
Midsommar Night at Aavasaksa

Midsommar Night at Aavasaksa

A short documentary documenting Midsummer in Ylitornio.

Nataly Fish

The First Kiss of the Night

The First Kiss of the Night

A do it in collective punk musical movie of sapphic/trans rebellion in which a troubled, young, non-binary Taiwanese named T, is in the grip of a heroin addiction. T meets Shui, a betel nut seller and daughter of a famous Taoist exorcist who wants to perform an exorcism on his daughter. They eventually encounter a character called Big Sister 13, an..

Nataly Fish

Dimension 20: Fantasy High Boys' Night!

Dimension 20: Fantasy High Boys' Night!

With Adaine, Fig, and Kristen off on an adventure with the Maidens, Zelda suggests that Gorgug, Riz, and Fabian have a boys' night. As they struggle to figure out what exactly a boys' night is, and what they want to do for theirs, Ragh returns to Elmville from his adventure in Fallinel with Tracker. Ragh suggests they check out the party scene, and..

Nataly Fish

Oiseaux de nuit

Oiseaux de nuit

C’est la fin de l’été. Lorsqu’Alicia vient chercher Charlie après le travail, elles goûtent pour la première fois à la liberté que procure la nouvelle voiture d’Alicia. Leur soirée tourne toutefois à la déception, obligeant Charlie à confronter ses émotions face au départ imminent de sa meilleure amie.

Nataly Fish

Right Night / Larva Night

Right Night / Larva Night

Short film by Yang Fudong.

Nataly Fish

Night is an Odd Day

Night is an Odd Day

A food truck selling 'O pere e 'o Musso - a mass of cyanotic butcher's waste - has just appeared in the village, and little Tommaso cannot imagine that his fate is in the hands of Vittorio, the man who is cutting the meat before his eyes. But tonight nothing is as it seems, and even participating in a tasty lottery can turn into the worst of catast..

Nataly Fish

Jews in Space

Jews in Space

Sixteen years after she gave him a farewell kiss, Santiago is reunited with his cousin and childhood sweetheart Luciana, when she returns home to Buenos Aires from New York. When their curmudgeonly grandfather Mauricio has a near-death experience, Luciana decides to take family matters into her own hands and prepare the traditional Passover Seder.

Nataly Fish

Pitch-Dark Period Drama

Pitch-Dark Period Drama

Tales include: THE HILL OF OLD AGE, which tells of a conspiracy hatched against Japan's unifier, Oda Nobunaga. SEEING THE TRUTH, about the assassin sent to murder Nobunaga's successor leyasu Tokugawa. THE EAR OF JINSUKE, about a wandering swordsman saving a damsel in distress from evil spirits. PRINTS FROM THE FALL OF THE BAKUFU, features a tomboy..

Nataly Fish

Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs

Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs

It follows Jack, Jason, and Jamie as they venture out on a journey for answers behind the strange activity surrounding Utah's Uinta Basin.

Nataly Fish

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