
The Great Vacuum Robbery

The Great Vacuum Robbery

A couple hatch a novel plan to rob a bank: they'll crawl down a heating duct and use a vaccum cleaner to suck the money out of the vault.

Nataly Fish

Zone de vide

Zone de vide

Les mésaventures de Kitani, antimilitariste et soldat de l’armée impériale, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Nataly Fish

Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

After hearing many success stories about direct sales companies, Roberts decides to try his luck in selling vacuum cleaners door to door. On the first work day he finds out about the possible bonus in case of at least 2 successfully closed sales deals. At a glance the task seems quite easy. Once Robert faces the reality in a block of flats and enco..

Nataly Fish

Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum Cleaner

An episode from "A Bird and a Worm" series. Unable to fly by itself, a bird watches longingly a group of merry fliers. Seeing that even a snail has figured out how to fly, the bird gets an idea and makes its own flying machine. But the device falls apart quickly and the bird crashes down. When the furious bird notices its worst enemy, the worm, com..

Nataly Fish

Vacuum Attraction

Vacuum Attraction

Jeff Twiller develops an interest in his vacuum cleaner.

Nataly Fish

Vanja is vacuum packed with Kurt

Vanja is vacuum packed with Kurt

A couple with relationship issues finds themselves vacuum-packed by the famous artist photographer Hal..

Nataly Fish

Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum Cleaner

A drifter is imposed upon by a preacher a bellboy and an abductor

Nataly Fish

Vacuum Prayer

Vacuum Prayer

A robot vacuum cleaner is connected to a mysterious Wi-Fi signal and gains consciousness. A journey of discovery and self-reflection leads the small household appliance to rebel against its owner, a mentally unstable young woman.

Nataly Fish

Akado Suzunosuke and the Vacuum Slash of the Asuka School

Akado Suzunosuke and the Vacuum Slash of the Asuka School

Suzunosuke visits a martial arts master and tries to learn the 'Vacuum Slash,' a secret technique of producing tornadoes.

Nataly Fish



In this funny picture we see the vacuum cleaner, the modern dust eradicator, performing some very droll tricks. As soon as the fellow turns on the air then the fun begins. It is all accomplished through some clever trick photography. First we see two attendants start out to do a cleaning job, and while they stop to take some refreshments, two men, ..

Nataly Fish



We are freeing us from gravity and fleeing from reality. We are weightless, free. Everything becomes VACUUM.

Nataly Fish

Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum Cleaner

A colourful animation about a red vacuum cleaner that threatens to swallow the whole world.

Nataly Fish

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

In the midst of a mid-life crisis, a Priest commits a sin as he falls in love with one of his church choristers. He is now faced by the choice of either continuing the path towards God or following his love.

Nataly Fish



A vacuum-cleaner salesman rings on the door of a lonely woman on a rainy night. There dust blows off painful memories.

Nataly Fish

Olympus vacuum

Olympus vacuum

A powerful Argentine political film stands on the figure of an outsider intellectual, Sebreli, but manages to transcend it, he becomes a touchstone to go through Argentina and its dilemmas, through this country that is proud of almost everything it should be ashamed of. From national icons like Gardel, Evita, Che, and Maradona the film dialogs with..

Nataly Fish



A fateful accident befalls a woman who is about to get married. A young man who is an eavesdropping maniac. A psycho love-hate drama about abnormal people, including ruthless kindergarteners.

Nataly Fish

Par-delà les montagnes

Par-delà les montagnes

Après avoir écopé de 4 ans de prison pour avoir saccagé son lieu de travail, Rafik n'a qu'une idée en tête, retrouver sa femme et son fils, les emmener loin pour leur montrer ce qu'il a découvert: son don de s'envoler. Devant l'incrédulité de sa femme et la résistance de sa belle famille, Rafik fait irruption à l'école et kidnappe son f..

Nataly Fish

Stealing Bess

Stealing Bess

Two English twins, who despise each other, start rival vacuum cleaner companies across the street from each other.

Nataly Fish

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