
The Prisoner of Second Avenue

The Prisoner of Second Avenue

Lithuanian version of Neil Simon's play. A suddenly-unemployed company executive suffers a nervous breakdown, and his supporting wife tries everything to console him and pick up the slack.

Nataly Fish

A Prisoner Has Escaped

A Prisoner Has Escaped

Directed by Benito Perojo

Nataly Fish

The Prison Mother of Us All

The Prison Mother of Us All

Ira left the general regime women's colony near St. Petersburg 2 years ago. Is Ira free if she returns there every month?

Nataly Fish

A General Has Been Taken Prisoner

A General Has Been Taken Prisoner

During the summer a two groups of children are spending time playing a war game.

Nataly Fish

Prison Festival

Prison Festival

Underground cult film by Saruyama Norihiro. Octopus or human? Due to close-up photography followed by a huge amount of shortcuts, the two subjects overlap and confuse in the film and can no longer be distinguished. The eerie image creates an extremely grotesque world that invites curiosity like a freak show. "Prison Festival" (1996-2006)

Nataly Fish

Battlestar rebellion

Battlestar rebellion

Nous sommes en 2157. L'âge d'or de la civilisation humaine. Les pilotes du Free Search Group sillonnent l'espace à la recherche d'un vaisseau spatial russe piloté par Maxim Kamerrer, 22 ans, qui s'est écrasé sur Saraksh, une lointaine planète habitée. Après de longues années d'une guerre nucléaire, une crise environnementale règne sur la..

Nataly Fish

La fille du gardien de prison

La fille du gardien de prison

Les vacances. L’insouciance. L’amitié de Marie et Nathalie se moque des conventions sociales. Mais pour combien de temps ?

Nataly Fish

Le corps et le fouet

Le corps et le fouet

Un groupe de top modèles est kidnappé et envoyé dans une prison sur une île dirigée par une lesbienne sadique.

Nataly Fish



Soon after newlyweds Olga and Michel set foot on the grounds of a notorious women's prison, they're arrested by topless guards and ushered behind bars where the warden quickly dismisses Michel but demands that Olga do a little time.

Nataly Fish

Prison Art

Prison Art

This documentary, which features Sergei Parajanov’s heartbreaking letters from prison, explores creativity among inmates and the art born in conditions designed to destroy all traces of selfhood.

Nataly Fish

Gokudo Prison 2

Gokudo Prison 2

Takazaki (Riki Takeuchi) was attacked by a mysterious attack. The investigation reveals that the assault is an attempt by the former anti-government organization, the Fujimura group, and that there is a traitor inside. Tachibana (Ozawa Kazuyoshi), who holds prison authority, is restrained even if he tries to fight back. However, Takazaki who is ang..

Nataly Fish

Once a Prisoner

Once a Prisoner

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

Posted Grudge Spirit Footage Vol.27: Prison Edition

Posted Grudge Spirit Footage Vol.27: Prison Edition

This is the 27th installment of the “Posted Grudge Spirit Footage” film series.

Nataly Fish

SM Monster: Nami Matsukawa's Female Prisoner Crucifixion Water Torture

SM Monster: Nami Matsukawa's Female Prisoner Crucifixion Water Torture

BDSM erotic-drama distributed by Nikkatsu for home video.

Nataly Fish

Tintin et le Temple du Soleil

Tintin et le Temple du Soleil

Lorsque sept archéologues découvrent un ancien temple inca, ils deviennent victimes d'une ancienne malédiction. Une fois de retour en Europe, ils tombent l'un après l'autre dans un profond sommeil et seulement une fois par jour, tous à la fois, ils se réveillent pendant quelques minutes et vivent des hallucinations où apparaît la sinistre m..

Nataly Fish

Blood Oath

Blood Oath

On an obscure Pacific Island just north of Australia, the Japanese Empire has operated a prisoner of war camp for Australian soldiers. At the close of World War II, the liberated POWs tell a gruesome tale of mass executions of over eight hundred persons as well as torture style killings of downed Australian airmen. In an attempt to bring those resp..

Nataly Fish

Le secret de l’île sanglante

Le secret de l’île sanglante

Dans les îles du Pacifique, en 1944, aux alentours d'un camp de prisonniers anglais, un avion est abattu et son pilote se cache dans la jungle. Les japonais partent à la recherche du fugitif qui est, en réalité, une jeune femme investie d'une importante mission dont le but est l'anéantissement de la résistance déjà affaiblie des nippons. Le..

Nataly Fish

Captives of Hate

Captives of Hate

Viky, a Greek from Africa, returns in shock to her homeland after the riots in the Congo, where she saw almost all of her family killed before her very eyes. In Athens, the businessman Angelos von Zirach, of German origin, helps her brother avoid financial disaster, but also helps her launch a career as a singer and dancer. Viky falls in love with ..

Nataly Fish

Frozen Hell

Frozen Hell

During the Continuation War, there were dozens of POW camps in Finland. About the third of 70,000 prisoners died during the first year of war. Most of the archives of the camps were destroyed and the majority of the war crimes were never revealed.

Nataly Fish

Prisonniers de l'anxiété

Prisonniers de l'anxiété

Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in North America. Panic attacks, discomfort, ruminations, isolation: anxiety prevents those who suffer from it from living their lives to the full and plunges them into sometimes insurmountable distress. Is there more anxiety than ever before? How do we get out of this?

Nataly Fish

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