urgente. Lorsque le policier s'aperçoit qu'il vient de sauver la vie du criminel, son état psychologique peu stable s'aggrave et il commence à se remémorer des évènements passé..

Nataly Fish

L'Été du démon

L'Été du démon

Une femme décide d'abandonner ses trois propres enfants à son ancien amant et son épouse pour se venger de cet homme qui l'a tant faite souffrir. Le couple, désormais en charge des enfants, songe alors à s'en débarrasser purement et simplement…

Nataly Fish



A man with a stack of pulp fiction arrives in a village in the Poltava region. Locals know that his name is Slavik, that he comes from Russia, and that he doesn't drink alcohol. Otherwise, he's just like anybody else. He's just a mediocre person. He meets a bright personality in the village. She's a widow called Nina, a local producer of moonshine...

Nataly Fish

Demon Inside

Demon Inside

Marta used to be a recognized and successful psychic, but after a dramatic experience, she loses faith in her gift and develops agoraphobia. She couldn't see the devilish side of her rapper, Mario, and now, Marta is afraid that Mario will stalk her again. As soon as she released from the asylum, she moves to Monica's uncle apartment. There, she fee..

Nataly Fish

Fighting Demons

Fighting Demons

A young man struggles to break free from the demons of his past that still haunt him years after the sexual abuse he survived as a child.

Nataly Fish

Urotsukidôji 2 : L’enfant errant

Urotsukidôji 2 : L’enfant errant

Alors qu'Amano continue à chercher le Chojin, le démon dont le destin est de réunir le monde des humains, des hommes-bêtes (les Makais) et des démons (les Jiyujinkais), le jeune Nagumo reste fortement troublé par ses récentes expériences. Mais ce timide adolescent est-il réellement le Chojin ? Son cousin Takeaki agit curieusement depuis un..

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Enveloped Demons

The Legend of Enveloped Demons

Nataly Fish

L'Etang du démon

L'Etang du démon

Province d’Echizen, été 1913. En route vers Kyoto, le professeur Yamasawa traverse un village frappé par la sécheresse, perdu au milieu des montagnes. À proximité se trouve l’étang du Démon, objet de superstitions de la part des habitants. En effet, si la cloche du village ne sonne pas quotidiennement, le dragon retenu au fond de l’ea..

Nataly Fish

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