
Pipe Dream

Pipe Dream

A story of two wannabe Schoolies on the Gold Coast during a state-wide crackdown on drugs. The boys stumble upon a stash of "weed", and through the misguidance of an older brother trying to replace his earlier Schoolies experience, they get caught up in the war on drugs waged by the authorities. Selling drugs to earn enough money to replace a broke..

Nataly Fish

Mousquetaires pour toujours

Mousquetaires pour toujours

Un groupe d'ex-agents secrets ouvre un club de jazz à Las Vegas. L'un d'eux tombe amoureux d'un Indien et découvre que la réserve indienne locale est menacée par la cupidité d'un gangster puissant. Donc, comme trois mousquetaires modernes, ils commencent à agir.

Nataly Fish

Rx (Simple Lies)

Rx (Simple Lies)

Ce qui était censée être une fête de l'autre côté de la frontière devient rapidement un voyage déchirant qui teste les limites de l'amitié, de l'amour, et de l'éthique personnelle.

Nataly Fish

Hillside Cannibals

Hillside Cannibals

A group of teenagers in the desert become the prey of cannibalistic inbreds who live in the nearby hillside.

Nataly Fish

The Arrangement

The Arrangement

Luis is a righteous man who begins a struggle and a moral debate with his family, neighbors and close friends when a corrupt municipal official offers a very convenient "arrangement".

Nataly Fish

Poovellam Kettuppar

Poovellam Kettuppar

A young couple needs to get the rivalry between their families sorted out so that they can get married with full consent of their parents.

Nataly Fish

Jew-boy Levi

Jew-boy Levi

Benjamin Levi (Bruno Cathomas) is a Bavarian cattle dealer traveling to pre-World War II Germany on his annual trip to a remote farming village. Levi hopes to do some business and, more importantly, win the hand of the lovely Lisbeth (Caroline Ebner). But Nazi propaganda has gripped the small community and poisoned it forever. Now, Levi and Lisbeth..

Nataly Fish

Dr. Feelgood

Dr. Feelgood

Dr. Feelgood shares several perspectives on prescription drug use, exploring the issues involved when doctors are faced with patients seeking help for chronic pain.

Nataly Fish

SFX Retaliator

SFX Retaliator

Special effects producer Steve Baker will help a woman being chased by the Mafia, but then they followed him and his wife.

Nataly Fish

Libye, les centres de la honte

Libye, les centres de la honte

En Libye, des milliers de migrants venus de toute l'Afrique sont parqués dans des centres de détention aux conditions inhumaines, dans l'attente que l'Europe et l'ONU statuent sur leur sort. État sanitaire déplorable et surpopulation, travail forcé, tortures, viols, meurtres, enlèvements avec demande de rançon aux familles restées au pays o..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Mr. 'Silent' Haskins

Mr. 'Silent' Haskins

Lon 'Silent' Haskins competes for the affection of a woman who recently inherited ownership of the local watering hole.

Nataly Fish

صفقة مع إمرأة

صفقة مع إمرأة

Nataly Fish

Le marchand de statues

Le marchand de statues

A dealer in statues hustles a drunkard who retaliates by breaking all the statues, the Dealer rushes off for the police but upon his return with the officers finds all the statues back in their place intact, the police take away the Dealer whom they think has been humbugging them.

Nataly Fish

Hunting Opium-Eaters

Hunting Opium-Eaters

The Chase after Opium Dealers

Nataly Fish

Tengo un trato

Tengo un trato

Nataly Fish



After coming out to his Chinese parents that he can only be happy living his life dressed as a woman, Minnie a young idealistic transgender is banished by his disgraced family finding herself homeless and learning to survive on the streets in this retro take of mainland China.

Nataly Fish

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